The tale of the laughing fox part 17 - An ally elusive and an unfolding path

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  1. Farvat
    • premium
    • 301 kudos
    really nice chapter, I have greatly appreciated the love scene, very well described.
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      thank you very much, Farvat, I really glad you appreciate that love scene so much, was lovely to describe
  2. deleted6889352
    • account closed
    • 59 kudos
    Je vois que Edrelle et Dimitri on passé du bon temps ensemble, une douce nuit d'amour et de bonheur avant de reprendre un long voyage qui va les conduire jusqu’à Solitude.
    Je connais bien les intentions de ce vil Mercer, j'espère que Edrelle et ses amis sauront rester sur leurs gardes pour l'avenir qui leurs aient réservé.
    Excellente partie du conte Kami, j'aime beaucoup l'image ou Edrelle marche autour de Dimitri
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      Ils ont certainement eu du plaisir ensemble, partageant cette passion et tendresse, cette chaleur de l'amour avant le long chemin devant eu.
      Edrelle et Tacita savent après leur rencontres avec lui qu'il n'est pas un dans lequel ont peu avoir confiance, dans le passé ils ont fait affaire à d'autres telles personnnes, ils seront sure leur gardes.
      Un grand merci, Basstos, Edrelle sait certainement ce qu'elle veut dans cette image ^^
  3. sunsi
    • supporter
    • 151 kudos
    The fourth shot down is so hawt, incredible talent for writing, Kami, always enjoy your work.
    1. Kamikazekossori
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      • 252 kudos
      I am very glad you found that shot of them locking passionate gazes so hot, it is flattering that you find I have such a talent for writing, Sunsi, I am happy you enjoy my work
  4. deleted1123719
    • account closed
    • 122 kudos
    Fantastic continuation dear one! I love the intrigue of thise tale (it's my favourite of all of your tales!! ). The inclusion of Honey Stripes is awesome and even though she may seem a bit shady I just feel deep down that she's not going to betray or hinder the group in any way (maybe that's just fond wishing because she's so cute! )

    I LOVED the scene with Dimitri and Edrelle... what a tease she is!! I love how you kind of just 'faded the scene to black' rather than showing it all in some tawdry style (ie, MY style ) - well done my dear!!
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      Thanks a bunch, dear friend, I am so happy you love that intrigue of this chapter, that is is one of your favorites of my tales ^^ Great to hear that the inclusion of Honey Stripes is awesome, she is a fun mysterious one to write about, she can seems shady but I think Edrelle has seen a hint that is not the case and her instincts are quite good, but we shall see, much depends on Nocturnal's interest.

      Really glad you like that scene with Dimitri and Edrelle, her playful mischievous side has indeed appeared in that intimate moment. I quite like leaving the rest up to ones imagination in those kinds of moments, and I am not that great at using poses (Hehe, I quite like your style as well ) - thanks again
  5. cila81
    • supporter
    • 148 kudos
    Great story and the shots are beautiful
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      I am really glad you enjoyed this chapter and its shots, my friend
  6. aok
    • premium
    • 151 kudos
    Oh! Honey stripes will join them!!! This is great!!!
    Love it Kami!
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      Honey Stripes does think they will be interesting sorts and what better way to help them than to journey with them ^^
      I am happy your are fond of the tale, Aok
  7. Gwanuneg
    • member
    • 97 kudos
    Wow! Just gorgeous pictures and the story is very interesting. Great work!
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      Thanks very much, Gwanuneg, great to hear you like the shots and that the tale was interesting
  8. Nataly1q2w3e4r5t
    • premium
    • 232 kudos
    Wonderful continuation of Edrelle's tale, so wonderfully written and with beautiful, expressive and atmospheric shots! It is very intriguing, that dynamic between Edrelle's team and Honey Stripes, she sure fascinates them, yet it is perfectly understandable, that they have some time to think to trust her fully or not, given that they barely know her and her mysterious remarks... Yet they've decided to take such risk, which in truth is not and follow Honey Stripes instructions. also I can't help but wonder why Nocturnal has sent her to help Edrelle... Probably because this whole business with treacherous Mercer and Thieves Guild is too hard and dangerous to face without help but only the time will tell... Especially since Edrelle will soon embark on new mission to deal with that greedy Argonian, but on her place I would not trust Mercer and hope that Edrelle gets her answers about her past before things will get really shady... I am looking forward to see what happens next!
    And it was very heartwarming and sweet to know that Edrelle and Dimitri relationship has reached a new level. It was so cute when he did not even understand why Edrelle has invited him to her room at first, being shy probably, but then all awkwardness they might felt has disappeared in heat of passion. It was beautiful and romantic scene as well as love confession. And Dimitri has a heart of romantic behind his boastful facade to tell that he loves Edrelle and glad that she replied in kind, with no unspoken words that could get in a way of their new found love. Thank you very much for sharing your wonderful work!
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      I am delighted that you really enjoyed another chapter of her unfolding tale, that atmosphere of the city of thieves. That mix of intrigue and those thought about whether to trust her does describe their dynamic well, her mysterious answers do make them wonder but something tells the group she can be trusted though they will remain cautious. Nocturnal's reasons are only clear to herself it seems, but Mercer is indeed in the middle of those reasons of hers, even Honey Stripes is not quite sure why she has been sent to Edrelle's side. That new mission to deal with that argonian will have its risks but her friends will be there, as for Mercer she already sees him as one not to trust, she knows a shady thief when she see one, great to hear you look forwards to seeing what happens
      Lovely to hear that next step taken in their relationship warmed your heart. Glad you found that part with the puzzled Dimitri so cute, was amusing to write, he was being shy indeed, when their eyes met their awkwardness did seem to fade away to passion. So glad you like that sleepy confesion of love as well. Seems he does indeed have a romantic heart that archer to speak those words, she was happy to reply in kind not leaving things unspoken. Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful detailed feedback, Nataly ^^
  9. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 879 kudos
    Well this was great - I am enjoying your take on the guild since I am going to be going down the same path. I like Edrelle a lot - and it is true there are different types of thieves. Edrelle seems to be one of the nice ones. One who does it for the challenge and thrill of sneaking and getting some prize. But not one to scam or cheat the poor or innocent. I think Grim would get along well with her - certainly some mutual respect

    I enjoyed seeing Dimtri and Edrelle finally consummating their relationship ... as it were A cute and touching scene with the way you handled the "I love you." I also liked the image with the weapons and armor strewn about - very well done.

    Honey Stripes is as mysterious as ever ... she didn't really answer anything did she? She is very elusive both in speech and skills

    Looking forward to the next chapter!
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      It is really great to hear that you are enjoying my interpretation of that guild with Grim being among them as well. I am happy you like her a lot, there are certainly many sorts of thieves. You describe her very well, she is indeed one of the kind ones and has always done it for the challenge of it, for the excitement of the escape, scams are not her way at all. I think they would get along as well, she would recognize a fellow kind rogue

      Very glad you liked them share that passionate side of their relationship for the first time I wanted their morning to start with some warmth in their hearts at those words. I liked the idea of the armor strewn about as a reflection of their passion, was not easy to set up with patrons interrupting to fight over the weapons had to wait till most had cleared out.

      Honey Stripes has taken on a bit of Nocturnals enigmatic side, she answered what she could without revealing too much. Elusive is certainly the word for her ^^

      Look forward to sharing it
  10. bohlingTVD
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Brilliant storytelling and fantastic images Alexi!

    Such a wonderful love between Edrelle and Dimitri.
    He whispered a sleepy " I love You".
    So romantic...sniffle...
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      A joy to hear you enjoyed tale and images, Heidi

      I am really glad you like that fondness between them, those romantic words shared in a quiet moment, was lovely to write ^^