Grim Tales - The Contractor

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  1. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 880 kudos
    I realized today when I was re-reading the story, and comments, during lunch that this was in no way a "short story" and got very long! But thanks to all who looked at the images and perhaps read some of it - I know how tight time is and I do appreciate the feedback but also value everyone's time and I know I get a bit wordy at times. I had a lot of fun with this story though!
  2. deleted6889352
    • account closed
    • 59 kudos
    Beautiful pictures for a great chapter, I love the introduction of the mysterious contractor and I loved the legend you told about him
    After spending a period of calm and serenity to High Hrothgar it was a great fight against the wolves, Grim is someone really good, did not like the waste of life after the defeat of his enemies.
    This armor suits him very well, remarkable
    1. wolfgrimdark
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      • 880 kudos
      Thanks Basstos. Grim kills when he has to, and he is not squeamish about it anymore than a wolf would be about killing a rabbit. But he doesn't do it for sport or boredom. He does it for survival or to protect his pack.
    2. deleted6889352
      • account closed
      • 59 kudos
      Yes, I quite understand, kill to survive or for protect , but never for fun, like all animals, nature is so made, but too many human beings have turned away from the wisdom of nature unfortunately, forgetting that they are animals also.
  3. Exelangel
    • premium
    • 75 kudos
    A very engaging tale, and whilst some may say 'tis no short story, it does not diminish its entertaining factor. I like to get into the character's thoughts as they commit to each of their actions and seeing Grim remaining so assertive to his past and his actions, such as paying tributes to Mara even though he isn't a fierce believer or acknowledging the death of his enemies but not dreading it, but showing that he is aware of the weight of taking a life, it is endearing. Well done!
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 880 kudos
      Thank you very much for the comment Exelangel and much appreciated. I think you understand Grim well and what I was trying to convey about him.
  4. sunsi
    • supporter
    • 151 kudos
    I'm still mulling over the tent scene, maybe I was reading more intrigue into it than was there. Like jess said you have a wonderful way with little details that are fascinating and compelling. I did have enough time to read today but I find I need the proper length of time to take in every nuance otherwise I've missed the best parts and that's not fair to such talented and rich storytelling. As always, the images are excellent work and help support the story incredibly well.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 880 kudos
      Thanks much Sunsi and I understand. I save some long stories for later when I I know I have time to read them. In general I try to keep things short ... but as you can see I often fail as my imagination gets going and I want to add so much detail. Working on it though! I see Nexus as more of a graphic novel in this sense - however I am not as good (nor do I want all the mods required) about making images that tell the complete story so I need a few more words. But I am trying to find the balance to make things a bit shorter so people can enjoy the post in a small chunk - like Aok does with their stories.

      As for the tent ... Grim is turning the tables a bit. He is less shy now because he has finally accepted he can trust Erik and consequently is less apprehensive and putting his all into it. Erik, on the other hand, use to being in control is now unsure what to do with the "wild" beast he has caught.
  5. bohlingTVD
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Fantastic story Jonathan!
    Erik`s idea, to communicate in sign language with the Greybeards, was absolutely great, and i think, they could not get enough of this conversation.

    Wonderfully written how Grim got the Contractor Armour, and brillant images too!

    I really enjoyed this chapter!
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 880 kudos
      Thank you for the support and feedback Heidi, much obliged and glad you liked it!
  6. Tobjoern
    • supporter
    • 124 kudos
    Great storytelling Wolfgrim - and great teamwork, Grim, Erik and Wolfgar!

    I really enjoyed reading this chapter. (yes, today I finally had some time to read^^)
    I must say it was very entertaining, especially the part inside the inn (poor Wilhelm ), and the fact that Wolfgar now has a whole tent to call his own.

    ...and, if I had not read this story I might have overlooked Wolfgar, next to the chest behind all the flowers. As I viewed the images before reading I had not seen him!

    ...but one question remained unanswered... - ...What was the joke??
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 880 kudos
      Many thanks Tobjoern for the comment and glad you got to read all of this one lol. Wolfgar is good at hiding in the grasses
  7. deleted1123719
    • account closed
    • 122 kudos
    Awesome 'short' story hon! I know where you're coming from!! I loved this piece about her grim to this particular set of armour. As usual, it's the little details that most impress me in your stories, like the Contarctor's mother being a dwarf giant who took in too much fermented mammoth milk and sleep with the orsimer chieftain. And the package for Wolfgar; that tickled me pink!

    Loved the action images and descriptions but my favourite elements to this tale is the continuing blossoming relationship between grim and Erik. I love their playful banter and the genuinely touching way they inter react. I'm looking forward to where you take their relationship but I'm starting to get worried (if it was me writing a burgeoning relationship, it's usually to have leverage to make my main character squirm in angst) - then again, you're a lot kinder to your heroes than I!!!

    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 880 kudos
      Thanks Jess! I really enjoyed writing this one and only wish I had time to fully explore all my stories ... need a book for that

      Aye little touches help make the story seem more real, same for games - to me it is mods that add many little touches that I love the most. One reason I enjoy your stories so much as you provide nice details about all your characters and what they are doing.

      I suspect Erik and Grim will have some issues - the thieves guild will put some strain on things and down the road Grim will have some far reaching decisions to make in regards to Fenrir - but you are right that I probably will not put them through the ansgt of poor Rathe and Fleur lol. I usually try to get my drama and tension in other areas. Perhaps because I want Grim to have someone he can count on through thick and thin to be there for him.
  8. bison1967
    • premium
    • 214 kudos
    The Nexus ate my previous comment, so I'll try again. XD

    Very entertaining chapter,Wolf! Meticulous writing and gorgeous imagery! I liked how you described the way that Grim, Erik, and Wolfgar, went about dispatching those two blood-lusted killers.

    Congrats to Grim, for attaining such great armor! He wears it well! =D
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 880 kudos
      Sadly Nexus seems to be underfed and eats a lot of content - comments, endorsements, posts and the like! Thanks you for taking the time to post two of them - appreciate the kind words and very glad you enjoyed the story and shots!
  9. Kamikazekossori
    • supporter
    • 252 kudos
    Seems those Greybeards did indeed regret learning that sign language with Erik being so curious, they must not have had much time for their meditations while the trio was there. It is good to hear of Eir, always the fiery warrior when she wants to be, putting fear into Willhelm, making him want to climb the steps himself to find Grim. Lynly's comment about Grim and Erik being like children as they teased each other made me chuckle, nice to see a kind one as her amused by their antics. Their moment in camp was quite amusing as well with Wolfgar taking over one of the tents for himself, leaving the others to share each other's warmth. Seems those killers were little match for the trio, overconfident as they were after making another of the company fall, hatred stealing their focus away. Seems Grim is now near getting some answers to his questions, good that he has that new armor to face those dangers of Riften that often appear where one does not expect. A wonderfully written chapter, Wolfgrimdark ^^
    1. wolfgrimdark
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      • 880 kudos
      I was thinking .. hey sign language for be very useful for people whose voices are too powerful to talk. I toyed with the idea that their sign language would then turn into arcane runes of power

      The killers ... Mars and Brutus are their name and they are part of the armor mod. I wanted to give them a full history - why they became killers and have them attack and kill some of the locals at Oakwood and have a big story about that. Then a fearsome battle on the isle. But as you can see my "short" story was already super long ... so I had to control my imagination and focus on the core part of the story - which was Grim getting new armor!

      Thanks for the kind comment Kami. Now I have to tread the path your characters have as I try to find the balance of getting information while Grim struggles with his moral path.
  10. Darokwar
    • premium
    • 40 kudos
    What an awesome chapter !
    The pictures are wonderful, can't choose a favorite !
    1. gucky2010
      • premium
      • 361 kudos
      I fully agree with you Darok
      Every of your impressive Imahes is fantastic. Jonathan my friend
    2. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 880 kudos
      @Darokwar - thank you for the nice comment!

      @Gucky - and thank you as well Kai!
  11. cila81
    • supporter
    • 148 kudos
    Absolutely wonderful shots and story! Great work
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 880 kudos
      Big thanks for the comment Cila!