The mumblings of a madman and other mysteries part 6 - A path among drifting steam and a place that soothes the spirit

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  1. zeroxee
    • supporter
    • 140 kudos
    Ma'akriiva is such a teasy one, not only sly
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      She does like to play little pranks on her friends that sly one, ever playful as she is
  2. Queenieangel
    • premium
    • 461 kudos
    Nice Pictures, and i love this Fox !!
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      Thanks, Queenie, I am glad you are fond of that swift fox
  3. cila81
    • supporter
    • 148 kudos
    Just beautiful, story and pictures
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      It is a joy to hear you say story and pictures are beautiful, Cecilie
  4. deleted1123719
    • account closed
    • 122 kudos
    Just delightful Kami dear. The posing at the hot springs was so beautiful and matched the playful tone of that portion of the story. I love how your character interact and banter; it seems so natural and unforced. The images once again perfectly match the descriptions you so lovely create and one would be happy to read through your works even without images!
    Beautiful work as always!
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      I am so glad you found it delightful, dear Jess, was a fun one to write this one ^^ Took a little time to figure just what to do with poses, I am happy what I did was beautiful and matched that tone I wanted. Part of what makes their banter natural is the fact that I come up with it as I write I think. It is great to hear my words can support themselves, that the descriptions create those images ^^
      Thank you so much
  5. articocean
    • BANNED
    • 114 kudos
    I love this part so much when Dar'Akshara said "We are just stretching our legs after sitting for a while".
    And Aela responded it. "Wise to keep those skills sharp" said Aela with a wink as they all laughed, a good remedy for the spirit.

    Very beautiful moment
    and beautiful illustrations
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      I did have fun thinking up that little moment, what playful response Aela could give to Dar'Akshara's unconvincing explanation, puts a smile on my face that you like it so much

      Thanks very much for the kind words, Articocean
  6. eluuene
    • supporter
    • 26 kudos
    superb narration. I like your detailed descriptions in the story, and beautiful illustrations!
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      Thank you so much, Eluuene, I am very glad you like the detail of those descriptions of mine and enjoyed the images
  7. SydneyB
    • premium
    • 1,093 kudos
    Awesomely written and great shots, Kami! Love how the day ends with a camp and "dad" telling tales, beautiful!
    1. frank213
      • premium
      • 823 kudos
      I agree with you Sydney.
    2. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      Many thanks Syd, glad you liked it ^^ Hehe, he did act a little like a father figure that scout with that little bedtime tale

      Thanks to you too, Frank
  8. Caelrya
    • account closed
    • 161 kudos
    Beautiful new installment! I always feel so relaxed while reading your stuff and seeing your images withit
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      Warms my heart that the tale and those images have that relaxing effect to them among that busy thing that is real life, that they are beautiful, thank you so much, Cael
  9. Nataly1q2w3e4r5t
    • premium
    • 232 kudos
    Wonderful new chapter, so very beautifully written! i absolutely love your descriptions of nature and heroes surroundings, they are gorgeous and awesomely written, adding additional depth to their story. Ma'Kriiva is simply adorable, she is mischievous and so curious, that she reminds me of a playful kitten, especially in the scene where Dar'Akshara taught her a lesson about how it is impolite to eavesdrop. Akhaz'iir and Aela are so cute together, i like it how Aela is slowly changing to show her more soft and vulnerable side, despite growing in quite harsh atmosphere, while Akhaz'iir seems to be more of a romantic in their pair. Also loved the dscription of their journey, their stopping at the hot springs and all those warm and lighthearted moments were awesome, where Akhaz'iir and Aela shared another tender moments while Ma'Kriiva continued to be adorable, first asking about scout childhood and then running like that. I think in such she amuses Dar'Akshara and reminds her of those times when she looked for her little brother, ever vigilant and always ready to help. The moments with their company sitting by the fire and Akhaz'iir telling a story to a curious child were also very warm and sweet, it was like a respite from their usual adventures, wonderful time to get loose their guard a bit and just enjoy those quit and peaceful moments.
    Great shots too, with awesome posing, expression and wonderful atmosphere. Awesome work, thank you for sharing it!
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      You know how much I like writing those descriptions of the nature about them, some of it from my own experiences, so many details there are to find among forests and odd lands, wonderful to hear they add that depths to the tale. She does not need to make much effort to be the adorable one that thief, curious like a playful kitten describes her very well, she did indeed learn from that little fall through the doorway though Dar'Akshara was more amused than anything about her eavesdropping. Aela does more often show that side though it has been a slow process, she sees that one can show it even with her upbringing, he is a bit of a romantic soul that scout, you are right. I am delighted you enjoyed their moments in the spring, that quiet and tenderness as Aela and Akhaz'iir enjoyed their shady spot and the other two did have some fun with tale and little prank, running about in that warm water, Ma'Kriiva did indeed bring back memories of her bother as a little cub, chasing him about, amusing for her indeed. Sharing that tale of their adventurers seemed a good way to clear it out of the mind, telling it in that amusing way sure made the gloom seem much less dark, a nice respite for sure, to leave that vigilance for a few moments.
      Took some time to set up a few of those scene but it was fun to do, especially that one between the seeker and the thief. Thank you for sharing your insights as ever, my friend ^^
  10. derek98
    • member
    • 101 kudos
    Very nice set Alexi!
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      Thanks a lot, Derek ^^