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  1. Queenieangel
    • premium
    • 461 kudos
    Fantastic Images !!Great Story !!
    1. gucky2010
      • premium
      • 361 kudos
      Angie has fully Right. Your Images and the Story are Great
    2. CrazY1918
      • BANNED
      • 34 kudos
      HHH i fully agree with you.
  2. aok
    • premium
    • 151 kudos
    A masterful vision of one of my favorite parts of the game. The "Kayol twist" is just epic!
    Love your work!
  3. RONALD15
    • member
    • 66 kudos
    Wow another amazing story made Kayol. Amazing work
  4. matherz4
    • supporter
    • 21 kudos
    No words are worthy of ur masterpieces u create here kayol, another great tale of Saga's told .... i feel so small with my tiny comment X) everyone else has written a paragraph. i looking forward to the next tale of Saga's
    1. Kayol
      • supporter
      • 220 kudos
      Sweetie, each comment is appreciated and warms my heart I'm really glad you enjoy the tales, they're fun to write - it's good to know some people like to read them
      Thank you!
  5. Heaventhere
    • premium
    • 276 kudos
    Wonderful, simply wonderful, I love the banter between Larkspur and Saga and the comment on the armor taking to long to get off, leave it to Larkspur to make that comment lol, made me laugh right out loud that one did, the way you descried the inn and the inn keepers, so true and will make me stop and think the next inn I go into and look closer as I do hate to miss stuff lol...I have always understood the way Saga kept her and the Dragon born part of her separate, my girl in small ways feels the same, but when she finally felt the two of them merge and became her total self was amazing to read and to watch, the way she finally understood and would do anything to protect her loved ones was so wonderful to read.. the way she seemed to finally relax and accept she is both Saga and the Dragon born was such a nice thing to finally come about and I do love to watch her with Larkspur, he is so loving in his own way and he fits her, really fits her.. Lovely story, amazing shots, so much enjoyed, cant wait to see what happens next!!
    1. Kayol
      • supporter
      • 220 kudos
      Thank you, dearie!
      I must admit I really enjoy writing the interactions between those two, it's really fun! Even though I'm constantly wondering if I keep Larkspur in character (you know how much I love Interesting NPCs, the Holy Grail of mods). Oh well, he's still fun to write
      I didn't want to make the scene of Saga and Dragonborn's merging into one overdramatic, so I decided to add something a bit silly to it - like PUPPY IN DANGER! Which, I think, wasn't such a bad choice since Saga truly loves her loyal Meeko.
      Ha, about Larkspur again... I have some plans to write something truly challenging for me, so stay tuned
    2. Heaventhere
      • premium
      • 276 kudos
      OH I so understand the part of Interesting NPC, I was lost to it the moment I saw Ambrosia love Dagri, that was it now I check every place I go if there is a new char I have missed somehow lol...
  6. Farvat
    • premium
    • 301 kudos
    Saga becomes more and more beautiful, I begin to sincerely envy you a little bit. Let's say you play and narrating his own exploits and fictionalize it's really fun, for both you and us games that you read. I really admire your work, and is a great inspiration, along with others who do the same thing in their own way of course. The only thing I hate is that you reveal to me the plot of the parts that I have yet to play, grrrrr.
    Certainly someone should complain to animal protection, poor heroic dog ... the true protagonist of the story. Best Supporting Actor.
    The story is good, the pictures are full of thoughtful touches and imbued with a style that will never cease to repeat it distinguishes you and identifies you in a remarkable way. Many compliments and many, many endorsements.
    1. Kayol
      • supporter
      • 220 kudos
      Oopsie! Well... you just play the game too slowly!
      Thank you so much for the encouraging words, my friend. And yes, our brave little Meeko is a real hero. All dogs are heroes, after all. But come on, animal services are not needed, she saved him!
  7. Nataly1q2w3e4r5t
    • premium
    • 232 kudos
    Oh, wow, that was simply amazing! Awesomely and very beautifully written chapter about how Saga has finally accepted her the title and burden of Dragonborn. At first I've noticed something interesting, how she tried to split herself and Dragonborn, like two halves, two different persons... Loved the description of the Riverwood and innkeepers, especially how Delphine was portrayed and her dialogue with Saga. Glad that Larkspur was there with Saga all the tome and loved their playful banter about her dress and her "general aura of cuteness" and how they made Deplhine wait two months! It was fitting payback for her behavior, that for sure and then Saga travel to the dragon burial and her meeting with Alduin. that was awesomely written, how she felt herself and how old and seemingly invincible Alduin looks comparing to her. I loved how she found in herself the strength to fight with someone who appeared much stronger. In our darkest moments when our life flashes before us we find something... something that keeps us going, something that pushes us. For her it was seeing her friend Meeko in danger that made her gather all the power and actually accept herself as Dragonborn, two halves of one person finally merging in one. Nothing will be the same, that for sure and I am looking forward to see how Saga will continue her journey...
    Great shots too, very atmospheric and expressive, with awesome posing and perfectly reflecting the emotions that heroes felt.
    1. deleted1123719
      • account closed
      • 122 kudos
      Uh yeah. What she said!!
      Seriously, just amazing piece hon. I love how you're developing up poor little, flawed, anxious saga. She's such a REALISTIC character. I am also exceptionally fond if the smug and confident Larkspur.
      Moody images matched the tone beautifully.
      Wonderful work!
    2. Kayol
      • supporter
      • 220 kudos
      Thank you both, girls!
      Nataly, I'm glad you noticed that! I think that a person such as Saga - by the way, Jess described her perfectly - wouldn't want to fully embrace her destiny. So she's been trying to separate herself from the Dragonborn and treat that other, unwanted part of her as a temporary guest who maybe will go away one day.
      Actually, Delphine the Bugger (tee hee) waited longer than two months... she deserved it! I don't know why, but I really don't like that woman. She makes me angry. It's so irrational, but I can't help it!
      Well, as Larkspur told Saga once, he wants to see the end of the whole journey. But I won't say anything more, 'cause I have some idea...
      As I wrote before, saving puppy was silly enough to off-load the tension a bit - besides, Saga loves Meeko and would never let anyone harm him. I think she slowly becomes a dog person...
      Thank you both for your encouraging words, my lovelies!
  8. Kamikazekossori
    • supporter
    • 252 kudos
    That village of Riverwood certainly is a bustling place, safe from the war brewing in the plains and the distant icy shore, I really liked that mention of the one busiest of all, who had time to venture to a distant ruin, that one she liked to called Bugger rather than thief. I liked Saga's conversation with Larkspur before the door of the inn, her wondering why she was not in armor with those joking words of that charming elf about it taking so long to get armor off again, Saga trying to hide he laugh, to retain her serious mask, made me chuckle. It was so interesting the way you described innkeeper as if different creatures, that world of tending to an inn a mystery to most, but sometimes the innkeeper's role is but a mask one puts on to hide another self, seems that Delphine is not so great an innkeeper with that inn being so poorly stocked, at least she was getting the warm and clean parts right I like you mention the dragonborn and Saga as if they were different people, reflecting her doubts about her role. Seems that fear as she faced the dragon faded more quickly than it had done the last time, loved that change of her eyes from fearful to determined as she loosed and arrow, that strange joy of the challenge of battle waking in her, anger and fear fueling a shout, triumph filling her heart as the din of battle faded. That part as things returned to normal was endearing, giving a kiss to that loyal Meeko's nose, Larkspur's arms wrapped around her in a tender moment. Seems many of those doubts about her role were swept away as she accepted that title when Delphine spoke it. I love the way Saga is finding her place in the world in a way all her own, how you weaved that slow change in her tales, beautiful work, my friend ^_^ Seems I got a tad carried away with this comment
    1. Kayol
      • supporter
      • 220 kudos
      Don't worry, dear, I love when people get carried away in their comments, thanks to that there's more to read!
      Thank you so much for your kind words! That was the first thing I thought when I saw Riverwood ingame for the first time - "Damn, those pixel people are so busy!". It is also one of my favourite towns, so lovely and quiet, a nice place to raise children.
      Who didn't feel the urge to call Delphine names, please raise your hand!


      I didn't see any hands!
      About the innkeepers - I noticed that people often treat certain groups as different species with the behaviour different than others'. For example, we get mad when the lady selling bus tickets is not available right now - after all, she should sit in her little kiosk all the time, right?
      I think it was time for Saga to start realizing that she is Dragonborn and nothing will change that. She needs to comprehend it and make peace with herself. That, I think, was the first step.
      Thank you again!
  9. eluuene
    • supporter
    • 26 kudos
    Omg.... this was brilliant, i can't find the right words, really... the visit in Riverwood a busy as a bee town, hehe jokes of Larkspur, the fight with the dragon, seeing Alduin again... but most of all I was so scared about Meeko...and she did it, she defended him, the sweetest thing of hers. And she received enormous power from her love to a little friend, devotion, determination to save him...and finally she accepted her might, her inner strength... her origin...
    superb part!!!
    1. Kayol
      • supporter
      • 220 kudos
      You're just too kind, sweets, too kind... thank you so much!
      Actually, I was toying with the thought to go all George Martin over their posteriors and kill somebody off. But I'm afraid I am too much of a softie to do so...
      Thanks again
  10. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 880 kudos
    Wonderful tale - your writing is always so much fun to read - seriously I mean that 100% - just love your way of writing.

    Also - Kudos for protecting the dog. Protecting your animal companion is THE. MOST. IMPORTANT. THING. :-)

    Looking forward to the next adventure!
    1. Kayol
      • supporter
      • 220 kudos
      Of course saving your pup is important! As I wrote, pets are friends
      Thank you so much for your kind words, my friend!