Truth and Brutality - A Rathe Decanius Tale

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  1. Farvat
    • premium
    • 301 kudos
    You write so well, you shoot so well. You are blessed by the Gods. I wonder where you get all the time to do what you do. But who cares, as long as you keep doing it. You are always very inspiring. Thank heaven for the translator so I can read you every time in a questionable italian. Better than nothing, even if I lose a lot of your writing quality.
    1. deleted1123719
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      • 122 kudos
      Blush!!! Thanks Farv, that's cheered me up no end! Thank you so much!
  2. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 878 kudos
    I admit I sometimes have a hard time reading these as they just infuriate me lol - it is why I never watch soap operas or sitcoms. The cliffhangers are killers. Sign of a good writer when they can spark strong emotions in the reader.

    yea I want to send Grimulfr or Kveldulfr in to chop Regan up into tiny little bits. Preferably while in werewolf form.

    I don't buy the whole "oh I was mistreated as a child" thing. Your adult and your a nasty piece of work so you are going down. Regardless of the past you are what you are now. Even if your past made you into a nasty evil adult ... you are still that and if you have no desire to change ... I won't have any sympathy for them.

    Lol see? Good writing as I am ranting :-) Still I hope she gets a knife to the throat.
  3. Kalilies
    • premium
    • 1,487 kudos
    excellent chap again Jess!
    but damn Regan is so.... T.T
    1. deleted1123719
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      • 122 kudos
      hehehe, yep.
      Thanks Pika!
  4. MsFrankenstein
    • premium
    • 118 kudos
    I litterally just dropped everything I was doing when I saw that you had uploaded this chapter.

    Okay well I kind of dropped everything, went to the kitchen and fetched some avocados and sunflowerseeds to munch on AND some wine while queing music along with it.

    I wish I could paint my words as splendid as the people below but DAMN I must say I despise Regan so hard, even though I understand her point of view(as cruel as it may be) as I want to understand her character and POV about her life and decisions.
    Meaning that even if "evil" characters are downright cruel, they still have sad reasons behind and nothing is unfounded, you just have to try and understand why (Much as I tried to imagine Morelia and Aleksei) they make the decisions they do. SO I must say I love the way you develop your characters, as all the personalities are real and noone is downright evil, just with a sick twist (Just as I am sure The Albino had his reasons as well).
    She is so cruel, yet I love her.

    Yet it makes me so depressed that she can't see that he did try so hard for several years to come and get her, it was all he ever lived for until he found Fleur. But then again the hard truth is that it took so long for him to come and "mature" into that role that Regan did get raped over and over, and that is a hard and serious/true fact for her that she wont ever be able to get over, regardless of what revenge she tries to exact onto him.
    She will end up being a bitter woman no matter what minor satisfaction she recieves from the selling of Fleurs body.
    Just like a bully who bullies other people, no matter how you do they will still have that anxiety within.

    Okay rant over.
    Excellently written!
    Even if Regan is a cruel and coldhearted b&@*$ that can't grasp the idea of forgiveness and kindness.


    1. deleted1123719
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      • 122 kudos
      Rant over - priceless!

      I love the way you say my character personalities are real an no-one is downright evil, just with a sick twist... I usually describe MYSELF that way!!!

      Thanks hon!
  5. zeroxee
    • supporter
    • 140 kudos
    "...the late Rathe..." ... wow.. the intensity between him and Regan. And by that selling his friend Fleur, not good. Really good that Anna went out to tell Rathe as he has been slung out the door, good on her, and good on Rathe to give her some gold to get on with her life to get away from Regan.

    Really a great and intense, dramatic chapter, Jess! Wonderful reading and i will wait patiencly till next chapter

    I really hope Fleur's alright, and not hurt or worse..
    1. deleted1123719
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      • 122 kudos
      Thanks Stig sweetie! When RL calms down I can get the next chapter written and up for y'all!
  6. Caelrya
    • account closed
    • 161 kudos
    Haaaah, there is really NOTHING better than reading this while having breakfast!

    “If anything has happened to her… I will kill you.”

    I was just waiting for that <3 Harrr...
    And really, wow... Anna is SO beautiful, its insane.
    Great chapter, damn, makes me want MORE!
    1. deleted1123719
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      • 122 kudos
      Hehe, thanks Cael!

      "Anna" is part of the Beefcakes and Bathing Beauties Luxury Suite mod. She is in the suite and can be a follower (along with quite a number of other sexy ladies or hunky blokes!)
  7. knusperburger
    • account closed
    • 66 kudos
    The great and late Rathe.

    I hope he hurries up now.

    1. deleted1123719
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      • 122 kudos
      Thanks Knups.
      "Anna" is part of the Beefcakes and Bathing Beauties Luxury Suite mod.
  8. Heaventhere
    • premium
    • 276 kudos
    Ok now do not even feel one bit bad for Regan, what you become no matter what happens to you is still a choice... she just went with the wrong side, her bother will make a very very bad ememy.. this will not end pretty for her I am afaid but maybe that is what she wants in the end... a end of her pitiful mean life she lives.. oh jess I am so sad about Fleur, he had better hurry his hurt, tired ass up and save her!! Wonderful story cant wait for rest.. oh and Nazeem that man is just a dead man who does not know he has died yet... I think the Albino had it easy for what Rathe will do if Nazeem hurt Fleur!!!
    1. deleted1123719
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      • 122 kudos
      You know i still 'kind of' feel bad or Regan... Must be the counsellor in me!
      Thanks Heaven and I can't promise a 'happy' outcome but it'll certainly be interesting!
    2. Heaventhere
      • premium
      • 276 kudos
      No not always a happy ending to any thing for sure but I am very sure it your next chapter will be interesting, very interesting as all before it have been...
  9. Kamikazekossori
    • supporter
    • 252 kudos
    I really like the tension you built as he rode without stopping, blinding snow and forest shadows rushing past like his thoughts in his mind, those words repeating over and over, that fear at what Regan could have done to Fleur as his horse began to tire but he still rushed on. Regan really is colder than the ice of those lands, her words mocking him, reveling in making him suffer with a twisted riddle. Seems Rathe's kindness for some worked in his favor with Anna helping him, not wanting Fleur to be hurt, I hope she makes her escape without trouble. Seems Nazeem might have a deadly guest at his farm. So wonderfully done, Jess, the emotion of it really draws me in once again ^_^
    1. deleted1123719
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      • 122 kudos
      Twisted riddle; I LOVE that description of Regan's machinations. Thanks Kami dear and I really appreciate that you 'feel' the emotion I try to weave into these stories!
  10. Nataly1q2w3e4r5t
    • premium
    • 232 kudos
    That was amazing, so emotional and tension filled chapter! The description of Rathe's ride back was very powerful, he knows he had screwed out very badly and knows he may be too late, but he doesn't give up. I can imagine how heartbreaking and devastating it can be when your own closest relative betrays you and that what Regan had done. But I think to call her Regan is wrong now, there is nothing in that empty shell of cunning ruthless woman that reminds of Regan anymore. She is Momma ZuZu and that is all. I wonder though does she really think that getting Fleur violated will give her something more then fleeting satisfaction? Such vengeance is usually fruitless for the one who tries it is never satisfied with results but that of course remains to be seen. I feel sorry for Rathe and yet I am slightly angry at him too, he is not some young boy who grew up surrounded by only peace and kindness, he is an assassin from Dark Brotherhood and I am sure he has seen rotten people of all kinds, yet Momma ZuZu deceived him, like it was a piece if cake... well, that worked of course because she is his sister, but how I wish that he could at least be suspicious about her whole scheme... His heart break is depicted awesomely, in such detail, that I could feel every nuance of his emotions, mostly rage of course... Not only at his treacherous sister but at himself, for now it is too late for proper saving of Fleur, but I applaud Anna and her help, it is nice to see that not all who works in Red Rose are as rotten as their mistress and Rathe did a wise thing to give her money and tell her to go, because Momma ZuZu will sure kill Anna for her insolence and betrayal. too bad that Rathe as well as readers are still in dark about Fleur's fate, but I am sure she won't give up and put up the fight, no matter the odds, while Rathe will go after her, because the road from Riften to Whiterun is very long one... Momma ZuZu has calculated her plan perfectly, probably she gave consideration to all outcomes, even if Rathe comes back to her for answers... Molag Bal the Daedric Prince of Corruption, Domination and Violation could be proud of Momma ZuZu, she should give a thought of joining his coven of followers... but I am glad that at least her desire to kill Vittoria remained unfulfilled and I still hope that Rathe at least will kill Nazeem and his death will be slow and agonizing like the death of Albino.
    Fantastic shots too, awesome posing and expression, poor Rathe to get himself into such mess... Thank you very much for sharing your awesome work! I am looking forward to see what happens next and I am trying to be an optimist, still hoping to see Fleur saved by Rathe in time, so he could rewrite his own history...
    1. deleted1123719
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      • 122 kudos
      Thank you my dear for your feedback (as always). So detailed and attentive. I'm very mindful of your continued fervent hope that Fleur will be saved... But I won't give anything away! Thanks again hon for your continued support as I with Rathe's looooong tale!