Kynthia - Flight towards Destiny's Embrace - Surge of Power

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  1. Liadys
    • premium
    • 248 kudos
    I was reading this while eating my soup...well actually truth me told I got so much into the chapter that I completely forgot to eat my soup at one point..and the moment I went to take a bite..well it was cold !

    Quite intense ! The interaction between Arissa and Glover was quite amusing in its own right but it was good that she at least had one familiar face in this entire place ! Poor Kynthia, being a Vampire sure isn't making it easy on her one little bit. Not like she ever wanted that curse to begin with. A hero hiding in the shadows...a bit of an unsung one as well.

    I hope perhaps one day the divine will at least do something for her...for all the good she've done..maybe they'll cure her vampirism as a reward...that'd kinda be a sweet happy ending.
    1. Anataron
      • premium
      • 193 kudos
      My my - your poor soup! Or rather poor you for having cold soup

      Glad you enjoyed the part though aswell as the interactions between Arissa and Glover. Indeed Kyn never wanted it, but guess for now at least she is stuck with that fate. Especially with me at the writing end doing all sorts of things but writing ..

      Well, it is for sure a possibility though I'm not so sure they would do it - at least not with what I still have in mind for her .. (small teaser: more or less "become the enemy to overcome them" in regards to Dawnguard DLC.. and somebody has to deal with Isran eventually.. *cough*)

      Anyways, thank you very much, glad you did enjoy the Part Next one will follow .. hopefully this year still
  2. wadelycan
    • premium
    • 79 kudos
    Great to see another chapter from you

    Nice exchange at the start between Glover and Arissa. It was interesting in the game to come across him and his connection with Delvin and Sapphire. I did leave that wishing they had done more story-wise with it, especially if you had spoken often with Sapphire and found out about her.

    However, the DLC offered so many great characters, including Captain Veleth and it's good that he will be making a full recovery eventually. Interesting storytelling with Kyn having issues controlling her blood lust with regard to his wounds.

    Great description of the travels through the fort, and they way the battle with the general ended as she managed to unexpectedly rip out the heartstone. It certainly will be interesting to see how her vampire side is relating to those.

    Then a very cool ending with the quest that leads to the Bloodskal blade, then the dragon priest fight with the added nice idea of ripping his mask off in case it could be used to reanimate him. The fact that she managed to avoid interacting with the Black Book was also very interesting and probably for the best right now. Good thing also that she is not actually going to sleep, as waking up as Miraak's temple building minion as a vampire would be very bad indeed.

    I await the next installment, with a properly fed Kynthia
    1. Anataron
      • premium
      • 193 kudos
      Yeah, has been a while Still have hope the next won't take as long

      Glad you did enjoy the exchange between Arissa and Glover - tend to agree that they "could" have done more with him, but overall quite happy with the addition so to speak. But overall agree, great characters in that DLC for sure! Yeah, the Captain is a tough one for sure, glad you enjoy that he will recover aswell as the little detail with his wounds .. I just thought the smell of blood would be quite noticeable for a Vamp so close to him

      Also happy you did enjoy the Fort and Heartstone aswell as the little bit in the Mine with the Dragon Priest Mask .. I agree with you on the Book - had to have her avoid it for now .. as I doubt Mora will be happy to have a daughter wandering about his place (hence the dual nature of the books effect on her) but on the other hand would like to at least partially control another dragonborn .. guess eventually she will have to deal with that ..

      Yeah, would indeed be bad but I'd say with the constant mindlink to Garm and Arissa aswell as her .. unusual sleep shedule she might actually be able to avoid ever falling under his control .. as she usually sleeps when his control over the island is already fading so to speak to have the people do their normal daily duties - though might just be the case in the raven rock area .. so she still has to be somewhat careful

      Thank you kindly
  3. PatrickTheDM
    • premium
    • 175 kudos
    Well written. You do a wonderful job of conveying this adventure from a vampiric point of view. Great images to go with the story too.
    1. Anataron
      • premium
      • 193 kudos
      Thank you, glad you do think the perspective of a vampire works here. Also happy you do like the Images and think they go well with the Story.
  4. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 880 kudos
    Congrats on finally finishing this chapter since I know you were struggling with it for a while. I think it came out great. Nice flow to the story overall and good descriptions of what was happening - you didn't even need the images honestly as your words pretty much outlined everything that was happening. On the other hand the nice eye-candy certainly adds to the story and helps fill out any missing details.

    Enjoyed the meeting with Glover and liked that Beth added that, as well as the note and connection to Sapphire (think its Sapphire he is related to, been a while). Also great job on getting into the minds of both Kyn and Arissa in all the writing - there thoughts, motivations, reasoning's, feelings, emotions ... all well done.

    Some good fight scenes and again nice to see how you took the game quests and worked them into your story with Kyn in such a smooth and natural manner. Sounds like she did well but now has to suffer through the long day in mediation ... but perhaps she will find some insight to the mysteries that plague her during her time mediating.
    1. Anataron
      • premium
      • 193 kudos
      Thank you - yeah, that last bit .. just couldn't make up my mind with the black book and how to deal with it .. but now have a somewhat decent idea for dealing with that ..very likely next part or the one after that .. Glad you did like the overall flow and descriptions, even to the point where Images would not have been needed .. I personally just prefer them to both use as another means to highlight something aswell as to break up the "wall of text", at least a bit

      Indeed I really enjoyed the little side-thing with Glover there and his Quests/intereations aswell as the Sapphire bit (especially with the added dialogue on her end aswell). Glad you liked the insight into both Arissa and Kyn

      I personally do like working as much of Vanilla / Beth quests into it as possible .. as the "common ground / red line" to follow while trying to expand on it with Kyn's / my personal tweaks here and there .. that said also would like to stray a bit more here and there .. will see how well that'll work out .. Might be that she has some more insight though I doubt she can focus on much while in that stinky corner with the smoldering draugr right there .. I for sure couldn't Thanks again!
  5. RatherWindy
    • account closed
    • 162 kudos
    This was a great continuation of where you left off. It's good to see that kynthia's actions lead to the commanders gratitude. That gives a great companion for the future,... and a good network to high places,..
    I also enjoyed the "casual" talk from arissa with glover, eventually leading to the search in the mine.
    Old connection's do have their value,... also the armor from Kynthia she found in the general's room Will Find it's destiny more easy,...enjoyed the passages in the fort and the mine also.
    I enjoyed the images of the ash spawn very much,..
    1. Anataron
      • premium
      • 193 kudos
      Thank you very much, glad you do like how the Story continued here and how Kyn interacted with the Commander. Indeed she is slowly building connections in quite high political/power positions - though still a long way to go after pissing off both Tulius and Balgruuf .. especially with the success the Empire had in Skyrim's CW in the Story ..

      Glad you did like the Talk between Arissa and Glover!

      Happy you liked the Images of the Ash Spawn - I personally love playing around with them as their body-effects and weapons react to the [Windowlight] settings, at least in my setup (assume that is a general thing .. though unsure) .. so one can really make a big difference with them, though also easy to go overboard .. so glad you like how it came out !
  6. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 315 kudos
    You tell a darn good story, complete with great images.
    1. Anataron
      • premium
      • 193 kudos
      Thank you very much, glad you do like both the Story and the Images
  7. deleted7687085
    • account closed
    • 96 kudos
    Great written story, Anataron!

    Your protagonists thoughts, Kynthia´s mental fight against her bloodthirst and all the many other things are well written down

    The end of this chapter fits

    Excellent work, very well done. Respect!
    1. Anataron
      • premium
      • 193 kudos
      Thank you very much!

      Glad you do like the insight into the thoughts and feelings of the Characters involved aswell as the ending of this one
  8. Kamikazekossori
    • supporter
    • 252 kudos
    I like how you depicted how observant Arissa is, in her noticing the unusual restlessness of her dear Kynthia and how quickly she noticed that she was being watched as she wandered the town, a useful ability for one of a roguish nature. That hint of mischievousness in her interest in that Orc's coinpurse and how she mentioned it to Glover was quite amusing, it seems the habits of a thief aren't easily shaken, Edrelle would surely approve ;-) Arissa certainly was very determined to find some information on that name so elusive to the people of the town, shows her caring nature that she worked so hard to help.

    Was nice that Kynthia expressed that relief that Veleth was still back on his feet, something I am sure he appreciated, and how she told him that he owed her nothing for her help, shows that kind heart of hers. Was great how you described Kynthia's cautious approach of that ruined fort, one ash spawn after another caught by her vampire vision, that moments pause as she made sure she had not missed any of them. Those ash spawn proved easy foes for one with her swiftness. Kynthia has some good instincts in how she should approach a foe, knowing she could not face the general directly, using the trick of the bats to leave him open to attack, very sly. It is curious how her body did not act as she intended as she tried to grab her foe's blade, acting on it own to summon the spell that would best help her, I can understand her being unsettled by that, that control not quite being hers in that moment.

    Kynthia did find a very swift way to make Crecius agree to let her help with the troubles in the mine, that fierceness appearing in her impatience as she worked to hold back her thirst. A breton's resistance to spell certainly makes a mage much less effective, lending her quite a bit of control over that battle against that magical foe. It is fortunate for Kynthia that there were bandits also wandered the mine, letting her sate that thirst. That remorse in Kynthia was good, it shows that she is still very much herself. A wonderful written chapter, Alex
    1. Anataron
      • premium
      • 193 kudos
      Glad to here that Edrelle would approve of how Arissa interacted with the Town and Glover here, also happy you do like that part of her working to find any lead possible on their search for Miraak.

      Happy you also did enjoy how Kynthia approached the Fort on the Outside and dealth with Ash Spawn afterwards - indeed things didn't go quite as she had planned which, as you mentioned, must be quite unsettling to not know what else her vampiric nature might hold in store so far undiscovered. I assume she might be already considering trying to get in contact with Syn again to possible learn some control over her magical abilities ..

      Indeed the Dragon Priest Fight was far easier for her due to her magic resistances and in this case her foe only using shock magic. If it would have been a wielder of Fire it could have been quite different on the other hand!

      Thank you very much for your kind comment and glad you did enjoy the Chapter!
  9. etaineleanor
    • supporter
    • 115 kudos
    great work
    1. Anataron
      • premium
      • 193 kudos
      Thank you kindly!