Skyrim Meets Baldurs Gate

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  1. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 878 kudos
    Oh and I am working on Chapter 4 of Grim and Erik's next story and playing Skyrim - BG is just for when I want something else. Just taking my time on the writing as there really isn't any reason to knock myself out every weekend - so I just work on them when I am in the mood.

    Grim has finished many of the Companion quests and is returning to some Thief Guild ones tonight - so enjoying play time with him in both games now
  2. wadelycan
    • premium
    • 79 kudos
    I haven't tried some of these older RPG's yet. I didn't start getting into these until Fallout 3 and Dragon Age Origins. Well, I played the hell out of all the Final Fantasy games on Playstation but should really look into the classics

    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 878 kudos
      Thanks Wade!

      I couldn't get into FO3 but DAO I played the hell out of - loved that game. One of my top three (which are Skyrim, Baldurs Gate, and DAO if curious).

      The one problem with the classics? they are classics. Old, old, old graphics. So spoiled now. Still I am surprised I am enjoying BG as much as I am. But nostalgia is probably 50% of the enjoyment right of the bat. I would expect newer folks to have a very hard time dealing with the very out dated graphics.

      But one thing I love is all the cool stuff that was taken out of games to make them playable for consoles and the masses. So much attention to little details and you have to really pay attention. No hand holding and no simple systems. Intricate and complicated set-ups and none of this "be everything and do everything in one game" stuff. Do I sound like an old conservative fogey? lol

      I actually tend to prefer both old and new styles as they have pros and cons. Newer ones also are easier to pick up and play and with less time now than I had in the past that is a big plus. Still I miss some of the deeper systems that came with the older games.
  3. aok
    • premium
    • 151 kudos
    Awesome work Wolf!
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 878 kudos
      Many thanks Arnold!
  4. Corfus
    • supporter
    • 288 kudos
    I love Balders gate it was a game changing game for me, I always liked stratagy stuff but opened up the RPG side and made it cool. Loved the cahracter and so much nostalgia thinking about it. Great shots love what you done great stuff, I have BG installed on this PC works better than Morrowind and Oblivion
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 878 kudos
      Many thanks Corf! Wasn't sure if you played these or not. Got to the Friendly Arm Inn last night :-)
  5. raccoondance
    • premium
    • 229 kudos
    Arggg... no fair, Jon. You're dragging me down memory lane.

    There's a reason I have those games listed under fav. games, it's one of the series I have spent tons of hours on.

    I still think the the sequel, after you are done with the introductory quest and the world opens up is Bioware's best work to date.

    I've done way to many custom portraits for all of the infinity engine games, including Baldurs Gate. I know it's Grim and all, but I find the idea to use Skyrim shots as a base for the portraits interesting

    Just a little tip if you like, because I know you are a bit of a perfectionist:

    When reducing an image in size as much as one does for those portraits, it really helps to bring out the sharpening tool and paint in a bit of sharpness into the eyes as well as any other shiny surface, because those details are the first to go blurry. Those sharp hi-lights give the eyes much of their character.

    No need to overdo it, a hint of sharpness is all it needs.

    (It's not something I do for Skyrim shots, beyond getting it down to the Nexus file size limit or maybe rotating the shot.

    I don't mind people who do, there is a lot of creativity to be had down that path as well, it's just that I don't want to take my work back home with me. I spend way too much of my life inside an image editor as it is )
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 878 kudos
      Ah but it is a fun memory lane I haven't actually gone down it in ages. I got it when I was about 34 I think (game came out 1998 I think). I played it to death - every time an expansion came out I would make a new party and start from scratch. Even when all parts were out I still played it a few more times. So BG has the most play and Throne of Bhaal the least - but I think I did that at least 3-5 times.

      Thanks for the tips - I can certainly fiddle with PS to sharpen some things. Because my monitor is 2560 things are blurry anyway as they scale everything to fit the monitor. I try not to zoom in as the little sprites are a total mess. I could force it into 1024 with Nvidia GUI but then I would have this little tablet sized window on my monitor and all the rest black. I might experiment at some point but for now just dealing with it.

      I do IT work so I tend to be on the computer all the time - work and home :p
  6. bison1967
    • premium
    • 214 kudos
    Great shots, Grim! The BG series is great! I still have all of the old disks!
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 878 kudos
      Thanks - enjoying it once again with the EE version.

      I also have the original disks to all the BG games and expansions - my collectors edition
  7. AnnaMary
    • member
    • 210 kudos
    Excellent collection!!!=))))) This amazing unique smile... I'm also love the outfit and amulet of brave Grimulfr;=3
    Have a success for Your next wondrous work!!!=))))) (^^)//  
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 878 kudos
      Many thanks AnnaMary and very cute GIF
  8. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,112 kudos
    Great captures and works Jonathan main image and the last is
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 878 kudos
      Thanks - Like to start and end with something special
  9. Nataly1q2w3e4r5t
    • premium
    • 232 kudos
    Awesome set with Grim and very cool outfit for him to wear, for in such way he is practically emanating an aura of raw beast power and primal, barbarian beauty. Sadly I've never played Baldur's Gate game but I've heard and read about it a lot.
    I like your second version of the outfit representing Grim beast form, for it reminds me of our local tales where shapeshifters had the same feature, however in those tales the characters outfit or 'beast skin' must never be stolen or taken away or they would be stuck in one form forever.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 878 kudos
      Thanks Nataly! While it could be odd wearing such a mantle (since the Silver Hand has them) I figure it could work either as a trophy (as Grim does hunt down and kill rogue werewolves - its no different than hunting down Nord bandits) or as his magical shape-shifting aura.

      I have also read those types of tales and yes if the skin is stolen they get trapped in that shape! I love all those old stories - something we share in common.

      In Grim's case it is an innate ability and the mantle just a reflection of who he is. I finished his biography for Baldur's Gate - if curious you can read it on this screenshot I took (as you write the biography in the game):

      Thank you for the comment!
    2. Nataly1q2w3e4r5t
      • premium
      • 232 kudos
      You are welcome! I know it is odd for Grim such mantle but strangely it fits him very nicely.
      As for tales, usually poor heroes ended up stuck in their beast forms... leaving main protagonist to help them or rescue them.

      Very cool biography for Grim in Bladur's Gate game, it is one of alternative lives of Grim, while serving Fenrir as his Eternal Champion!
  10. PatrickTheDM
    • premium
    • 175 kudos
    Very cool set! I like how you can import that shot for the character sheet. I played the original BG, but never finished. An online game called Everquest got me for many years.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 878 kudos
      I played the original the day it was released and for years afterwards as the various expansions came out.

      EQ1 was my first ever MMO and I played it for just over 3 years. Had my own guild (Shepherds of the Wolf) and played a druid wood elf named Otter Wetwhiskers in it. Loved the druid in that game with all the spells to change shapes, run very fast, and teleport. Was a wonderful jack of all trades class. I can remember soloing many of the giants near the end of the original. I lost interest as further expansions came out and it turned into a raiding grind as I hate raiding with a passion.

      I mainly did it for role playing. I used to love going to the gnoll area (the first dungeon) with my high level druid and buffing all the low levels and stopping those gnoll trains. Such fun. Most mdern MMO's suck in comparison to those days - way too much hand holding. EQ1 was unique in what you could do and its lack of baby sitting.

      I also played WOW for 5 years but it somewhat wrecked future MMO's I think as everyone wanted to copy it. And now most are free to play ones and I dislike those even more.

      Heh no wonder I don't play MMO's any more. I think ESO was the last one I tried and enjoyed that somewhat but then they went F2P as well ... ah well.
    2. PatrickTheDM
      • premium
      • 175 kudos
      I played a monk on the test server and became a puller for many of those insane raids. It became work! I agree, I love the first part of EQ and how brutal dying was. You had to be careful!
    3. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 878 kudos
      I should clarify, since I can come off very opinionated at times, my dislike of raiding is a personal thing not a statement on raiding in general as most of my friends love raiding. I just found it to be work and repetitive after the first two times. First time in a dungeon is exciting and new and the second is nice to have a better grasp of it. But after that it got mechanical and grindy for me personally. Plus stressful and people can get so intense over it. Plus the rat race for gear .... anyhow I know people love it and I don't mean to knock it - I just find it hard to deal with myself. I am also an introvert and more of a loner even in an MMO. Usually I only hung out with a few friends if I was lucky enough to meet some like minded people.

      And yes EQ was brutal. I remember once dying deep in an undead dungeon and took me three days to recover my corpse and I lost two full levels. I only got my corpse thanks to some high level folks who were helping some others and helped protect me. Before I was jumping down into the dungeon and do the corpse command that would pull it to you. I would then die and repeat, moving the corps a few feet each time. Brutal barely does it justice.
    4. PatrickTheDM
      • premium
      • 175 kudos
      Oh, I was agreeing with you! Raiding became such a grind it was work instead of play. I soloed as much as I could too and resisted guilds for a very long time.
  11. liemertha
    • supporter
    • 94 kudos
    Now that is a sexy and handsome Grim there, really like his smile, never play Baldur Gate though, its old game right? I am still 2 years old when the game released haha
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 878 kudos
      Thanks Dicky! Lol yes very old game. Came out December 21, 1998 and I was already 34 then. I suppose I was already grown up then lol.

      It is a fun game to play but I think because it is so out of date it is mainly just fun for us old timers who play it more for the memories. I don't think most gamers these days could deal with the dated graphics.