Grim Tales - Ritual of the Heart - Champion of Fenrir Book IV - Chapter  25

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  1. RONALD15
    • member
    • 66 kudos
    Amazing work buddy.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 880 kudos
      Many thanks Ronald!
  2. Liadys
    • premium
    • 248 kudos
    Sorry for the delay on reading and commenting. Amazing work and stunning imagery ! ( Loved the music choice as well, set the mood just nicely).

    I think I may have an hyperactive imagination because the mental image I got when reading " He's the slave driver" ...talking about Neloth..well..lets just leave it at that...things happen in my mind sometimes ( well..lets just say that Neloth lost all his credibility with that mental image xD ). I swear there is something so fishy with Neloth...well I'm sure it's not really Neloth anymore anyways.

    Grim and Erik sharing an intimate moment before the ritual ( and before Oblivion breaks loose i fear ! ). Enjoyable scene even if there is an ominous shadow that seem to be gaining ground as the stories progress.

    Hm...I wonder if Paarthy would know a way for Grim to not absorb a Dragon's soul if one gets the idea to challenge him. Oh Grim such a goofball ! Of course he'd miss himself hahahha. Hm that discussion between Talvas and Drovas !...slowly confirming my suspicion. I KNEW IT !!!! I KNEEWWWWW ITTTT!!! carried away. So Mora took over Neloth's body and soul trapped him into the fake hope that Talvas will make it in time for Neloth to regain his of course it'd be the most important thing to him rather then helping Grim and the others. Crazy wizard !

    Had me chewing my nails the entire ritual part...since I know that it's Mora in Neloth's body and nothing good is going to happen ! Was really hoping someone was going to stop the ritual before it was too late...but no...the group is paralyzed and powerless...and Grim is stuck struggling against Mora's magic. This is bad...very bad. Hm....I wonder is it Lorkhan that he's joining mind with...well I guess I'll have my answer next chapter..I'll have to be patient !

    Hm..seem like Kavel and Hircine have to interupt their business as something more urgent have arose. Was the belowing shout from Kyne or from someone else I wonder. Or perhaps it was Hircine? ...Oh crap...they woke the volcano up ! UH OH!!!!!!! ( for Hircine comment......erm...I Volunteer !!! ). Poor Frea and the Skaal...I hope someone goes to help because with the volcano getting in acting they are going to be in big trouble..!

    Amazing work my friend!

    1. wolfgrimdark
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      Heh no worries - when I get busy on a project or just need a break I totally avoid any long posts on Nexus for when I have time to enjoy them. I got 4 sections to the final chapter for Grim and his friends and I know once I get going I will have to limit Nexus time if I want to finish them by end of labor day weekend (as work is getting very busy - using lunch break now to get caught up a little).

      So very much appreciate the comment And glad you liked the story. A mix of shots with some very elaborate and fairly cool and some just so-so but they are story shots after all. The next chapter will be somewhat intense, however, as I split the images up between 4 different ENB styles due to the nature of the parts. That damn heart stone artifact took forever to set up (thank Mara for the Snow White Crown as that made the perfect "molding" for the heart stone - without it I would have never been able to show the actual artifact I wanted Neloth/Mora to make. Even then was a PITA getting them together and stick where I wanted them. Even with Jaxon (which I actually do not like as it has messed up my NPC's one time too many to use - but it has the "LOCK" feature which is why I keep it in reserve - as I needed to lock the crown and stone in place together).

      Lol at Neloth - who knows although I think he is celibate or just non-sexual. All he cares for his research I think. Unless the sex would add to something he was researching I suspect he avoids it. Hard to say about Talvas though.

      I can say it is Lorkhan that Grim joined with ... although the consequences of doing that is grave and far more than what Grim expected. That was also Grim-Lorkhan who was shouting in the heavens. Lorkhan is a true god (unlike a prince) and a very angry one at that. There may not be much left of Grim after such a merger (and it is a merger and not a possession ... but more on that in the opening of chapter 26).

      I just had to have Hircine say that. It just seemed both fitting and amusing. Kavel would have taken him up on that once in an eternity offer (no one ever tops Hircine) but it really wasn't the time or place *grin*
  3. PatrickTheDM
    • premium
    • 175 kudos
    Excellent! Great images too! I love the thrown stone shot especially, but the writing is top notch Jonathan!
    1. wolfgrimdark
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      • 880 kudos
      Many thanks Patrick, glad you enjoyed it. Took some time to find someway of showing the tossed stone.
  4. BlackMaid
    • premium
    • 329 kudos
    Only on weekend , I have enough time, to read such a long story in a foreign language....but 1it was as ever very wothy and a pleasure for reading and watching your excellent illustrating pictures
    I think, your story becomes a place in my weekend...
    It is a fantastic idea, to switch Mora into Neloths body....and Grim is resistanding the two "choises"
    I like moment, when Talavas realized, that he would make the hero And I like the scene in the tent between Grim and Eric....

    Yes, it was a great reading....I will wait to the next chapter and weekend
    1. wolfgrimdark
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      • 880 kudos
      Many thanks BM! I can only hope the reading also helps improve your language skills so you get some worthwhile benefit out of it lol

      Aye I am very wordy and write a lot I know. But a lot of that is practice for me as well. I am trying to improve my writing skills and that requires ... a lot of writing.

      On the plus side this saga is almost done and when it is I have not decided yet if I will retire Grim or not. Possibly just do short random stories with him when I am in the mood. These stories take a very large amount of time. I give my entire weekend and many week nights to creating them and they have eaten up vast chunks of my free time over the last two years. It may be time to back off and focus on other things in life. I have not decided yet.

      Anyhow I have one chapter left, the conclusion, which I think will be posted in two parts as it is getting very long so I may need to break it up. Then I will have an epilogue to wrap up all the loose ends and summarize things.

      In regards to you comment on the story I appreciate it very much and I liked making Talvas the hero. Neloth doesn't always treat him that well so I liked letting him feel a little epic in this story.
  5. Kamikazekossori
    • supporter
    • 252 kudos
    It was amusing how you wrote that discussion between Drovas and Grim, Drovas being less than fond of they way Neloth treated him, how Grim's mention of Erik making that tea for the mage made that hopeful gleam appear in his eyes. Neloth has some high praise for Grim in finding that stone, the kind of words that he speaks to very few. Him remarking the ease he had in finding such a stone was troubling however.

    Wolfgar had quite the response to Grim's teasing about him turning into a grey wolf, sending that ash flying around the tent, it seems he was feeling a little mischievous in that moment, made me chuckle. The conversation between Grim and Erik about Mora appearing with that choice among his dream was interesting, showing that Grim had put some thought into his decision, he is lucky to have one he loves and trusts that he can share those thoughts with, something that is quite important. It is nice how Erik eased some of that tension about that night with a little teasing. Grim's friends certainly are one of his strengths, Losti sharing those words of support and wishes for him to be safe.

    Talvas was good to notice that something was amiss, Neloth's actions having been quite unusual even for him, something he knew from spending so much time with the mage. Being trapped in that stone has certainly made Neloth less agreeable though that is undertstandable, he is not one to like having been bested even for a moment. You really brought out that tension of the danger that Grim was in as Mora sprung his twisted plan into action, that fear among his thoughts about the truth in Mora's words about him being in control, that shudder about what was to happen to him.

    It looks like Mora has too easily fallen into his usual arrogance faced with a defiant Grim, something he never learns from, always too confident in his machinations and it seems one has appeared to derail his plan. I do wonder whose furious voice boomed across that unusual sky. I liked how you showed the perspective of Hircine and Frea sensing that power being thrown around from where they stood on that island. I am very intrigued to see what will unfold next, fantastic work, Jonathan
    1. wolfgrimdark
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      • 880 kudos
      Big thanks for checking out the story Alexi! I know you have been away on vacation so I expect you have been busy with catch up. Hope you are also enjoying Witcher 3 still

      I am winding down after this. Just the big conclusion (which I suspect will be two parts both posted at the same time) and epilogue (which is intended to just wrap up loose ends and give a sense of closure to things) left to do. After that I am not sure anymore.

      I appreciate the nice comment and glad you enjoyed the more subtle and quiet bits of the story that I like to add - the discussions between the lads, the things with Wolfgar, the good times together, etc.

      I will leave with a small spoiler as it will be in the very opening of the next chapter and not really a spoiler since it is clear Grim accepted Lorkhans offer at the end of the story. The voice shouting across the sky is Grim-Lorkhan, or the God Lorkhan made flesh via Grim.

      Lastly to explain the sky, as I didn't really go into detail on it, when Mora was just about to finish the spell he was doing a plane meld at the same time - using the energies of the stone. The green sky was a quick glimpse of Apocrypha in Solstheim. But then the rock hit him in the head and the planemeld was stopped. Next was Lorkhan coming to power and that was the other reactions you saw from Hircine, Kavel, and Frea.

  6. deleted2364420
    • account closed
    • 119 kudos
    awsome wolf realy beautiful images with amazing lighting colour and effects have a great feel to them

    your writing skills are also amazing

    great work and thank you good luck
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 880 kudos
      Appreciate the comment very much Mikie, thank you for stopping by and checking out the story.
  7. LadyofChaos
    • account closed
    • 318 kudos
    Amazing work!!
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 880 kudos
      My thanks Lady Chaos!
  8. Demonikone
    • premium
    • 60 kudos
    Another great installment...

    Enjoyed it emmensly
    1. wolfgrimdark
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      • 880 kudos
      Many thanks Demonikone for checking out the story and shots!
  9. Nataly1q2w3e4r5t
    • premium
    • 232 kudos
    Oh, wow that was epic chapter with lots of suspense, great intrigue and intense cliffhanger! Great shots with amazing posing... the ones with pseudo Neloth and poor Grim during ritual with heartstone on his chest are superb and I imagine how it was hard to make such images.

    The beginning of the chapter was serene enough, that talks about tea and Erik being his usual sweet self with Neloth acting even more unbearable than usual, according to Talvas and Drovas. Also it very lovely moments grim and Erik did share, it was like calm before the storm... i chuckled about Grim saying that mentions of Mora can serve as perfect mood killer, lol. I like the humor in stories and nice to know that Grim was in good mood back then...

    I was actually very surprised with Talvas and his unusual perception! Neloth likes to look down on him (although he does so with everyone) but I guess if things turn right, maybe cranky wizard will have more respect for his brave apprentice. Knowing Neloth for quite some time he did notice something off and his suspicions proved to be right... only I wish Talvas made his brilliant guess sooner! Neloth in heart stone was sad but also amusing sight and Talvas should be given a medal for his tough decision NOT toss his master in the sea!

    And while Talvas was busy with following Neloth directions, Mora used everything to his advantage and finally did catch Grim in trap! It was very devastating sight to see... all Grim friends being paralyzed with gloating Mora who almost got everything he hoped for, like getting new artifact, Grim and dragon souls and organizing little Planemeld by tying Solstheim with Apocrypha so it would be his testing ground... he nearly did such thing, when Miraak ruled Solstheim but Miraak was forced to flee in Apocrypha but looks like Mora never given up... his sadistic treatment of Grim was very painful. Despite hating Mora as much as Grim, Dannee suffered from him less then Grim for Mora want her intact, in both soul and body... with Grim looks like his unique soul posses main interest to Mora.
    Hopefully due to Talvas intervention and Lorkhan presence Grim won't die! I so hope for some sort if not happy but not totally tragic ending... I wonder what Lorkhan plans to do if he manifests on Nirn... would his quest be revenge, will Grim die or be possessed by him, what will happen to Solstheim... So many questions! Frea sure was shocked to see such strange sights while Hircine was very blunt in his observations... hopefully Red Mountain won't explode or it will destroy what was left of Morrowind and gods know what else...
    Thank you very much for sharing your awesome work and I would look forward for continuation!
    1. wolfgrimdark
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      • 880 kudos
      Thanks very much for the kind and generous comment Nataly! I was wondering how you would view this chapter so appreciate the comment very much.

      I do like to start out a bit easy and build up to things - both in a chapter that is approaching the ending as well as the overall story. Course this story line started with a trip to Apocrypha so Grim may disagree with me. I also wanted Grim and Erik to have a little time together before the ritual since they never know what another day might bring. I didn't make it too big of a deal if only because there previous stories were the hand-fasting and all their time at their tree-home so I think they got a lot of mushy time together. Yet with Mora and Lorkhan both interested in Grim it made sense they would spend a little quality time together.

      Before I wrote this I went through all the dialogue with Talvas and even had him as a follower for awhile. He respects Neloth for his ability but also thinks he is a horrible teacher. I think he sees Neloth as a great opportunity while at the same time somewhat appalled at his lack of concern towards people, himself in particular. Yet they have spent some time together and a good apprentice would quickly learn Neloths moods - as it would be important when to know you could ask for something and when not to bother the Master. Also when to avoid him all together. So I figured out of all of them Talvas would know best.

      I was a bit worried about using Mora again - but way back when I did the Eye of Magnus quest with Mora I already knew back then that Grim would have another confrontation with Mora on Solstheim. So it was planned even though some of it seems to be a repeat. Mora trapping him and forcing him to make a choice ... and then something happening to wreck Mora's trap. Yet not a lot of options. So instead I made sure that things leading up to the choice were very different then the ones with the Eye of Magnus ... and also the events right after would be very different. So hopefully people don't mind the repeat too much.

      I am glad you mentioned the plans of Miraak (was hoping some others would pick up that) as I did that very much on purpose. Miraak failed to achieve his goal, which I think Mora was ambivalent about really - which makes sense being who he is. He says at the end of the quest line that he has a new dragonborn to play with. The Princes are bored and like new pets. Either way is a win-win for Mora. He can watch Miraak do the planemeld (of sorts) and learn from that or get a new Dragonborn. I think both were of equal interest as Mora did not kill Miraak at first but then he also helped the Dragonborn (of course mainly to get those secrets but it did work against Miraak). Anyhow Mora decided this was another chance to get a champion or Solstheim and a new toy at the same time.

      As for the questions - more very soon as I am already well into the next chapter with many shots done.

      Sorry about the blunt language it was just fitting in my mind. Plus there was just something I really, really liked about the idea of Hircine saying something like that as he hears Grim-Lorkhan shouting across the heavens that he was going to make Mora pay and Red Mountain was rumbling (but no worries - the Dunmer and Morrowind will be okay - why I will explain in the next chapter. It just looks bad for now to Hircine and Frea because they don't know what is really happening).

      Thanks again for the comment and I am as eager to publish the conclusion (and also the epilogue) as I hope others are to read it.
  10. RatherWindy
    • account closed
    • 162 kudos
    That was great,...
    I love how you knotted all the "loose" ends together in this chapter, that's some great writing you did there and the planning of the whole story is really well done,..
    It's kind of mindblowing to realise that even Grim could be paralyzed to such an extend that he could not do anything significant about it.
    How wonderfull it is that the apprentice is the one to save the day,...
    I am curious as to how Lorkhan will react further, now that he has gained acces,...

    Very beautifull images to go with you story, the shots where Grim is laying down with the heartstone on him and draining the souls out of him are just awesome, really well done,..
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 880 kudos
      Thank you for stopping by Janswin! I have some less than perfect plot points (I probably shouldn't mention them though on the off-chance people didn't notice them lol) but I try hard to keep good notes and make things have some logical sense. I find it much harder on this medium though. Unlike a book, where you can edit and edit and edit ... once you post a story its "canon" and can make it hard if you screwed up something. I try hard not to do that but now and then I have to twist a few things that I hadn't planned well enough.

      Overall I happy with Grim's stories though, especially this one. Grim abhors soul abuse and so he is very passionate about freeing the dragon souls. Others might ask why bother if so much risk? For Grim it goes against who he is on a very deep level. So even with the risk he was willing to try it. He knew Mora was up to something but he never expected he would posses Neloth. He expected a more direct attack and so he felt at worst the ritual would be stopped. I think if he had known what was coming he would have waited for a better time.

      Grim lost a lot of his divine powers at the end of Chapter 3 when he used them to save Fenrir. So even with the ley line from the Fire/Nirn well he was no match for a Prince. Of course Mora is limited as well - the barrier prevents a prince from coming across in true form with all their powers. But he could use all of Neloth's resources and Neloth is very powerful. Worse is the fact that while Mora can't bring all his power he still has his knowledge of the arcane and hence knows way more spells then Neloth. A possessed Neloth-Mora is a very dangerous enemy.

      I like having the underdog save the day now and then. I also often have Grim saved by others as I just like to show team work (pack mates, friends) being effective. Grim is strong because of his pack and because he values other people. He sees love and friendship as a strength while many see it as a weakness.

      You will find out more about Grim-Lorkhan very soon