Phoenix Burning - Epilogue

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  1. pangallosr
    • member
    • 52 kudos
    slogging..... like it was some toilsome task.. not at all! You provided great moments of enjoyment.
    So take your break..... take care of rl...... and get back to us soon. Even if you don't write.... just enjoy everyone elses labors for awhile.
    Thank You Jess
    1. deleted1123719
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      • 122 kudos
      Thanks hon - I guess I said slogging because it felt like that for me at times!! Hehe.

  2. aok
    • premium
    • 151 kudos
    It has been an epic journey my dear dear friend. ((BIG HUG))
    But it was only fitting as Wolf pointed out below for you to leave us with a cliffhanger!!!
    Good to know Rathe may show up now and again. And I must say as Jade's vision suggested I can TOTALY see Rathe in the Fallout 4 world still trying to atone! (Look for the Death Dealer there as well)
    Anyhow there is still clearly some mischief Quin can cause as he continues to be played in the Great Game.
    Hope to see you soon hon!
    1. deleted1123719
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      • 122 kudos
      Thanks hon - glad you enjoyed the journey and yep, you'll never know where Broody might show up!
  3. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 880 kudos
    Your signature epilogue! How very appropriate for the book series and your style as a writer Jess - actually liked it ... perhaps because this time it wasn't Rathe in the cliff-hanger. Quin shall make an excellent "Freddy Kruegar" for Vaermina. True nightmares are just going to get started it seems.Very well done my friend!
    1. deleted1123719
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      • 122 kudos
      Hahaha, signature cliffhanger! Love it. Yeah, in a way you're right. I WAS going to have Quin die until a few chapters beforehand then I thought, wait, what? No ongoing hook? Can I really do that?

      Glad you appreciated this old hack's tools
  4. Kamikazekossori
    • supporter
    • 252 kudos
    I had a bad feeling when Quin was swept off that mountain leaving one to wonder whether he had died, it seems Nirn did not have the luck of that twisted sort perishing to wounds and cold. I see another daedric prince seeks to use him as a tool for more schemes, a chance to best Beothia in that eternal game of princes. Has been quite the journey following the path of Rathe with is twists and turns, your descriptions of Rathe in his element and that shadowy realm of Skyrim in which wandered were always enjoyable to read, you really weaved and excellent tale, my friend ^^
    1. deleted1123719
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      • 122 kudos
      Thanks Alexi! I know the dark subject matter of my tales hasn't always been to everyone's taste and I hope it never got too dark for you! I've so enjoyed your comments throughout Rathes tale; you always see between the lines and pick up on my subtleties... something I've always deeply appreciated from you. I'm not yet sure if i'll be continuing to write or post on the nexus; just enjoying some time off for the moment! But that you deeply for your continued support and commitment to myself and Rathe!
  5. wadelycan
    • premium
    • 79 kudos
    Vaermina? Here I thought it was the Night Mother ready to send his soul to Sithis to receive judgement. Well, a plot twist in an epilogue, pretty cool.

    Even though I was late to the game here on Nexus, I have enjoyed getting caught up on all of the great works here and I still have much work to do on yours. It's been fun and hopefully we will see more in the future, even if it's not Skyrim.
    1. deleted1123719
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      • 122 kudos
      Thanks hon! I've enjoyed your comments too and I'm also liking your stories too - you bring something fresh to the world we've come to know so well. Maybe that's because you are new to it? Anyway, I'm glad you've enjoyed Rathe's tale and there may well be more from me!
  6. AmadanBezerk
    • supporter
    • 40 kudos
    Now the equally vile Vaermina wants a piece of Quin....She just seized his putrid soul and brought it to Her Plane of Quagmire before it escaped his slowly freezing carcass on it's own.

    These damned Daedra can never leave well enough alone, can they now??

    Many warm and kind thanks for such a wonderful Saga.... I sincerely hope to see some more of your impeccable work in the future, Jess, hearty cheers, dear!
    1. deleted1123719
      • account closed
      • 122 kudos
      Quin, like Rathe, just seems to be a beacon for these malevolent deities. Must be the reek of death and vengeance about them! But, as every Batman has The Joker, so must every Rathe have his quin!

      Thanks for your insightful and oftentimes hilarious comments throughout Rathe's tale; you've brought a smile to my face many a time! Not sure what I'll be doing for now, but as a wise man once said, 'watch the skies traveller'... same guy who took an arrow to the knee. True story.
  7. Isleen
    • supporter
    • 126 kudos
    What does it need to kill this man ?
    Quin not already dead ? Unbelievable.
    The epilogue to implement Vaermina into the story was outstanding jess.
    Really a great work and I'm curious how his soul will come back to Nirn.

    1. deleted1123719
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      • 122 kudos
      Decapitation I think

      Thanks hon. Yes, it's open ended so if I decide to ever come back to Rathe I can. But I don't know if I ever will. So feel free to imagine whatever outcome for Rathe or Quin you like! With your unique mind I'm sure it'd be awesome!
    2. Isleen
      • supporter
      • 126 kudos
      Oh I better do not start to think about it. I'm busy enough to figure out Saarhs opening story, but I feel a bit sad, that you'll stop writing for the moment (although I can really understand it).

      Hope you come back with another awesome tale, hon
    3. deleted1123719
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      • 122 kudos
      I probably will; I've tried 'quitting' before, it doesn't usually take
  8. frank213
    • premium
    • 823 kudos
    excellent as all of you Jess
    1. deleted1123719
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      • 122 kudos
      Thanks Frank!
  9. Nataly1q2w3e4r5t
    • premium
    • 232 kudos
    This was awesome and kinda open epilogue! Oh and this sure was like an answer to my earlier words that worst ones tend to survive and so Quin is not dead, but gained a new master, still filled with revenge and desire to get a payback to Rathe, only now with Vaermina. Rathe sure has new immortal enemy to know to watch over and that sure can spice up things...

    Thank you very much for sharing this awesome tale about Rathe! I followed his adventures from very first chapter, very beginning and this tale holds special place in my heart. Maybe even if you will never write about him again, you will still have an inspiration to do other work in Skyrim?
    1. deleted1123719
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      • 122 kudos
      Thanks my dear! So true that sometimes life is so unfair; Rathe must face his trials but Quin gets his second chance handed to him on a silver platter... although when it comes to Daedric Princes, perhaps not so silver. vaermina might well grant him some kind of sight and even vengeance but at what cost?

      Ah but that's another tale! I have a million ideas for future Rathe stories (Quin being one, the product off Rathe and Jade's one night stand being another ) but I don't know if I ever will write it. I do have another idea for a new character story but also not sure if I'll write that. At the moment I'm busy levelling him up, but whether I'll write him... we'll just have to wait and see

      Again, from the very depths of my heart, thank you so much for journeying with me and Rathe during the years. I've loved your company every step of the way!!
  10. Liadys
    • premium
    • 248 kudos
    I really was hoping he'd be dead...but nope....sigh he just can't die now can he. Broken and betrayed..interesting that Vaermina of all the princes would take interest in Quin...sounds like Rathe will have an immortal enemy to watch out for.

    Well sweetie you really out did yourself ! It was amazing
    1. deleted1123719
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      • 122 kudos
      Well, if there's one thing an immortal anti-hero needs it's an immortal enemy

      Just can't keep a good (or bad) guy down!

      Glad you enjoyed that ride hon!!