A List of Nexus Writers and Their Stories of Adventure

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A List of Nexus Writers and Their Stories of Adventure

This post is meant as a reference to current authors on Nexus in the Skyrim image share section. My goal is to keep this post up to date with current authors with a link to their user page and a brief description of what they write about. See the sticky comment for more details.

If you are a current writer on Nexus and don't see your name then please send me a PM and I will add you!


LATEST UPDATE 2021-04-25

Moved all the inactive authors to the bottom
Added thesarantis
Added serkethetyt
Added Simboker


Blackmaid - Random Stories (SEMI-ACTIVE)

This author enjoys writing a variety of stories. Some revolve around her main character and others are loosely tied to Skyrim and characters she makes.

Liadys - Numerous tales of adventure (ACTIVE)

Liadys tells stories of the Greater Daedra from Oblivion as well as an intricate story-line involving a troubled family trying to find their way again.

Nataly - Romance and Intrigue with Dannee and Sam (ACTIVE)

In the classic theme of fantasy romance novels read about the prideful and beautiful Dannee and her turbulent romance with a Daedric Prince, Sanguine ... otherwise known as Sam.

Simboker - Tales of 5 Fabulous Heorines (ACTIVE)

A story about the Heroines of Tamriel, 5 brave Nord Shieldmaidens fighting against all kinds of evil and diabolic forces which have been unleashed upon Skyrim.

serkethetyt - A Skyrim's Tale - 1 - Who are you Prisoner (ACTIVE)

Here in Nexus I post "A Skyrim's Tale", the adventures of a nord shieldmaiden named Aslög, born somewhere in Skyrim. For undscovered reasons, her true parents where murdered by Empire Legionaires and she was raised by a merchant couple all along Cyrodiil.
Aslög is a clever woman, with a sarcastic and dark personality, a steel strenght and a fierce combat skill, but is also someone with a sense of justice and humanity. She's protector of her loved ones, a loyal and a fair friend, creative, independent and intuitive. In her dark side, she tends to be a lone wolf, with depressive moments and anxiety outbreaks about always being the bearer of bad luck for anyone who's next to her.
With no information of the past of her family she became prisoner in her own country when she is orphaned once again, between a civil war, political plots and the return of a legendary dragon, that was said to bring end of the world as we know.

thesarantis - The Shield Saga (ACTIVE)

Shield is an organization destined to fight injustice, to secure the safety of Tamrielic inhabitants and to eliminate evil wherever it is lurking! It was founded in 4E 202 by Perek, Serana, Teldryn Sero and Adelaisa Vendicci which are the 4 Cornerstone agents of the organization. There are also 6 Grandmaster agents and several other Hypaspist agents. Shield's base of operations is the Citadel south of Falkreath situated in a valley surrounded by mountains. In my page you will find agents' backstories as well as faction's missions everywhere in Tamriel and beyond."

Wadelycan - The Last Dragonborn (ACTIVE)

Meet Thane Ellandra and learn about her adventures as the Last Dragonborn in Skyrim. This tale has some unusual twists and turns that set it apart from the vanilla story.


Anataron - Adventures of Kynthia, Adventures of Synnassa (INACTIVE)

Join Kynthia as she struggles to control her dark instincts in her adventures across Skyrim.

Synnassa is a snarky and narcisstic mer whose style is exceeded only by her amusing wit.

Aok - Evil Company with Ripp, Silke, and Death Dealer. A celebration of the anti-hero's. (INACTIVE)

A series of stories in the Heavy Metal genre of a graphic comic book.

austinlyle0 - The Adventures of Grayson (INACTIVE)

A collection of short stories around Austin's character Grayson

Darksaber87 - Richter and Maria (INACTIVE)

This story is about Richter and Maria's epic struggle for vengeance. Journey
along with this amazing pair and learn about their back stories and why
they are out seeking vengeance. Richter is an ancient Vampire who has
vowed to hunt his own kind for vengeance. Maria is a vampire hunter,
trained by the Vigil, and currently with the Dawnguard.

Excellentium - Random Stories (INACTIVE)

This author enjoys writing a variety of stories that often involve vanilla
quests but from the view point of one of their many characters. Other
stories follow the life and times of different characters they play.

Kamikazekossori - Adventures of the Rogue Edrelle and her Friends (INACTIVE)

Meet Edrelle and her band of loyal friends as she travels across Skyrim relieving the Nobles of their gold and helping the poor.

Kayol - Philosophy, musings, and random adventures of Saga (INACTIVE)

It is hard to describe Kayol's work. It is true word-smithing. She isn't
just a fan-fiction writer. Her stories are on the same level of quality
of well published authors. Yet they are not really stories like most
think of them. They are often just views on life, explorations of ideas,
all loosely tied to the adventures of her character Saga.


  1. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 881 kudos
    I have come up with the perfect way to host this list as a mod along with a story making guide. Will take some time to set up but should work much better. People can track the mod if they want. Front page will have list of authors and descriptions, download for the guide, and comments for people to suggest additions, changes, and tips.

    EDIT: I want to make the body of my post shorter and to the point so I have edited it now that most people have seen it. For the sake of reference I am pasting the original text I had in this sticky comment. Below is the text I used for the original introduction.


    This is just a little project I am working on. The goal is simple - just keep a list of currently active writers on Nexus who tell stories in Skyrim. I thought if I kept a list of it then I could keep a link in my own stories at the bottom for people to reference. This way folks who might be interested in finding more authors would have a little tool for it. Of course I can only keep the list current based on the authors I like and follow - so I am hoping the community will consider sending me a PM if they write or know an author that is currently writing and posting on Nexus.

    Lastly I have limited time so my initial list has very short summaries that may not best reflect the people's work. I would ask if you see your name below to feel free to send me a PM (or comment) on what you would like your heading and description to be. Also if you have an image you think best represents your story give me the link so I can add it (as time permits of course) to your section.

    I really have no idea if this will be of any use or interest to anyone. I have no expectations at all. I plan on keeping this post updated and will link to it. I am also keeping a list on my website for reference. How much work I put into it (adding images, expanding text, making it a MOD page, etc.) will depend if there is any interest in it. If there is interest I will improve more, otherwise I will just keep it as my own personal reference.

    So what the heck - here it is. Just another one of my odd little projects lol. Hope someone might enjoy it.
  2. Simboker
    • supporter
    • 73 kudos
    Oh really cool! Just stumbled across this compilation, already knew some of these authors, but now i need the time to check also the others :)

    Helpful little list and appreciate the effort, Wolfgrimdark :)

    PS. are you still managing it? I got a little story running up myself :D i could send you a link
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 881 kudos
      Howdy Simboker,

      Aye I still manage this - at least if someone provides me with an update :) If you want to be added send me a PM with the information (or can reply here, either works).

  3. MegaCrunch
    • premium
    • 158 kudos
    Really like this system you have, the nexus is great for a lot of things but image organization is definitely not one of them.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 881 kudos
      Thanks! Aye - I keep hoping they will get around to the forum restructure and maybe that will help.
    2. MegaCrunch
      • premium
      • 158 kudos
      Hey, silly little nitpick, but would you mind changing the link to my story collection page? It would be more convenient than the current link.

      Also I really need to update my story page...
    3. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 881 kudos
      All set :-)
  4. bison1967
    • premium
    • 214 kudos
    Very, very, cool idea, Jon! Thanks for your time in undertaking this project. Also, great image by the way, it has a great fantasy feel to it.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 881 kudos
      Thanks Bison :-)

      I also have a misc. mod I keep the link (which is hard to find) and an image pose guide by Alex. Working on a guide for story writing and doing poses as well ... at some point :p
    2. SyddSpartan
      • supporter
      • 119 kudos
      A guide for story writing? Oh my... this would be invaluable to someone whose new to this, myself included. Thank you so much for taking so much effort to support us Jon. Words cannot express how truly grateful I am and how much respect I hold for you for doing so much for the community! You're a great guy! ^^
    3. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 881 kudos
      Ah shucks, thanks
  5. aaltair03
    • supporter
    • 3 kudos
    I didn't even know there -were- stories on Nexus until I noticed your post on the SFO page where you mentioned it. This is really great! A couple questions: these links all take you to the nexus profile of the author, but I can't seem to find where their actual stories are other than scrolling down the list and looking for anything they've uploaded. Is there any central place I'm missing where the stories are posted or linked? I found your website with the list of all the Grim tales, that's exactly the sort of thing I'm looking for with these other authors but cannot find anything. It's particularly challenging to navigate ongoing stories that adhere to a timeline- I have no idea where to start.

    Second question is, you mentioned in one of the comments here you were working on a guide or advice on creating stories here on the Nexus, is this something you're still planning to do? I would really love to read something like this.

    Thanks very much
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 881 kudos
      Howdy and thanks for checking this out!

      As far as I know I am the only one keeping a list on a website (on a side note I started this weekend to convert all of my stories on Nexus to PDF format and will be hosting those as well ... slow project though as I have so many stories!)

      Jessb81, Wadelycan, and Anataron I believe made a post with a list of all their stories in the body of the post and links ... and said they would keep them updated. Not sure if they are or not though. You would have to look through their posts to find it though.

      I am still working on the other project and if an author gives me a list I will include it. My idea was they could post an article or comment themselves they could then edit whenever they updated something. Not sure how it would work out as people come and go a lot.

      Anyhow I hope to have the guide book and mod done this summer as well as converting all my stories to PDF.
    2. aaltair03
      • supporter
      • 3 kudos
      Thanks, I'll look through those posts and see if I can't find the story lists. I also found this, which you might be interested in:
      There are some decent story blogs on the site and a lot of other stuff too. It's a bit awkward to navigate the site at first, it could use some streamlining. Perhaps the author's stories here could somehow be linked in to this site to reach a wider audience? Just a thought.

      I look forward to the guide book. I'm still building my modded skyrim world for my first non-console playthrough, and i'm definitely interested in using the RP as a base for creative writing explorations. I feel it would enhance the overall experience of my game as well as provide me with another creative outlet to add to my life.

      Thanks again, really enjoying the storytelling.
    3. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 881 kudos
      If I get a chance will see if I can track them down and if I find them will reply here so you are notified

      Thank you for the blog post. I am pretty happy with Nexus right now but I will check it out and mention it to some of the other writers who are looking for some more exposure. Appreciate you sharing it.

      I find writing adds a ton more depth to my character. Grim and Erik (and Wolfgar) are so much more than just simple pixels in a game now - they have an entire life behind them thanks to the writing.
  6. Khajiitas
    • premium
    • 159 kudos
    Awesome shot, i love the color range and the sunrays and these blurred clouds in the background look great!
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 881 kudos
      Thanks Mr. Khajiitas!
  7. HRTBRK2
    • supporter
    • 32 kudos
    Wonderful work as always my friend. You are such a blessing and asset to our community. ... hope all is well with you.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 881 kudos
      Ah thanks kindly! Just trying to shed some light on some of the talented writers around here!
  8. Bowsong
    • supporter
    • 73 kudos
    A fantastic idea Jon- DO IT!
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 881 kudos
      Lol thanks Bowsong! It is in the works :-)
  9. gakerty
    • supporter
    • 40 kudos
    This is very helpful. I'm a bit out of the loop when it comes to stories on Nexus. Looks like I have my reading cut out for me.... Thanks!
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 881 kudos
      Thanks! Just something I have wanted to focus on for a while - nice to have a reference for those who do a lot of writing.
  10. aok
    • premium
    • 151 kudos
    Hey! Awesome idea my friend, Thank you!!!
    Ummmm.... Shouldn't "Wolfgrimdark" be on that list!
    1. deleted1123719
      • account closed
      • 122 kudos
      Damn good point!
    2. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 881 kudos
      Thanks Arnold! Lol well the link and post is under my own name so figured I got covered that way :-)

      I am debating a mod page for this - as I told Steven maybe with main game menu wallpapers as the download and front page where I list all the authors.

      Need to think about it
    3. deleted1123719
      • account closed
      • 122 kudos
      Love that idea!
    4. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 881 kudos
      Thanks! I have a plan now - worked it out during the day. Front page will be each author - that way easy for me to update and lets me do some formatting. The downloads section will have a PDF guide to doing stories on nexus (how to post stories and shots in the body of the post, BBCODE tips for formatting, and game tips and tricks using the console, various mods like MFG console and Puppeteer, etc.) and maybe some wallpapers. Then comments can be for people to suggest authors as well as tips and tricks to add.

      Going to start some basic work on it now but won't really get into it until I finish Grim's current story line ... As I am in as much suspense as every one else to reach the conclusion!
    5. MysticalFlare
      • premium
      • 147 kudos
      Seems like a good plan Jon. I have to say, I'm rather curious what these tips and tricks are. I know of a few, but still I feel as though a discovery is made every week.
    6. aok
      • premium
      • 151 kudos
      Well if it's a list, then you should be on it even if it's your post IMO.
      BTW Nefsen had a nice list of screenarchery tricks HERE that you could use for the list (If you don't have one already)

      As for my profile I like what you have just please add the line:
      "A celebration of the anti-hero's"

      Thank you my friend!
    7. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 881 kudos
      @MysticFlare - Likewise. It was only recently I learned that if you TC your character FIRST and then TC the NPC you want to control ... that your character won't move at the same time. For two years I either had my guy run blindly around while I moved another NPC or had him do certain "idles" to keep him in place. It is this like this I want to explain in more detail.
    8. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 881 kudos
      @AoK - Will do! I know that link, fantastic resource! While that guide is great it is to limited. For example it doesn't explain the best way to use TC (see my comment to MysticFlare). It also doesn't explain that if you use "getangle XYZ" you won't see the change take place unless you then do another command on the object - like "setscale 1" which forces it to show the change in angle. Then tips for positioning objects and people, things to be careful for when using TAI and moving people around (don't TAI someone, bump them, then scale them as they will go POOF on you - you bump someone while they are TAI they stay still until you undo TAI and then they will move from the bump). Also cautions on placeatme, how to make temp. followers with console and placeatme, getting objects into the game, and so many more little console tricks.

      It is all these little things I learned the hard way - by accident - that I want to write out in detail. Plus I want to write out some various approaches to writing a story for Nexus - how to set up your approach, planning plot and shots, how to create the document (always do it outside of the Nexus editor and always press the BBCODE button when formatting so you do the actual commands). How to embed youtube and images, pitfalls of certain BBCODE tags on the ImageShare, and more.

      In addition I will provide some links to other screenarchery guides. However this is a story guide -with a focus on doing stories - so while useful for screenarchery as well it won't be the focus. Ultra Quality screenshots is for archery - for story telling it is more about setting up the scene.

      Then provide it in a simple PDF so people can save it, print it, or do what they like.
    9. aok
      • premium
      • 151 kudos
      Awesome! Sounds like there are a few tricks I don't know. I look forward to seeing it!
  11. PatrickTheDM
    • premium
    • 175 kudos
    Fantastic idea! Most everything has been said in previous posts, but this will help the story posts from getting missed simply by being pushed to page 5,6,7, etc. in the images section sometimes within minutes of being posted. Many great screen shots are victims of this too, but it is just a side effect of heavy posting traffic. Yin/Yang.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 881 kudos
      Many thanks! Aye everything goes by fast! But not much can be done on the images - that is the majority of all posts. Which is why I focused on the stories.