Grim Tales - The Unraveling - Fenrir Unbound Book III - Interlude P2

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  1. wolfgrimdark
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    • 880 kudos
    Many thanks for all the support and nice comments everyone - really encouraging and I appreciate it very, very much!

    UPDATE: 2014-08-29

    Greenbms, Jessb81, Aok and Nataly have released stories all relating to the Unraveling:

    The Unravelling - Hope - Interlude P3 by Jessb81

    The Unraveling - Butterfly Effect - Interlude P4 - Future - P1 by Nataly

    The Unraveling - Unlikely Heros - Interlude P5 - Present by AoK

    The Unraveling - Pact with a Devil - Interlude P6 - Past by Greenbms

  2. DiscipleOfCarnage
    • supporter
    • 106 kudos
    Holy crap, this is some EPIC writing you've been up to in my absence; Mr. Wolf (referring to The Unravelling Pt 1 & 2).

    Who needs Stephen King when we've got wolfgrimdark! All I can say at this point, without writing a novel, is that this recent undertaking of yours is quite phenomenal, to say the least. All of the images (yours and everyone else's) are fantastic, as is the music and writing. I have no idea how some people do it...the images with the special effects, like Alduin flying through a tear in the fabric of time, or chains disappearing into a hungry vortex in the sky, just to name a few. It's strange reading about these kinds of things that you've written, especially when I had been doing some research into things like Dragon Breaks before even laying eyes on the words in your stories. Now I need to go catch up reading everyone else's Unravelling stories to see how everything ties in (who needs sleep?).

    The Unravelling gets a solid '10' from the DOCtor of Carnage! Please, keep up the good works, my friend!

    1. wolfgrimdark
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      Hey thanks for the great chatty comment DoC! I do enjoy my epic fantasy writing at times and this story line has really let me cut loose in that aspect. I had already come up with the overall logic and plot line only to discover that Bethseda had created Dragon Breaks to account for "different endings" in players games. I had planned on just making my own version from the elder scrolls messing with time ... but then lore already had the perfect hook so I was able to work in the Dragon Break just fine. Amazing how close to lore the Unraveling actually is - goes a long way towards explaining multiple time lines.

      Hope you enjoy all the various stories and thanks for stopping by to comment!
  3. Scimo
    • supporter
    • 51 kudos
    I'm speechless ....
    1. wolfgrimdark
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      • 880 kudos
      :-) Thanks Scimo
  4. greenbms
    • premium
    • 51 kudos
    I absolutely loved this chapter! Each and every shot in it was absolutely fantastic, and that bit with Alduin and Mora - wow! So cool to see everyones characters woven into a story like this

    How did you do those shots of the caretaker vanishing next to garm by the way?? Perfect!
    1. wolfgrimdark
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      • 880 kudos
      Thanks very much Sean :-) Aye Alduin and Mora are a big hit! The vanishing was done with Nocturnals special nightingale ability (which lets you go invisible when you go into stealth) in slow motion.
  5. Heaventhere
    • premium
    • 276 kudos
    I saw this was up and had to come and read it right away...... that being said I need to reread it as so very much to make sure understood and taken in ........ will be back to comment when have let it process a little......... but I do have to tell you Jon, I am in awe of the amount of work and that you have one of the most creative minds I have ever met. Now sleep then read again when fresh as this is an amazing piece of work and want to just take it all in again and read chapter one again ..........
    1. wolfgrimdark
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      • 880 kudos
      Thanks Shelley - I think I read it about 4 times before I finally posted it ... and then a few more times as I seem to find errors better once something is published - some weird personality trait I think. It is like all the typos come out AFTER I post :p

      Anyhow glad you enjoyed it and hope it wasn't too over the top. More coming but not in the way some might suspect so stay tuned

      PS - Again thanks for the high praise on my writing as it means a lot!
    2. Heaventhere
      • premium
      • 276 kudos
      I just finished now reading this again and then jess and aok parts, what a wonderful project and such work you have all put this to each part, your shots truly are amazing but the writing its what has pulled me.

      Your words as you tell the tale, each part, each word pulling us along on the journey with the Caretaker as he works to save all. The fear Garm has as he is found alone but with not the power to help his friend on his own. To watch him as he does his best to find those who can save the Caretaker. What a wonderful way you have of pulling us the reader into the tale. Making us want more, as we look forward to the next chapter and wondering what will happen next to each of the players in the tale.

      The questions that the story give each of us as sure they are different for each who reads..... You have done a wonderful job pulling the community together for this project and look forward to reading more ...... Great Job my dear friend for a wonderful tale and bring us all a bit closer as a community ......
    3. wolfgrimdark
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      Thank you very much for the additional follow-up Shelley - I know my chapters, out of all of them, are the hardest to digest as I have ab ad tendency to really wade out into esoteric and obscure territory sometimes. I think it relates to my fascination with the nature of our own universe and all the mysteries science has yet to solve ... things that suggest there might be cycles of universes or multiple ones or even other dimensions ... for some reason it almost gives me a small sense of hope that there might be the slimmest chance that there is more to life and reality then meets the eye. Hence why I explore concepts like this so much. Plus I just like big epic fantasy! Appreciate your kind support and thoughts on the story and the community in general which I find to be a really nice group of folks from all walks of life and from all around the globe Probably why I am still hanging out here after all this time!
  6. Farvat
    • premium
    • 301 kudos
    An incredible chapter, part of a titanic project. I do not know where you get your strength my friend, but please continues. Really a great, impressive work.
    Very nice introduction, virulent but very beautiful. In fact it is a typical position, consider the relationship between the divine and the mortal reducing the analogy with the insect.
    One of my character, Xolhia Vetius, revolutionary, and vaguely Marxist and atheist, could you respond to dexius Evicus dismissing it as ignorant:” we assign to the Gods human aspects, because they are not gods the true creators of the universe, but the men themselves. They are not gods, who produced the sentient races but vice versa. The gods begin to exist when the first magic that is the language we assign them a name and then embody it in their properties and aspects of our own psyche that we are no longer masters.”
    The theme is of course if the self-consciousness can reach the full possession of himself, and mend the wound of alienation. The lore on this point is very confusing, the phase Chim allows a certain degree of mastery over the dream, but it is more likely that under this name are in fact designed several degrees. The Amaranth is instead totally obscure and contradictory, appearing even regressive. Why go back to sleep again to produce a new universe, which in fact would not be better than the last, as the dreamer would again be a prisoner of his own demons and alienated again? The cost of creation seems a paradoxical sentence and instead makes it desirable, the zero-sum, as nirvanic liberation from the need to create new unsuccessful worlds. Surprising, behind the lore, we deal with the ghosts of cultural conceptions, about existence.
    In my Skydream, the Amaranth is by no means the production of a new dream world, but access to a stage completely transcendent and timeless called “Eviternum”. At this stage, the only real or the more closest to the supreme reality, concepts such as becoming, creation or destruction, life and death, do not have any sense. In fact Kartika reached that stage, she abandoned any aspirations to divine, completing its revolution, save the world by extending its cycle to infinitum, destroy all the gods and leaves free for to all beings to follow their own problematic destiny, returning to be a woman like any other, agreeing to grow old and die in the dream, to wake up at the end af all, on the stump in Helgen accepting her real true death, accepting finally her tragic destiny. In the Dream She eventually rejects the role of dragonborn and Chin, because even in skydream, the Dohvakin is the real destroyer of the world, while Alduin / Akatosh is the savior and liberator by her ignorance. In fact, Alduin is not killed, but simply cast out, when it has fulfilled its noble task.
    In this sense, really, our narratives, as parallel universes are different, each with its own significance and relevant. In some ways they are reversed, since admitting that the character dies at the beginning, as an axiom, Skyrim becomes the last act, of the elderscrolls reduced, behind the apparent story of a prostitute, to a question about the meaning of life and death . I am afraid that from anywhere you begin, you will arrive at the same point.
    1. wolfgrimdark
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      • 880 kudos
      Thank you for this great reply Farvat as I enjoy your insight and your own indepth world story you have created. I do recall your Skydream stories and from what I recall it is an interesting twist in that instead of Helgen being the start of the adventure it is the end. Indeed we have taken the opposite approach in some ways.

      Most folks who know my writing also know I tend to be a more casual/light writer versus a darker writer like yourself, Jessb, Kayol (although hers is more dark in the sense of emotion and it is lightened with great humor), or Basstos. I don't consider mine less realistic because of that though. It is very true that life is full of darkness but that does not mean there is no light either. Many people have horrible relationships and sadness yet there are people who meet the equivalent of a "soul mate" and have very rich and fullfilling lifes. There are good and bad people in all lines of work, including illegal, and there are people with horrible miserable lives and those with good lives - regardless of class, wealth, etc. It just depends what you wish to focus on in your writing.

      I mention this to point out my "Dreamer" in stories, and Skyrim writing in general, tends to focus more on the positive because that is what I do in life. As I get older my mortality tends to scare me more every year because I am a practical and logical person who needs proof to believe in things. Hence I feel this will be all that there is to life. Given that I see two main options (way over-simplifying here of course) - I can focus on death and all the negative aspects of life or I can focus on the good and positive. Life will be whatever it will be regardless. So, to me, it makes sense to enjoy it as much as I can with a positive attitude, even with all the bad things I have had to deal with.

      So - that is why my Dream is more positive, based on love and self-sacrifice. The entity that achieves CHIM must give up their god-hood, their self-awareness, so they can create new life - a new universe. To me it is the ultimate sacrifice. I actually have some cool stories on this in the works. To me CHIM is lost because the entity is no longer aware they are in a Dream and self-aware - able to influence the dream by their awareness. But is it really lost? I am going to say no (whether this fits lore or not I don't care), instead it moves to the unconscious realm of the Dreamer. It becomes what I fondly like to call "Wild Magic" in that it is pure raw energy and uncontrollable in the sense that it will be influence by the unconscious mind of the Dreamer. In some ways like a person who is asleep but on the edge of awareness ... those times when you are dreaming yet seem to know you are dreaming and can control, to a small degree, your dream - at least push it in a certain direction. This is Wild Magic and what happens to the power of CHIM.

      Anyhow I have gone on to long as I have pages and pages of this in my head for a big story I am working on down the road (if I can ever figure out how to do the images).Sorry I get sidetracked easily.

      One thing I admire about your Skydream is moving away from gods and control and giving it back to the people - at least that is my take on what you have written.

      I also like the idea that Gods are created by the mortals - I have often thought this. Explains all the mythologies and religions of Earth equally well I like the idea of a greater mind (borrowing some concepts from Carl Jung) and archetypes that form a more universal consciousness (relating to morphogenetic resonance).

      Oh okay one more then I have to stop writing ... Why would a Dreamer go back to sleep? I do not know. Anu did but I don't normally see the TES Dreamer this way. To me the Dreamer stays asleep unless awakened externally. Eventually her dream will end and she and her universe will return to the Void from which all things start and end. It is a cycle. New Universes are normally created from those within a Dream who reach CHIM and then make the ultimate sacrifice to create a new Dream and thus it is more a way for a universe to procreate. Like a parent and child the child inherits much of the parent (which is also TES lore that a new dreamer will carry over into their own dream things from their parent dreamer) and yet will also be something new and different at the same time.

      Anyhow I could on for hours on this ... thanks again for your comment and for always making me think about things in different ways with your insight and philosophies.
  7. gucky2010
    • premium
    • 361 kudos
    A brilliant Work Jon, you make always impressive and captivating Stories and brilliant Pictures to your Stories. It's a Pleasure to see and read them. Maybe there is some space for a new Mystery Guest
    1. wolfgrimdark
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      • 880 kudos
      Thank you kindly Kai!
  8. matherz4
    • supporter
    • 21 kudos
    epic new installment of this series john. the detailing of time is a very hard thing to grasp sometimes and understand fully. but the way u described it all with ur wording made it very well to understand the unraveling and caretaker. usauly this stuff would make my mind explode from not understanding but u have words of a master smith and was easy and enjoying to read and grasp. Mora is quite the daedra . knowing of it all yet. the void and sithis is almost or probly is a undescribable thing to fully unravel for even mora. for what would unraveling nothing in the void be ? yet now if i understand right. in a way atm mora would be the good guy... kind of. with trying to turn events from being bent into the void a and many thanks for haveing Aidrianne part of the tale john
    1. wolfgrimdark
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      • 880 kudos
      Many thanks for the nice comment Matherz. I am a very wordy person but part of that is my obsessive need to explain everything in great detail. I think part of that is I want people to know I have thought this all out in minute detail ... although why I care about that I have no clue lol :-)

      When I write I try my best to have a logical reason for everything that goes on - within reason of course. Sometimes you have to stop at a certain point or you will never stop writing. Plus when dealing with cosmic stuff you can safely, if not over used, just state it is beyond human understanding or divine will. For that matter many things in science are still well beyond our own comprehension so you just do the best you can :=)

      Mora helping the Universe is a pretty grey thing. It was Mora who started unraveling it in the first place. Sithis is just helping it along. Mora is going to continue to let that happen till it reaches a tipping point and then bring it under control (he may be VASTLY over-estimating his own power though but then he is one of the most conceited of all princes). So in that aspect he could end up saving the Universe if the Caretaker does not get rescued. Course Mora is doing it for his own selfish reasons :-)
  9. LadyofChaos
    • account closed
    • 318 kudos
    Very impressive Work again!!!
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 880 kudos
      Many thanks Lady Chaos!
  10. cila81
    • supporter
    • 148 kudos
    This is just wonderful, Jonathan! Amazing and very impressive work
    1. wolfgrimdark
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      • 880 kudos
      Many thanks Cila for the comment and glad you have enjoyed it!
  11. Kamikazekossori
    • supporter
    • 252 kudos
    Another captivating chapter of the tale of the unraveling, Jonathan. I really like the way you describe the way the caretaker tries to figure out the plans of his enemies, the way he used that process of elimination to narrow who might be involved, that care he put into the crafting of that trap of his, trying to make sure it would not be noticed, he is quite the meticulous investigator. Looks like his knowledge of the abilities of the deadric lords he was able to be quite sure Hermaeus Mora was involved, he is a very twisted one that collector of forbidden knowledge.

    Once again I really like how you brought in those glimpses of other tales, those moments like damaged puzzle pieces mended to close that wound. I Like how you described that moment of relief the caretaker had, escaping from the dangers of his adversary's presence, that it is the emotion that a mortal would have felt, it is great how you touch the difference of the entity that he is from mortal man and mer. I also like your interpretation of Sithis, that shadows which tries to avoid conscious though among the void of its existence, seems difficult to know where a foe so formless is hiding. It is great how much her cares about those he watches, especially Frankhof in this case, seeing similarities in the hardships he has had to face with those of the Skaal. Was intriguing how Fleur's cell was protected from the virus due to the influence of Kynareth, was beautiful that moment were the caretaker felt that slight wind, that greeting from her which was pleasant to him. Also like how you alluded to Zuzu's dark influence on more than one tale. I like how the complexity of what the caretaker had to fix in Rathe's path matched the many twists in his path.

    Looks like the Adversary had been more aware of the Caretaker's actions than he thought, despite all his careful movements and the care he had put in his trap he has ended up caught in it himself, faced with his foe and the devouring shadow that is Alduin directly. Though the caretaker would have a hard time predicting that the scheming Mora and Sithis would join together, quite the dangerous alliance. I can understand it being quite distressing for Garm seeing the caretaker vanish, his keen nose no longer sensing his presence at all. Looks like he is one not to give up, heading out on the search for his master, asking Arkay for guidance and trying to draw Kynatreth's attention. I wonder how the caretaker will find a way out of his predicament, I am sure he is trying to formulate some kind of plan. There is some great tension and intrigue to the tale, look forward to seeing what will unfold
    1. wolfgrimdark
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      • 880 kudos
      Oh many thanks for this very nice and thorough comment Alexi! Checking in during lunch so have a moment to reply. I like the way you describe Mora, as the twisted one who likes forbidden knowledge

      Pleased you enjoyed this second part and how I am handling the concept of the Caretaker and some of his "human" characteristics. Completely impersonal entities are okay for the rare appearance but when the Caretaker is the main star or the story I felt he needed some personality. It is why I had him feel some connection to Frankhof.He is also an incarnation of the Allmaker, who is the deity of the Skaal, and hence has a certain appreciation for those who value live and nature. It is also why he has some bond with Kynareth - who has helped the Nords before and is somewhat of a nature goddess, even if mostly the sky.

      As you have probably seen in part 3, Garm indeed has found some help - although from a very unexpected source Thanks again for your comment and feedback Alexi, much appreciated!