Inside the College

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  1. aok
    • premium
    • 151 kudos
    Fantastic series! Love your work!
  2. innova889
    • member
    • 135 kudos
    incredible shots.... I hope you feel better
  3. alexsilvestre
    • supporter
    • 67 kudos
    My thoughts for all the families who lost their loved ones... may they be in peace and strong to face this hard moment =/
    And even if you are in a not good mood, your shots and story stayed incredible, dear *hugs*
  4. Bryan244
    • premium
    • 22 kudos
    @AmadanBezerk only my PC does things Vlad Tepes style > but he has changed his ways he is now a mage @Thanya Thanks for pics it is quite a refreshment and I hope you feel better
  5. Xanshio
    • BANNED
    • 129 kudos
    Beautiful screenshots, as always!! ^_^

    Também estou sentido pela tragédia que ocorreu na boite, mas você provavelmente deve estar se sentindo muito pior, pelo fato de quase ter se mudado para o RS. Te desejo melhoras. =/
  6. Kamikazekossori
    • supporter
    • 252 kudos
    I can certainly understand you being shaken up after such a thing happened, sounds like a terrible tragedy. Don't worry about posting shots, you have my support dear friend, a hug to you.

    The story is so beautifully done, I love the shots, each character has such personality in their expressions, especially the adorable Jeane and her meeting with Lucius is so heartwarming ^^
  7. hitmaqn78
    • premium
    • 61 kudos
    Amazing shots and a great story.
    Sorry to hear! Many hugs, dear!
  8. AmadanBezerk
    • supporter
    • 40 kudos
    Your new character Jeane is just as sweet as your others. Seemingly very young, kind and innocent, but obviously talented and wise well beyond her brief years.
    I'm guessing Lucius is her boyfriend?^^

    If the Thalmor wronged or......mistreated her in the past, she then demands massive VENGEANCE!
    Forget about her being kind sweet and innocent anymore, she ought to be an absolute living lethal horror, Vlad Tepes-style upon the filthy Thalmor, with maximum Mouhahahahaha! factor.
    Teach them a long, lingering, excruciating and agonizingly FINAL lesson.
    (You might have guessed by now: I really LOATHE and REVILE those Thalmor.) >spits violently<

    Endorsed. Thank you very kindly and please keep writing more episodes. Cheers, dear! <img class=">

    My sincere and heartfelt condolences for all those people who were tragically lost, and far too soon. Big warm comforting hugs to you, dear.
  9. Zar1n
    • supporter
    • 97 kudos
    Creat work, Thanya) I'm made similar staff about Jorrvaskr wright now))
  10. Yyna
    • member
    • 115 kudos
    Lots of hugs, dear. I think we all understand.