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Video Series Description:
Oblivion House Mod Hunters is a series dedicated to showing off three random house mods for Oblivion each week in three different categories (Popular, New and Underrated), with the goal of showing off the features, locations, and styles that each house provides. Since almost everyone needs a house mod of some sort for their characters, and with a few thousand house mods out there for Oblivion, it's easy to miss a cool house mod that you may well enjoy, so my hope is that with this series, we'll be able to spotlight some house mods that you may not have considered before while also making it easier for you to decide on a house mod for your own play-through of Oblivion.

For our ninth episode we have another three scenic and unique house mods to check out, including the popular airship mod Dwemer Technology PartII Dwemer Skyship By Mr_siika and Centurion, the new house mod Ironhurst Estate By Daggerlas, and the underrated and fairly mysterious Mist Retreat By Exilehunter.

The music in this video is from Oblivion Music Overdose by Jon Babb and Total Music Conversion by Doctor Eternal with additional tracks from Epidemic Sound.