  • Ad reporting functionality

    To help us sort out our ad serving we’ve added a new “report this ad” feature underneath any ad placements on the site. This functionality will quickly let us know about the ad placement you’re reporting which we can then pass on to our ad supplier to help them quickly get to the root of the problem.

    A bad ad that we would appreciate you reporting if you see it would be considered as:

    Any ads with auto-playing sound.
    Any ads that look like those cra...

  • Corrections to file stats

    Hi folks,

    It came to our attention last week, in a random forum post unrelated to the topic, that the unique file download stats have been broken for quite some time now. I honestly had no idea this was the case.

    The unique download stat you see on file pages is supposed to tell you how many individual members have downloaded a file. Irrespective of how many times that user comes back to download that file (or multiple versions of a file on the same page) the unique dow...

  • Fallout 4 Beta Update and DLC, Creation Kit News

    Hey everyone! Really quick news update this time. It’s been busy around here lately and seems things are no different at Bethesda!

    For those of you who choose to opt-in, a new Fallout 4 Beta Update has been released. A few new features and an extensive list of fixes are included. The full release notes and further info can be found in the official announcement: http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1592402-14-beta-update

    Over the weekend, details about the first 3 ...

  • Site redesign - 2016 Update #1

    Well we've entered 2016 with a productivity bang, all hands are on deck and there is plenty going on behind the scenes here at the Nexus so I thought I'd give you all an insight into what's happening...

    Firstly a quick recap - we began the redesign process in the second half of 2015 by first trying to work out what our users like and dislike about the site. We were overwhelmed with the response to our survey which provided us with a wealth of information, our community i...

  • XCOM 2 mods have arrived! NMM XCOM 2 support added!

    The first batch of XCOM 2 mods have been uploaded! The addition of these mods marked the launch of  our new XCOM 2 Nexus Site which includes file, image, and video shares as well as a forum for anyone looking to talk about XCOM 2 modding.

    One of the great things about modding is the wide variety of additions that authors create and these mods are no exception:

    Free Camera Rotation by wghost81 is a retooling of her excellent and well implemented mod for Enemy...

  • Coming Soon: XCOM 2 Nexus, New File Uploading Functionality.

    I still play XCOM: Enemy Unknown and despite it’s age, it still feels fresh to me thanks to thoughtful design and mechanics, classic sci-fi setting, white-knuckle tactical action, and of course mind blowing mods like XCOM:Long War.

    2K has apparently done it again! XCOM 2 has been in the hands of reviewers and word on the street is nothing but praise. It seems they’ve taken the beloved formula of mixing global decisions with explosive tactical action to new heights that inclu...

  • Fallout 4 1.3 Update Now Official!

    The Fallout 4 1.3 Update is officially out of beta and is now available for mass consumption. There's a fairly healthy list of new features, fixes and improvements even more comprehensive than the beta patches.

    More info can be found at the official Bethesda site: 

    The update will be applied the next time you start the game if you have automatic updates turned on.

    At first gl...

  • Announcing Nexus Mod Manager Support for Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen

    The Dragon’s Dogma mod community has hit the ground running. In just a matter of days since the game’s launch, we already have 40+ mods and counting! As a result, we’ve added support for the game to Nexus Mod Manager.

    For those of you who don’t already know, NMM takes the guesswork out of installing and managing mods for some of your favorite titles with features like one-click downloads, profiles, and more. Dragon’s Dogma marks the 20th game to be supported, with more...

  • Unusually long load times addressed in Fallout 4 Beta Patch 1.3.47

    Public Service Announcement. If you've been dealing with unusually long
    load times in Fallout 4, this fix may be for you. We can confirm it has made a significant impact for some people.


  • Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen Nexus Site Launched!

    Dragon’s Dogma, originally released on consoles back in late 2012, is an action-heavy, party-based RPG that has a compelling visual style and solid combat mechanics that won the praise of many players and reviewers, despite its apparent flaws. The game was later re-released with the sub-title “Dark Arisen”, which includes all previously released add-ons. This fully-realized version has finally made it’s way to PC so we’ve launched the new Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen Nexus Site! <...

  • Fallout 4 1.3 Steam Beta Update Live

    Bethesda has just released the Fallout 4 1.3 Steam Beta Update on Steam. New features include new graphical effects, new settlement menus and more. It also contains a fairly long list of fixes and optimizations as well. Excellent!

    Remember, you have to opt-in to receive this beta update. 

    More info can be found in the patch notes on the Steam Fallout 4 news page:

  • The Witcher 3 Holiday Outfit Mod Contest

    CD PROJEKT RED just announced a modding contest for all of you designers out there. Create a holiday themed outfit for your favorite Witcher 3 character and you could win a real Witcher 3 sword! So awesome! 

    Head over to the official contest page for more details:

    Be sure to fill out the form on the contest page and tag your creation with "Witcher Mod Contest" so that everyone can find it!

    We ca...

  • NMM 0.61.3 fixes for Fallout 4

    Yesterday Bethesda released a patch for Fallout 4 which disabled mods from being run by resetting the plugins.txt file that contains all of the .esm/.esp entries for plugins that you had active. It had no mention of this in the release notes so people quite happily had Steam update their copies, only to find that when they went to boot up it said that the game had changed since their last save.

    Today we have released NMM 0.61.3, this release will once again allow for you to run Fal...

  • Database Breach - An Update

    I promised I'd update you all on the possibility of a database breach on Nexus Mods that I announced yesterday morning and I am here with relatively "good" news.

    I am now in possession of the database dump, that was first reported on Reddit, via university security networks, and I can confirm several things. First, the database dump is "old", with the last member in the database having registered on July 22nd 2013. If you're one of the 4.2 million users who r...

  • Potential Database Breach

    Update: I have released an update to this article with more information on the potential breach.

    Original news post follows.

    It is with a heavy heart that I must inform you of a potential database breach at Nexus Mods. I understand that sounds horrifically ambiguous at best, but the simple truth of the matter is that we have yet to fully confirm the database breach has occurred any time recently but, in light of recent events, I cannot in good conscience not warn you of t...

  • Nexus Mods now has 10 million registered members

    It is with great pleasure and pride that I can announce that Nexus Mods now has over 10 million registered members, of which over 4.2 million of those have been active on the sites in the past year. Not bad for a 14 year old site!

    While our new member sign up stats have remained pleasantly constant since the release of Skyrim, the recent release of Fallout 4 has catapulted the registrations over the past week to ground-breaking levels and sped up our rise to 10 million members i...

  • Nexus Mod Manager (0.61.0) with Fallout 4 Support Released!

    It’s been amazing to see the reaction to Fallout 4 modding so soon! We knew it was going to be big, but the response has been phenomenal! So, DuskDweller and Luco81 our illustrious NMM dev team, have been working like Dogmeat updating Nexus Mod Manager to handle Fallout 4 mods. We’re happy to say, it’s ready!

    Release Notes

    Download Link

    This is a preliminary release that may have some wrinkles to iron out, but internal testing has gone sm...

  • Fallout 4 Launch Day News

    So, how’s everyone fairing out there in post-apocalyptic Boston? We know it can be a lonely place out there, so to help we’ve opened 5 new Fallout 4 forums including “Mod Suggestions” and “Spoilers” sections, so be sure you’re posting to the appropriate section please.

    Also, we’ve heard your requests for recoloring the Fallout 4 Nexus Site. Robin has the photoshop files in storage at the moment while he sorts some things out with his house. We’ll be making some cha...

  • Fallout 4 Nexus Site Launched

    In anticipation of next week’s launch, we’ve opened the doors to the Fallout 4 Nexus Site today!  Starting now, you can begin posting to the new Nexus Fallout 4 forum.

    Fallout 4 Image Sharing and Mod Pages are also functional in preparation for next week. We don’t expect the file sharing features to be used until then, so please refrain from posting content prematurely. Also please remember, if you decide to post spoilers in the forum, make sure that you are labeling the...

  • Focus group full!

    Well that certainly didn’t take long! Thank you to all those that have emailed in with regards to joining the closed focus group. Your enthusiasm and willingness to help out the Nexus is amazing and as I keep repeating, I’m glad to be working with such an awesome community.

    I’ll be sending those that will be involved an email this week with information on what is going to happen next and how to get involved with the discussion. If after reading through, you still feel that...