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MattDeeming - matt289

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  1. Norinvaux
    • member
    • 34 kudos
    Great idea, just can u plz add some pictures?

    and rhomas, just go into the CS, find the merchant's container, and find the base item in the menu-thing, then check off "respawns"
  2. 1Prelude
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hmm. I'm pretty sure this mod causes a glitch in cheydenhal, I think it is. (I'll double check that) right around the northern end of the town, there are several missing buildings (all but the doors) and a huge chunk is taken out of the city wall. Once again, I'll give you the exact spot later.
  3. Lesserdemon101
    • member
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    All those people who are complaining about the BMs being killed, just go to the CS, find the NPCs on there, and click the box saying "make essential" it isn't very hard. I'm sorry for being a bit snippy, but it is a simple fix. ;P Plus, Rhomas, just go to the CS and just add like a million lock picks ;P its not a realistic fix, but it'll work. ;P
  4. rhomas
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Love this mod but you need to make it so the NPC's refresh their supply of lockpicks... I've just been around to see them again for another set and they don't have anything to sell!! I can't remember how to do this in the CS otherwise i wouldn't of asked! hehehe
  5. bangbang2050
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Great and fantastic concept. I was wondering a few things though....

    The Godfather is attacked by his guard whenever I first enter his lair. Another unfortunate occurance happens whenever one of the black marketeers is seen by another NPC, they get gangbanged to death by the guards. Are these things supposed to happen? I would prefer to be able to use these guys throughout the game...

    I have no idea why this is happening. Maybe there is a gang war and someone else is trying to become Godfather? And maybe the city guards just have it out for the black marketeers?

    I don't know how to script, otherwise I would figure this out on my own, but I think it might have to do with the fact that the characters are set to evil and all good characters attack evil ones on the spot. Though, maybe not. I really don't know...
  6. malman1080
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Very nice mod! I actually wished there more Shady Sam like characters all over Cyrodiil!
  7. matt289
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    no kidding!

    Finally sell off those high dollar stolen items!
  8. dachi
    • premium
    • 4 kudos
    I actually found a console code that let me zip to my quest target waypoint, so it was all good. I was still freaking when I left that message. I still haven't found all of the BM's, but the others I've found have been find. The Godfather ROCKS
  9. matt289
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    That sucks. Im really sorry :'(

    Is anyone else experiencing the same thing? (make sure you save before entering it)

    BTW dachi, just reload the game without black markets on and it will put you in whatever cell I duplicated to make the cheydinhal cell, a quick fast travel and your back 40mins.
  10. dachi
    • premium
    • 4 kudos
    Ugh... lost about 40 minutes of gametime after going into the Chydinhal BM and finding out there was no way out. The door is nerfed. *sigh* Damn you Samwise!