

  1. Golb89
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    So basically this but worse.
    1. jet4571
      • premium
      • 452 kudos
      I wouldn't know. I made this in 2018.
    2. Golb89
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      So 10 whole years after this.
    3. jet4571
      • premium
      • 452 kudos
      Sure but that mod has nothing to do with this mod just like the added voices version has nothing to do with it, That one uses Oblivion clothing and hair, didn't have voice files though fixed in the later version, doesn't expand the homes with new basements, pool rooms or a whole new floor for the Bruma house... Only similarities is you can have more maids than Eyja so I don't see why you are comparing them and telling me about it. Both do the same thing but differently, changes the homes in different ways, and has different choices for clothes and hair. Two mods can do the same basic thing but differently without any need to call one out for being newer. How many mods adds children? How many adds NPC's on the roads? How many mods adds more NPC's to city streets?  I don't see your point.
    4. jet4571
      • premium
      • 452 kudos
      I would like to clarify, when i mentioned what that mod didn't do compared to mine, I wasn't saying that mod was worse. It just isn't what I did and that's a good thing. It is neither better or worse for a comparison between the two. Want 4 more of Elyja with minimal changes to the houses they will live in then that mod is better than mine. The only negatives I can think of for that mod is it doesn't affect all player homes.