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  1. sr383
    • premium
    • 14 kudos
    Please note: There's no need to run this patch on GOG versions of the game, as it comes pre-patched.

    For those confused about where to put this, you don't "install" it, at all. (It shouldn't even be available as a "download to mod manager" option.)

    1. Download the file manually to wherever you typically download non-Oblivion files.
    2. Extract the file wherever you like. I'd just extract it to a folder in the Windows "Downloads" directory, because you'll probably be deleting it, soon.
    3. Double-click the 4gb patch.exe file. A User Account Control dialog should pop up, but we meant to launch this, so click OK.
    4. It should open to the game location by default (something ending in ..\Steam\steamapps\common\Oblivion). You're looking for the root folder, here (the one that has Oblivion.exe in it), NOT the Data subfolder.
    5. Select Oblivion.exe and click Open. You should see a dialog saying "Executable successfully patched!"
    6. Either close the window or click the Another File button.
    7. Launch 4gb patch.exe, again (or click the Another File button in the previous step), and select OblivionLauncher.exe.
    8. If you have the Construction Set installed, launch 4gb patch.exe a third time and select TESConstructionSet.exe.
    9. You're all done. You can close the 4gb patch and delete the archive you just downloaded.
    10. Run the game as normal.
    1. ApexKilo
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      May the nine divines bless you
    2. blackmasha
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      patching the launcher works, trying to patch the oblivion.exe doesn't work - couldn't open executable.

      I can cut/copy the exe file to another location, then the patching will work. however once I put the patched exe back into the game folder steam won't launch the game anymore, I get errors.
    3. Tyleroiel
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Same as blackmasha

      Turns out oblivion.exe was still open in the back ground. Opened task manager and found it there, then End Process Tree. Tried again and it worked thought id edit the post if anyone is experiencing this issue
    4. wkdRmffhemqkseka
      • premium
      • 155 kudos

      Wow that's really good information. I delivered this information to other user on Nexusmods.com. He was experiencing the same problem for Fallout 3
    5. MaxFalls
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      What if you use OBSE is it the same process?
    6. Demonifox
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you very much. This should be pinned or put in the actual description. My game was crashing at launch cuz I just hit "Install with NMM". Slightly misleading, but still a godsend of a mod.
    7. LamprosF
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      what about steam?
    8. acaron
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Comming back after Years and ofc forgot everything turned out that was the Problem (Exe. still running) thx Mate.
    9. Hobbyking
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      This needs pinning, thank you!
    10. jacobt409
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      In the mod description it says "Applying this to all .exe and .dll...".

      Yet here, you say only to apply the patch to Oblivion.exe and OblivionLauncher.exe.

      Do we apply it to all .exe's and all .dll's found in ../Oblivion? Should we also apply it to the OBSE .dll's and .exe's found in the same folder?
    11. mred1602
      • supporter
      • 29 kudos
      You just need to apply it to Oblivion.exe
      What you are doing is setting a flag in the main executable to let it take advantage of extra memory space.
      Otherwise it is by default limited to only the first 2 GB, with the upper 2GB reserved for the system.
      The DLLs have nothing to say about it.
      And the launcher won't ever need any extra memory, it is only there to pass control to Oblivion.exe
    12. Zog121
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Blessed is thee among the 9 divines!!
    13. Jimmy22
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Thanks that helped me.

      I did the Oblivion.exe and OblivionLauncher.exe. Someone else says no need to do the OblivionLauncher.exe but does it really matter if we do? Patching the last one didn't override the patch on the Oblivion.exe right?
    14. mred1602
      • supporter
      • 29 kudos
      Right. Patching the launcher won't help anything, but it won't hurt anything either.
    15. SquareAim
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      yo thank you i had read the read me file and found nothing about the Installation steps and got really confused of it. Then i decided after i found nothing on youtube about the installation steps to look in the comments and the finally found your comment. I just wanted to say thank you about the detailed Installation steps now my game runs smoothly thanks.
    16. deleted26283029
      • account closed
      • 1 kudos
      Thanks! I almost made a mistake!
    17. wangy1986
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I apply this exe on all dlls and exes in the oblivion folder. 
      Then the enhanced hotkey crashed. 
    18. dely11
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      thanks friend. should we apply this to obse too?
    19. LadyDemoniA
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I wonder why this coment isnt pinned. is the easiest thing to do and helps a lot
    20. NostalNV
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      31 August 2019, 7:48PMpatching the launcher works, trying to patch the oblivion.exe doesn't work - couldn't open executable.
    21. Varil92
      • premium
      • 47 kudos
      What happens it you 4 GB patch the GOG version (already patched)?Any issue?
    22. harrylime
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Thank you!
    23. eugenius1986
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
    24. oblivionjon44
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I'm having issues with oblivion crashing when i go through doors. I researched whats causing the error in event view and it seems to be an
      accessing memory error. Ive downloaded and applied the patch and the
      problem persists. Does anyone have any recommendations of what i should
      do. I just got back into the game and i really want to pick up where I
      left off. 
    25. ShiShiHa
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Do I need to do it for OBSE too?
    26. Skoon
      • member
      • 0 kudos
    27. BartlettBob
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      Apparently not, just Oblivionexe.
  2. SkyeLuma
    • member
    • 21 kudos
    broke my game, unsure how you uninstall the patch.
  3. maddsc17
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    i don't recommend using this unless you know exactly what you're doing or if someone anywhere online has clear instructions on how to install it and get it working. as of right now, no readily searchable instructions exist anywhere online that are clear enough to understand for a layperson like myself. the instructions in the readme and description are extremely unclear.

    so yeah! your game will probably run fine without it if you're not using a lot of mods!!! please skip this if you're new to modding :)

    if there does happen to be anywhere with CLEAR step-by-step instructions *that are confirmed to work*, i'd be happy to recommend this. but every varied attempt i made, using still-unclear directions provided by other well-meaning people online, on several fresh installs, have caused CTDs on the bethesda logo every time. i welcome any and all flaming telling me how wrong i am because at least maybe then i'll have some instructions i can use, thank you!
    1. TwiceRek
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      You use the 4gb patch.exe, locate and select your oblivion.exe and patch it.
      How can you need additional instructions for this.
    2. glacialmind101
      • member
      • 14 kudos
      Not my intent to flame anyone, but this is objectively terrible advice and that needs to be pointed out by people with knowledge so that new modders do not get misled.  I've been modding games since at least 2010, probably before.  I started out modding this very game and have also modded lots of other older titles like FO3 and the original Dragon Age.  In all of these older games the FIRST thing you should do is update the exe to be large address aware.  Why?  Firstly, this will make your game FAR more stable period.  You are looking here at games which are pressing up against the limits of what their engine is capable.  That means even with an unmodded game, patching the exe will result in more stability and fewer crashes.  A good example of this is the city of Denerim in Dragon Age which can cause ctds during loading without this fix even when unmodded.  Of course when you start adding mods, the fix becomes absolutely essential.  It is also not complicated.  In every instance, you literally just place it in the main folder and run the exe.  This means it is absolutely something that those new to modding can/should do and your telling new modders to skip this on the grounds of complexity is honestly a bit baffling.

      tl;dr you absolutely should not skip this mod, even if you are new to modding.  it is simple to use and will result in greater stability even in an unmodded set up. 
    3. pacolovac
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Because instructions tell you should patch all .exe and .dll oblivion files. This is extremely unclear and irresponsible to tell people, most of which are probably beginners.
    4. hanga411
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Twicerek youre a fucking jackass
  4. MrModder9909
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    is there any way to check to see if the patcher worked? i know that in new vegas there was a console command you could type in to see if it worked but is there the same thing for this? it seems like it is working but i wanna make sure
  5. oblivionjon44
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I'm having issues with oblivion crashing when i go through doors. I researched whats causing the error in event view and it seems to be an accessing memory error. Ive downloaded and applied the patch and the problem persists. Does anyone have any recommendations of what i should do. I just got back into the game and i really want to pick up where I left off. 
    1. Ausarq23
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      all i can give you is the anticrash mods i use (sorry if they don't help) new vegas anti crash (yes it works with oblivion), engine fixes, and oblivion stutter remover
    2. Slicevicious
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Began happening to me too only after I used the patcher. No idea how to fix the issue short of a complete and clean reinstall yet.
  6. kudorgyozo
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Which files do I patch? Just the exe or also other files?
    1. monfrezo
      • member
      • 1 kudos
  7. SouperTrooper64
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I am currently having an issue with the Patcher, when trying to run the program it runs normally, prompting admin rights and then it opens the selection menu to open the .exe file. The selection menu does not show either exe files and when i attempt to type them in manually "Oblivion.exe" i am prompted with "Couldn't Open Executable!" Has anyone else had this issue?
  8. derpherpidyderp
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Hi! Just like the NVSE 4GB Patch, I was wondering if it were possible to release a version compatible with Linux users? Users of the Steam Deck would benefit greatly.
    1. Catolus
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Download Bottle in the Discover store to run 4gb patch
  9. ShahdeeAlice
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Считаю своим долгом сообщить, что на no-cd.exe этот патч НЕ работает. Только на оригинальном исполняемом файле.
    Так же доступно применение на obse_loader.exe (я не говорю что его надо патчить, а то что сама опция применения патча на него есть).
    После применения патча на obse игра стала работать чуть(!) быстрее. Не знаю работа ли это патча или просто совпадение; если кто-то в курсе как оно всё работает - просьба прояснить этот момент.
    За Императора!!
    1. Hatepoem
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Задача этой модификации улучшить совместимость старой игры с современными системами. Это почти не влияет на производительность. В действительности модификация уменьшает количество случайных "вылетов". когда игра непредсказуемо перестаёт работать. Это описано подробно на страничке самой модификации.

      Я применил эту модификацию только к исполняемому файлу игры, исключая obse_loader.exe. Это сработало как ожидалось. Я ничего не знаю о OBSE, но я подозреваю что так и задумано.

      Кроме того, здесь пишут что более современные версии игры, а именно те которые распространяет GOG.com, уже поставляются с исправлениями, делая эту модификацую ненужной для таких версий.
  10. Hatepoem
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I use Russian version of Oblivion Game of the year Edition. This patch made the game actually stable and playable. I wept tears of joy, almost.

    Someone mentioned that they patched the obse_loader.exe in addition to the game executable. I think it's not necessary at all, but I could be wrong.