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  1. UneteroKenora
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    Is the underwear obligatory? I preffer slof's lower nude body for Argonians, or are the meshes themselves made with Underwear?
    I have: Robert's Body Replacer MaleV5/FemaleV13, Slof's Better bodies, and the mods from this page, I'm using the FOMOD option to install, I like how it ended up, the body texture and the beast feet, minus the underwear, if it can be removed by default I'd like help understanding
    EDIT: I saw that this mod's base mesh depencies could be decompressed, and change the files with the extra options, so Yes Nude is an option <3
     Tho I ran into another issue; I use RobertMaleV5 with the BodyBuilder option, the body muscles are very Large, and the Male Legs with Feet are the standard Muscular body type, it has a clear "Cut" where the *Bodybuilder Torso disconnects with the *Muscular Legs, is there anything I can do to change the legs into BodyBuilder type?
  2. XanaduTouch
    • premium
    • 14 kudos
    Despite following the instructions and using SAF, no matter what, it seems that the feet turn invisible. For a brief moment I had just the claws of the feet showing (the Slof version though), but afterwards even that disappeared. For context, I'm installing using MO2 and following the manual install instructions in conjunction with instructions in this mod for Argonian Feet (foot meshes, renaming, feet textures, renaming, putting both in correct folders). Do you have any idea what could be going wrong? Every other aspect seems to work.

    Also, no matter the plugin placement, the Morrowind Argonian Faces mod doesn't seem to work with this one. Fixed this one, just needed to move the plugin below the bashed patch.

    EDIT: Yes, I also ran a bashed patch. I'm using the vanilla bodies version.

    EDIT 2: My bad, SAF seems to not be intended for vanilla bodies... and the cooler raptor feet also don't allow for boots. Decided to not bother with them in the end. Comment can be deleted.
  3. MWaser
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    • 0 kudos
    I ran into a problem with this one. I was trying to install it just for the changed feet while having the KATS mod and therefore the True Body Shapes mod which forces everything to be distributed to the Clothes/Bodysuit folder for display. I downloaded both the "compatible with robert males" and "compatible with robert females" folders from this, in both I took the meshes from jdayfeet folder and placed them as foot.nif and lowerbody.nif for males and femalefoot.nif and femalelowerbody.nif for females, after having installed the AB requirement extra texture and enabled the .esp. This worked properly with males, however with the females, the tail is completely gone, and when the shoes are unequipped to generate the new feet model, the tail area becomes a black void bugging everything on screen. Any idea on how to fix this? There is very little documentation I could find regarding exactly how True Body Shapes works with body parts such as tails which I could find, so I have no idea how I could replace it or fix it to avoid this issue.
    1. DrakeTheDragon
      • Moderator
      • 305 kudos
      Hmm, if you don't use my Scripted Argonian Feet but True Body Shapes for the script work instead and put my resources into the correct places for it to work, that should be absolutely fine.

      I think I knew all the details of how TBS operates once in the past, but I'll take another look to see if I can find anything about tails, as soon as my free time allows.

      Though I'm not sure it even controls the tails. Could you do a test run and deactivate the plugin of TBS to see if your Argonians look alright "without" the feet and their TBS scripting? If it's already bugged without TBS running, then we should look elsewhere for the cause.

      And this black void thing definitely sounds like what's sometimes happening when the foot claws' normalmap textures are missing. But you said you installed AB Requirements, so those should be present still.
    2. MWaser
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      • 0 kudos
      ?Alright, thanks to your advice I have tried it all over again, installed it piece by piece and eventually managed to get it working (albeit the result is somewhat humorous)

      I installed, in order: Robert's Female Bodies v13, Robert's Male Bodies v4 (the versions linked as requirements under KATS mod), (improved robert facial textures, not a requirement but mentioning jic conflicts), True Body Shapes, the KATS meshes, then copied the AB requirements textures, then copied from the DL folder of these files "for Robert's male bodies" folder and copied the "malefeet" and "malelowebody" from "11 jdayTfeetRobertV4" folder and renamed them to "foot" and "lowerbody" to work with TBS folder structure in clothesargonian/bodysuit. This worked perfectly for males when testing. Then I did the same from the 3.0 DL folder of "for Robert's female bodies" folder from the archive of this mod, copied "femalefeet" and "femalelowebody" from "11 jdayTfeet" and renamed them accordingly to "femalefoot" and "femalelowerbody" to work in the TBS structure, placed in the same folder. This caused the buggy darkness to stretch out. Afterwards I tried the other "feet" .nifs available in the same meshes folder from 11jdayTfeet and the "femalefeetONLY.nif" renamed to "femalefoot.nif" worked, however the female argonians are now naked. I don't know why the lingerie was dependant on the feet or why the textures for the lingerie were missing, but this is how I managed to solve the problem. Hopefully this helps to explain what happened.

      I don't know why the lingerie textures were missing, and the missing tail on female argonians was caused by the "ArgonianBeautification-RaceSettings.esp" being enabled from the "AB requirements" archive, which I enabled initially because the instructions recommended it but ultimately with the forcefully exchanged meshes from TBS it seems to not be necessary. Thanks again for the help, and if you have any theories or explanations beyond that I would love to know.
    3. DrakeTheDragon
      • Moderator
      • 305 kudos
      Ah, good thing you did away with the RaceSettings.esp. It's a leftover from the time when Slof's Better Beasts suddenly disappeared. BB introduced some changes to the body texture paths, which were not guaranteed to align with every combination of male and female body mods. Nowadays there's other mods introducing the same or similar pathing though, so it's no longer that useful or needed. I wasn't aware of it causing incompatibility with some other mods in regards to the female tails however. That's good to keep in mind.

      So it was one (or more) of jdayT's lingerie items, which was missing a texture (and thus normal map). Makes sense.
      Come to think of it, did you install the textures for jdayT's items from my miscellaneous downloads, too? When jdayT's mod vanished also, I started hosting those requirements as well here.

      The AB packages are meant to "replace" the files already in place with users of jdayT's mod. That's why they don't contain the textures. They expect the rest of jdayT's mod to already be there. That would explain a lot of things here now.
    4. MWaser
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Indeed, it seems the jdayT files was what I was missing. I got confused by the descriptions in text files and at the info page here which describes the .esp file for jdayT feet at length, so I must have assumed that was all it contained. Just the different requirement folders being split as they are must have confused me, but it's all settled and sensible now. Thanks for the help.
  4. desertmouse723
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    Got a little problem here. Seems that one of these mods equips some of the non-Argonian NPCs from Better Cities (i.e. non-vanilla NPCs) with Argonian feet. Is there a possible reason for that bug?

    Update: it's the Scripted Feet one.
    1. DrakeTheDragon
      • Moderator
      • 305 kudos
      Hmm, interesting. My SAF has a very specific condition for treating a detected actor as an Argonian. I just must admit I totally forgot which one that was after over a decade of being away from my scripts. I'll see if I can figure it out and get back at you with a better answer. But those feet should only be provided to those actors fulfilling these conditions. So for some reason my scripts must mistake this actor for an Argonian.

      You can also post more information about the affected Better Cities actor over in my SAF comments, if you like, to help further figuring this out and keeping the discussion on the right page.
  5. Necrolancia
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    Can I use this without Slof's BB?
    1. DrakeTheDragon
      • Moderator
      • 305 kudos
      Yes, of course.

      While requirements always depend on your choice of features, Slof's BB suddenly disappeared from the scene for a while some years ago, to reappear later supporting only Robert's Male and Female bodies anymore. During BB's absence the only file required from Slof's BB, the claw textures from Slof's Claws for Demons et al, were uploaded to my page with permission, and still are today.

      So if you don't intend to or for some reason can't use Slof's BB, just get the claw textures from the "AB Requirements" download from the Miscellaneous Files from here, and you got all you'll need.

      The plugin contained in the same package is for those not having another plugin introducing similar paths into your race setup already. Most body or cosmetic mods already do. But just in case, the plugin introduces the same pathing changes as the Argonian half of Slof's BB. So even that part is covered, if needed.
    2. Necrolancia
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thanks for the reply!
  6. Th4xM4x
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    Any chance there'll be an update to support footwear in the future? (Sorry if this question is constantly popping up.)
    1. DrakeTheDragon
      • Moderator
      • 305 kudos
      Not as constantly anymore. It's become really quiet around this place of... not actually that late either. But that's probably for the better.
      My ongoing lack of free time due to heavy workload in my job is still (for more than 5 years now) preventing me from doing any modding at all or making any considerable progress at least sadly. I can only still frequent these forums from time to time luckily and share my knowledge with those inquiring. Or continue to provide support for my and others' mods.

      I'm afraid I don't see this changing anytime soon. So if there's any new releases to my "Scripted Argonian Feet" project of what I call "adapted" item meshes for use with these feet and my or others' scripts, they won't be coming from me. Not many people have been interested in providing these for their preferred bodies, even though my actual procedure for creating them is very lightweight, quick and not at all complex.

      Bend the leg parts backwards by a certain integer amount, remove the human parts left and replace with parts from my legs. Only creating the models of shoe work fitting the feet requires a little more artistry, as you wouldn't just widen human shoes to make the feet fit inside or something like that.
      As soon as someone created a new NIF, put it into the right folder and gave it the correct tagged filename, my script would automatically do the rest without further work.

      There's been some people/friends working on some such files in the long distant past, but nowadays the overall interest seems to have dwindled. And I can't do the work myself anymore, as my free time practically died.
  7. Alkmayix
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    • 0 kudos
    What steps would I need to take to make this work with HGEC's female body? I'm dumb and couldn't see the HGEC version ^^; but uh...what is actually required to use this? The info on the description is not very clear. I'm using Robert's Body and HGEC, I have SLOFS but idk if I NEED it.
    1. DrakeTheDragon
      • Moderator
      • 305 kudos
      Ah, yes, that's probably due to the kind of reverse logic that's been going with this mod since day 1. AB does not tell you what you "need", as everything in it is optional. You tell AB what you "have", and it tells you what's the fitting replacement for that.

      You using Robert's Male and HGEC sets the ground rules, which bodies are used.
      Now comes the question which features from AB you want. Depending on that there's certain mods you will need to install beforehand, if you haven't already, or installing replacements for them will be pointless.

      If you already have Slof's BB but don't really intend on using it, as it only supports Robert's Male and Female bodies and doesn't support your choice HGEC, installing it first, then installing the respective parts from my AB over it and not using its plugin will do fine. You will have the claw textures needed for the tail spikes and claws to work that way, too.
      OR install the package labeled "AB Requirements" from my Miscellaneous Files download section here instead of installing Slof's BB. This might become the better option especially considering the effects BB might have on your HGEC Khajiit.

      The above will give you the spiked tails and claws on hands and/or feet, if you so choose.

      For the Argonian Feet there are 2 different ways to get them into the game. Sadly neither of them is really satisfactory at this point.

      - There's jdayT's original mod "ArgonianFeet", which can only be found inside my Miscellaneous Files downloads anymore.
      This will give all Vanilla NPCs (mod-added ones are excluded) fitting lowerbody/legs or feet clothing with the feet inside and offer a chest with wearable feet for the player.

      - And there's my own work "Scripted Argonian Feet", which will force-unequip all unfitting foot and/or leg items and "try" to exchange them with fitting replacements, if present. And this "IF" exactly is the problem. I only ever managed to create a very select few example replacement meshes for use with my mod. Then my free time died, and so far nobody else continued creating more, especially not for all the other bodies.
      The up-to-date release in the latest version on my SAF page only provides naked legs and feet, while it is possible to keep wearing unadapted leg items still without the feet completely looking out of place.
    2. Alkmayix
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you so much for the reply, I have 1 more question. I was getting all my mods setup and when I went into menus I noticed I had claws showing through shoes and idk what caused that or how best to fix that, do you have any ideas on that front? It does persist in 3rd person as well.
    3. DrakeTheDragon
      • Moderator
      • 305 kudos
      That's part of Slof's BB. The tail NIFs contain the claws for hands and feet, so they don't need to occupy another slot and are always seen (apart from in 1st person, where your tail is not rendered).
      I don't think there was/is a fix for that. But you could use the tail NIFs from AB, which are for use with Argonian Feet. I removed the toe claws from these, as the Argonian Feet contain their own claws.
  8. Poldamer
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    Had a problem, now resolved.
    1. DrakeTheDragon
      • Moderator
      • 305 kudos
      Care to share? Just out of interest.
  9. Joehtosis
    • supporter
    • 22 kudos
    I would make this comment on the mod that's incompatible with this one, but unfortunately it's locked.
    Either way, for anyone using this with junkacc11's Seamless - Robert Male for OCO, you're going to have issues with the spiked tails showing up. The SRM for OCO package has a tail.nif in a bodyassetoverride folder that will, as the folder name suggests, override the relevant body assets of any other mod installed via the blockhead plugin. You can fix this by replacing the tail.nif in the override folder (or removing it) with the one from AB, but that will compromise the Argonian segment of the seamless mod.
    Unfortunately the standard methods of reordering installer packages and esp load orders won't address the problem due to the way the override functions.
    Gotta change it directly from within the SRM package if you choose to use AB.
    Hope that helps.
    1. DrakeTheDragon
      • Moderator
      • 305 kudos
      It uses BodyAssetOverride for the tail? Hmm, I wonder why. The BodyAssetOverride usually goes by race and gender (the Seamless mod won't apply it per individual NPC), but in the Argonian race records of most body mods (I think OCO, too, but I need to check it again) there already is a separate tail per gender. So what's this override needed for? I definitely need to check.

      You say even the tails in the SRM mod are more seamless than the normal RM tails are, so you lose some seamlessness when using the tails of AB instead of RSM's? I definitely need to check that, too. Tails never really connected in any body I know, but I missed checking them from the Seamless group of mods.
    2. Joehtosis
      • supporter
      • 22 kudos
      Just double checked the file structure in the nexus preview, and yeah there's definitely an override mesh in the BodyAssetOverrides. There's one for the Khajiit tail as well, didn't mention it as that didn't seem pertinent to this. As for what they're for, or what they do, I couldn't say. I'm guessing since it's to reduce seams, it may be that he tweaked that a bit as well to remove any seams coming off the tails. I don't really use nudity mods so I can't check to confirm.

      Also, sorry, I should clarify my prior post, I'm assuming that removing the tail would lose some functionality with what Seamless does, but I honestly have no idea. I'm coming from the assumption that the mesh was put there for a reason, as for what it changes, I couldn't tell you. I'm going on without it perfectly fine and haven't noticed a difference, but then I'm also not using nudity mods so I doubt I would have noticed a change anyway.
    3. DrakeTheDragon
      • Moderator
      • 305 kudos
      Well, in one part using the override is definitely a way to get around the randomness of file pathing between several different body mods and race changing mods.
      Even when using only Robert's Male, depending on version there's a 50/50 chance the tails will either be inside "Argonian/tail.nif" or "Argonian/male/tail.nif". And that's just the start.
      A mod intending to replace the tail mesh would thus need to either know or be in control of the resulting pathing at the end of the load order. Using a Blockhead override, however, will always replace the tail, no matter where its previous file is loaded from. So it's not a bad idea, I give them that.

      I still need to check on the difference between the seamless tails and the originals. It can't be seamless by texture (body and tail are 2 separated sections in texture layout), but maybe they made it better align with the behind instead of the regular look of just being "stuck into it".
    4. spartan117ce
      • premium
      • 12 kudos
      Thanks for bringing this up. at least now i know why in-game testing produces flawless female argonians with spikes, but males don't appear with them at all.
  10. ShaneHenson
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    will the feet portion of this still work if i dont download the better beasts mod?
    1. DrakeTheDragon
      • Moderator
      • 305 kudos
      For a long time Better Beasts wasn't available anymore and it was reuploaded only recently. So back then I took measures to provide required resources on my own page for the time being. See the "Required Plugins" section in my description and readme for all the details.

      However, this was never a requirement for the Argonian Feet feature, apart from maybe its claw textures, which also got alternative downloads mentioned in the above section. For the feet feature there's 2 different ways to put them into your game: Either jDayT's original plugin, also downloadable from my page, or my own mod Scripted Argonian Feet.

      There's another section "Important Information for Usage of jDayT's mod" also in my description and readme with all the details about its inner workings and the differences between this and my own approach.
    2. ShaneHenson
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      sweet thank you for getting back to me so quick!!!