I Skry

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This user's image description contains 10 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. Dennywood
    • member
    • 162 kudos
    I did not expect such a suspense. I look forward to see more. Zella, you got a very good imagination. Bravo!
    1. Zella
      • premium
      • 90 kudos
      Thank you! Your images make me happy too. ;-)
  2. Malachi Delacot
    Malachi Delacot
    • premium
    • 223 kudos
    BRAVO !!!
    I was really touched by the line: "...she is an equal part of this & that her wishes & words will be respected as much as is possible"
    1. Zella
      • premium
      • 90 kudos
      Thank you.

      If you treat a youngster with respect & reason, they will usually try to maintain that relationship when they are able. The old rites of passage usually pointed out how they could use their powers for the good of everyone & be respected in their community. If they are treated as infants, they have nothing to loose.
    2. Malachi Delacot
      Malachi Delacot
      • premium
      • 223 kudos
      Before I met Carah, I dated a single mom. She found it interesting I did not "talk down" to her children like so many adults tend to do with kids. They are still people, just a lot younger
    3. Mithanas
      • member
      • 73 kudos
      And sometimes children are the answer. They have a different point of view, and they can help sometimes to resolve a mystery with their imagination. In fact, children are only persons younger than adults, and adults are "older children".

      Hope Astrala find her parents :3
      I liked theese screenshots a lot, truly ^^