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  1. vurt
    • premium
    • 1,634 kudos
    I'll re-post what Marcurios said about this mod, or ""fix"". TLDR; it shouldn't be used for our mod.
    edit: replies are probably better on our page than on here btw, because Marcurios can see it and he will do a better job of arguing the technical side than i am.

    "If he re-enabled the visible with distant flags on forms than he re-enabled the errors that can occur from having both the "has treelod" and the "VWD" flag enabled simultaneously on a form, that means you can run into LOD trees up close again.
    That is because some LOD is treelod, which was not supplied in vanilla BSA files, but was enabled on vanilla forms.
    That in turn means that if you supply the treelod assets on vanilla game, you get LOD up close errors.
    if for some reason i have the will to make all LOD 3DLOD (static) in the future, those flags could be re-enabled, but not right now.

    Also, there are no dirty edits, the edits made in WFO are made with a specific reason.
    And if there would be ITM's, that would mean i haven't been checking my file, and i don't think that is the case, i always check my file with xEdit before saving it. And making the mod a ESM gave us crashing problems in the past, and it prevented people from putting it last in the load order, which means that if you have another mod that touches the placement of a vanilla tree that was deleted (disabled) in WFO, it will again give you the LOD up close problem, So if you want to use that patch, be my guest, but don't come crying to us if you have LOD up close because another mod re-enables vanilla forms, or your game starts crashing without obvious cause.

    Not everything is what it seems, and sometimes you have to do things in a way that is not generally recommended.

    So no, we won't incoorporate these "fixes", cause they arent fixes as far as i'm concerned.

    Also, i don't see why we would need to discuss this with InTheGrave if we should want to make these edits.
    If these edits would have been neccesary, i would have made them long before he did, but i didn't cause they would mess up the mod for many people that don't know how to fix errors themselves that could come from using these edits, or this patch.
    The reason the mod is like it is, is to make it as noob friendly as it can be, so long as the follow the given instructions to put it last in the load order."
    1. Inthegrave
      • premium
      • 178 kudos
      In short there is dirty edits. the mod still has dirty edits to a few coyotes that were moved very slightly downwards (imperceptible to the player).

      Also there is a reason a lot of the modding community is moving towards ESM. ESPs increase memory usage and save file size
      because you are forcing all the placed REFs (including the disabled ones) to be forced into memory at all times.

      If even just the mod was flagged as ESM (file extension doesn't need changed) I would hide my mod as I feel like the most major issue
      would have been addressed. Rest of the issues would be fairly minor at that point.
    2. vurt
      • premium
      • 1,634 kudos
      Like he says, the dirty edits are there, and for a reason. 
    3. Inthegrave
      • premium
      • 178 kudos
      No there is no reason to move the coyotes. it's a dirty edit. They are moved so slightly they serve no useful purpose.
      Now granted this is a very minor issue, but it is a thing.
  2. Fire1nu
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    is More LOD for Wasteland Flora Overhaul good to use?
  3. PatoJojordan932
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    What is the correct load order? I always put it on bottom but the new update makes it look like you have to put at the top. Can you help me? Thanks
    1. VeryLastKiss
      • premium
      • 154 kudos
      +1 to this.

      For some reason, Vortex is suggesting to load the patch BEFORE the base Wasteland Flora and Terrain Overhaul, which doesn't really make sense, and if I use the suggestion mentioned, then it will say the patch is redundant. I believe the patch should be loaded after the base Wasteland Flora and Terrain Overhaul.
    2. Inthegrave
      • premium
      • 178 kudos
      With this replacer load order doesn't really matter a whole lot. But probably lower to keep the trees consistent but it doesn't really matter hugely. 
    3. VeryLastKiss
      • premium
      • 154 kudos
      Oh, ok. Cool. Thanks for the quick reply, and thank you very much for this mod because it certainly works very well.
    4. yRaven
      • supporter
      • 32 kudos
      Best answer is check with xEdit.
    5. Inthegrave
      • premium
      • 178 kudos
      Yup, check xEDIT for conflicts.
    6. Fire1nu
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      thank you
  4. BonesJV
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    Is the Wasteland Flora Overhaul - Vanilla tree replacer with LOD in the main mod's downloads needed? Asking since that file has mesh files but reverts changes to this mod's esp.
  5. DarkenedRogue
    • premium
    • 9 kudos
    Is this still needed for Wasteland Flora Overhaul 3.6f?
    1. Inthegrave
      • premium
      • 178 kudos
    2. DarkenedRogue
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      Okay, thank you very much!
    3. itsdovahkiin89
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Mine is coming out redundant for some reason :/
  6. alfaz62
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    So theoretically i could just flag the plugin from the newest update into an ESM using FNVEdit, right?
    1. Inthegrave
      • premium
      • 178 kudos
      Yes but the other changes might not be in the latest versions.
  7. yRaven
    • supporter
    • 32 kudos
    If anyone wants, i made the same changes to the Honest Hearts plugin. Use as you want. 
    1. Rockthrowa
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      What's this do?
    2. yRaven
      • supporter
      • 32 kudos
      The same thing this mod does, but to HH plugin. Now what this mod does? Read the description of this mod page.
    3. GlazzyDeer
      • supporter
      • 8 kudos
      Thank you my guy. Hope this post gets pinned
    4. PuddinQuinzel
      • BANNED
      • 3 kudos
      nope lel
    5. DarkenedRogue
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      Thank you!
  8. Squibster99
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    are there any risks to only installing this mod after playing with the original mod for some time? only just discovered it 
    1. Inthegrave
      • premium
      • 178 kudos
      No it should be fine.
  9. xemnoraq
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
  10. bpiche
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Anybody know if this is compatible with the WFO medium resolution version? Gonna stick this patch in my LO but not sure if it'll help
    1. EdinMG
      • member
      • 49 kudos
      I'm wodering about that as well, gonna wait for an answer before installing.