Fallout New Vegas

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  1. zzjay
    • premium
    • 2,788 kudos

    Many thanks to Nickheggo for the amazing NUKA WORLD IMPORTS.
    The Nuka World Version will allow you to unlock all the Nuka variants, showcased in this mod.

    However if you are not interested in the additional colas you can download the Vanilla Version, which will include only the models present in the vanilla game.
    This version has an OPTIONAL plugin, VANILLA UNIQUES, that fixes NUKA RUM, and ICE COLD Nuka Cola bottle, giving them a unique model.

    08/23 - ADDED NVSE Version that does the same thing as the Vanilla Uniques, except that it does so through xNVSE script, rather than using and ESP. This version is ESP-less, but has all of the features of the PLUGIN Version.

    Please note that he NVSE version is LIMITED to the Vanilla Version, and it's not possible to make an espless version of the NUKA WORLD IMPORTS mod.
    ------------------------------Special thanks too ToddTellMeSweetLittleLies  for creating the NVSE Version of the mod.


    ADDING an ALL IN ONE INSTALLER for the mod.
  2. MasterObserver85
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Is this compatible with Steam Deck/Linux? I'm a complete noob on the SD/Linux OS and appreciate any tips. Thanks. 
    1. zzjay
      • premium
      • 2,788 kudos
      I probably know less than you about it.

      All i can say is that y probably cannot use the NVSE version, but  IF (and big if mind you) the linux version supports modding, then you can install the plugin version. But you should probably go for 02 no esp, just moel replacers.
  3. Name0and0Name
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I know some fnv mods can work on f3 and vice versa, is this one?
    1. zzjay
      • premium
      • 2,788 kudos
      The no esp one, sure.
      Esps need to be converted tho.
  4. JJJJJJedi
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    So do I still need to download Nick's files if I'm using Nuka World Version?
    1. zzjay
      • premium
      • 2,788 kudos
      Actually he confirmed me that you do not, but if you will please download and endorse it, because it's a cool mod.
  5. DracoVampire786
    • member
    • 19 kudos
    The one change I would love for you to make, is that for the ice cold variants of the new colas, you have them named accordingly like the base game ice cold nuka cola.

    So basically; "Ice Cold Nuka Cola Quantum, Ice Cold Nuka Cola Quartz and etc."
  6. pericov1
    • member
    • 16 kudos
    excuse me, does this work with mods that animates the nukacola like xilandro's or hits' drinking animation?
    1. zzjay
      • premium
      • 2,788 kudos
      there are no incompatibilities, ubt if ou want to see the new bottle in the animation, and not the old one, you need to download the patch they have made (its on their side of the modpage)
    2. pericov1
      • member
      • 16 kudos
      I found the patch for animated ingestibles but not for hit b42 inject. I looked for commentaries about nukas in both mods and it seem that doesnt work with the animated ingestibles patch and i couldn't find any patch
    3. pericov1
      • member
      • 16 kudos
      I think i managed to made it work hiding the hit animations with mo2
      nice mod thank you
    4. zzjay
      • premium
      • 2,788 kudos
      It's my understanding that, at least fr the vanilla game versions (not the nuka imports one) it'llstil play whatever animation the author of the animation mod assigned to the bottle in question.

      Now i don't know much about how these mods are build or meant to work, or what your problem was, but technically installing this mod ON TOP of hte other one (giving priority to Nuka Cola World - Nuka overhaul by zzjay) should assing to all the drinking animation of the rocket cola bottle inclued (it'll not change colors, but that's because in vanilla game only one cola existed, and it't wont have all the other variants, until someone sits down and animates them all for a patch, which in my option is a waste of resources, as not many people will drink that many grape cola, or whatever taste is added by the mod; basiclly what i'm trying to say is that it's a lot of work for a very minimal color difference.)

      however i'm bnot sure how what kind of animations these mods use, i have always used a mod called solid project in its older version, aka animation project, and never run into game breaking issues.
    5. pericov1
      • member
      • 16 kudos
      Good thing i have the imports version and the animations works with rockets and colors. (my problem was that drinking animation had the unrocketed bottle of b42 inject hit, and the ingestibles animation patch was overwritted (or doubled) by b42 hit) it seems all good now
    6. zzjay
      • premium
      • 2,788 kudos
      that's good, can you post a link to the patch? i'll add it to the description, so it'll be easier to find.
    7. pericov1
      • member
      • 16 kudos
      https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/70139?tab=files&file_id=1000108823&nmm=1 (patch for animated ingestibles nwo import (there also are for vanilla, glow, etc))
      (i also have the hit test file in miscellaneous in animated ingestibles but i dont know if that is needed) 
      https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/80535 (patch for animated ingestibles and b42 inject hit)install both files, go to b42patch.ini and evrything that says nuka must be set to 0 (it re enables 1st and 3rd person animations)
      In the ini explains how to hide b42 animations, hide everything that says nuka (or they would be doubled)

      I have not tested it too much but it seem to work good (i think it doesnt glow with lumen patch while drinking)
    8. zzjay
      • premium
      • 2,788 kudos
      i think lumen patch only applies to regular bottles yeah, not animation models. don't even know if you can animate lights, should be doable but idk.
    9. savagek29
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Just a heads up. WastelandlordMaalyG made a patch to work with b42 inject using hit's animations.

      You can download it here
    10. pericov1
      • member
      • 16 kudos
  7. FiftyTifty
    • premium
    • 158 kudos
    How many polygons do these models have? The original models only have a handful of polygons, but sketchfab stuff is all over the place as far as optimization goes.
    1. zzjay
      • premium
      • 2,788 kudos
      the bottle's 800.
      I am probably the person that would stand at the forefront of an hypotetical anti "high-poly" protest.
      too low count? badtoo high? equally bad, but there's a good middlegroun thta is better than some 30 polygons items that by now we can get rid of.
    2. FiftyTifty
      • premium
      • 158 kudos
      Until I've loaded the Super Duper Mart with every Nuka Cola I've ever found. Hoarders love low polygon counts.

      Maybe I'll have a bash in Blender and see if I can work something out, then send them over to you...If I didn't have a bajillion projects already.
    3. zzjay
      • premium
      • 2,788 kudos
      800 is already low poly.

      for reference vanilla heads have 1200, and is considered realy low poly as well.

      Somethign that is not lowpoly is around 5000, but highpoly items reach something like 10k
    4. FiftyTifty
      • premium
      • 158 kudos
      It's a shame we can't carry NPCs' heads about, otherwise I'd spruce up the Super Duper Mart with the heads of my enemies. And the vanilla head mesh has bone deformations, lip sync, eye animations, morphs, etc.

      A nuka cola bottle is, well, a Nuka cola bottle. Tiny wee thing and it's easy to get a hundred of them on display :D
    5. zzjay
      • premium
      • 2,788 kudos
      I mean if you want to keep the same amunt of polygons of vanilla, just don't use mods, really.

      if i were you i wouldnt worry over 800 polygons, but i would be more worried using 1k textures for clutter, that's a lot more resourceful intensive than a polycount of a vanilla beer bottle lol.

      If you want better looks than vanilla, you'll have to use higher resolution, and higher polycount count for your items, otherwise it's not possible to get better quality. Vanilla is as good as it gets for that sizes.

      Mods are meant to look better and have their own different sweetspot of optimization\quality balance.
      If you lower the mod to resemble resolution and polycount of vanilla, it'll look even worse than vanilla does.
    6. Rawr40k
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      What the hell is this topic? 800 polygons too much? Get better hardware dude.
  8. TwelveYO
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Selecting the Glowing Colas setting in the installer does not glow...
    1. zzjay
      • premium
      • 2,788 kudos
      probably ended up packing the wrong files, Download the separate file version in the meantime.
    2. TwelveYO
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      I used ALL in One Installer with MO2, does that mean it's not a good idea?
    3. zzjay
      • premium
      • 2,788 kudos
      I don't know. i checked the archives, and FOMOD lines, and everythign is fine. I tried changing priority to it, but seems like the finles are installed correctly.
      As you have selected glowing colas, solid, and you indeed have the solid bottle in your picture. I think it's something else in your load order that removes environmental shaders, and hence the glowing.

      Are you using mods like that FNV reloaded by chance?

      Someone also said latest update of Nevada skies does not allow glow to work, i'm not sue about that, but i think it's more likely that it's on new vegas reloaded side, but you never know what mods edit.
      So yeah if you're using one of those mods, that's probbly it, they disable the feature that the game had to allow glow to happen, so unless you restore that featuree in your game,nothign weill glow.

      You can try an see if this mod helps, they made a patch for this mod, but not sure if they use the same method to add glow. this game enhgine is pretty limited.

      Awaiting reply on mods used.
    4. TwelveYO
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Sorry, it's fixed, it seems the Realistic Wasteland Lighting mod was doing something wrong. I lowered the priority of this mod and now it glows properly!
    5. zzjay
      • premium
      • 2,788 kudos
      that is very strange :\
  9. GRUmod
    • premium
    • 188 kudos

    Great work on these, 

    Wondering if i may please upload edited files on my page to make your mod compatible with my lighting mod, Lumen
    A few have requested this so thought it wouldn't hurt to ask. Hopefully that's ok.

    Just the glowing Nuka's..

    Many thanks
    1. zzjay
      • premium
      • 2,788 kudos
      Of course!

      Patches are always free to make, it's just that it happened people reuploaded whole mods into packs or collections, that don't sit well with me.

      Also that mod sounds interesting, do you by chance have a written duide somewhere for future stuff i may or may not make?
    2. GRUmod
      • premium
      • 188 kudos
      Awesome, thanks heaps!

      And sure, it's just this to add lights to meshes;

      Let me know if you need any further guidance or details etc.

  10. Aik3
    • supporter
    • 15 kudos
    Hey just stumbled across this, it's really cool to see my old model being put to use!  (I've changed my name since then - used to go by "Anathlyst" everywhere)

    I had also intended to make a mod like this, but the blender .nif plugins available at the time were super tedious to work with, and college ate up too much of my spare time anyway so I wound up just making it available to download on Sketchfab and subsequently forgot about it.  It's nice after all these years to see it being used for its intended purpose.  Plus, this goes way further with all the variants than anything I would've released.

    So yeah, just wanted to say nice job!
    1. zzjay
      • premium
      • 2,788 kudos
      Oh, hi :)

      Thank you for making this amazing model :) it's been my source of inspiration for all the other alcohol bottles i ended up making.

      If you're talkign about nif plugin for FNV, its not that bad, well assuming you are willing to use an old version of blender for import export.
      I use this one for exporting stuff:
      For new blender this should do:
  11. Aeroscri
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    The transparent glow file doesn't actually make them glow?
    1. zzjay
      • premium
      • 2,788 kudos
      You ikely havent installed it correctly. you need to let the mod relace the files.