Fallout New Vegas
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  1. HappyMexicanGuy
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    personally I think the crashed ufo is an unnecessary change that isn't in the spirit of the mod, it doesn't really have anything to do with integrating wild wasteland, it's just an unrelated personal preference. I think it would make more sense as an optional file. Other than that, great work, thank you for making this <3
    1. Nehred
      • premium
      • 504 kudos
      I did that because I thought the UFO just hovering was dumb and it's the broken model so it's not like the game implies the aliens landed there on purpose that's why I made it look like a crash but I get what you mean, feel free to remove the changes in xEdit. Revert the UFO's position and delete rocks and smoke I added.
    2. ModdingNerd
      • supporter
      • 4 kudos
      Personally I think they crash landed but the UFO is still running. They could leave at any point but choose not to since it's just a scout crew. 
  2. yRaven
    • premium
    • 24 kudos
    Sadly Better Character Creation still asks if i want to enable Wild Wasteland
    1. Nehred
      • premium
      • 504 kudos
      Stuff probably changed in recent update, it says it got changed into an ESM that's probably the reason, the fix was for the ESP version.
    2. yRaven
      • premium
      • 24 kudos
      Yup, after changing the line to .esm and recompiling it works, thanks.

      Edit: If you want it to update the page be my guest
  3. sr383
    • premium
    • 14 kudos
    Just a heads up that this change is bound to conflict with Tapioks' classic Gnome Wrangler mod (https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/45876), which positions one of the gnomes in the cockpit of the alien craft. 
  4. golivie
    • premium
    • 50 kudos
    The plugin contains a deleted record, but this is for Loading Screen references, i'm guessing this is fine, or should it be marked as initially disabled instead? 
    1. Nehred
      • premium
      • 504 kudos
      It's fine.
    2. golivie
      • premium
      • 50 kudos
      Thanks for the quick response! 
  5. VegaMega000
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    After doing some research about solving conflicts with patch plugins, I regret to say that I wasn't able to fix my issue with WWF having a conflict with Fallout 3 Weapon Restoration. I think the problem mainly lies on the fact that WWF is a master file while F3 Weapon Restoration is an .esp which makes trying to copy certain records into my new patch plugin in an attempt to make them work together. 

    I just try a bit of copying & pasting but it doesn't seem to work for me. There is one script that is in Global References section labeled
    "WWFQUEST [QUST:01000CDE]" and if I try to copy it into the patch plugin I would be given a warning not to do so because its a master script. Overall I reckon I could use some help.

    Is there any guide I can find that can help me? Most of the ones I found were for conflicts that seem far more simple and obvious to solve that what I'm trying to do. Thanks.
    1. Nehred
      • premium
      • 504 kudos
      Just copy VERT5AlienWWScript from Wild Wasteland Forever and in a new plugin and place that plugin below Fallout 3 Weapon Restoration.
    2. VegaMega000
      • member
      • 0 kudos

      Really sorry for sounding like a dumb, but copy which VERT5AlienWWScript? From the EditorID column, or the SCTX - Script Source column which has "scnVERT5AlienWWScript float", do I drag that to the new plugin? Do you mean either of those things?
      just edited in this below:?
      Just want to make sure, I don't mean to keep bugging it's just that things like this doesn't seem obvious to me despite all those FNV Edit Guides.

      I see several instances of VERT5AlienWWScript which I know is simply the wasteland encounter itself, there's the script on the left panel on FNV Edit but I can't to anything with that I assume, and a few of the instances on the right panel with the whole load order columns. 

      Both the Editor ID and Form ID has VERT5AlienWWScript but they are green so they probably aren't the conflict(no duh).
      Then there's both the Compiled Script and ScriptSource: the former is a bunch of number coding, the latter like stated above starts with scn VerT5AlienScript float and has a bunch of proceeding text. Those are all the VERT5AlienWWScript I can see.

      Really sorry for being such a rookie with this whole thing, at best this specfic comment thread than be highlighted for future buggers who don't know much about FNV patching beyond the basics.
    3. Nehred
      • premium
      • 504 kudos



    4. VegaMega000
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thanks for this, I assume this will make the aliens keep their weapons added from F3 Weapon Restoration. If that isn't the case please let me know. I'll likely do commit to the patch in around 8 hours regardless. Also just found about the Wild YCS mod so I could give that a try even in case the patch you showed me the process of does in fact get rid of the F3 weapons for the aliens and merely allows WWF to work over F3WR. Thanks and I'll let you know in future if this works!
    5. Nehred
      • premium
      • 504 kudos
      It will work fine, unless you load a save where the Aliens have been enabled and their inventories set before the patch/mods were installed in which case they will use laser weapons. People starting a new game or loading a save before the Aliens have been enabled will be fine.
    6. VegaMega000
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      It worked, thanks! Please don't feel any need to reply back: just making this comment to let others know your method works perfectly.
  6. VegaMega000
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Maybe something went wrong in my part but for some reason when I kill the Aliens and wait seven days or even longer, no mercenaries would ever spawn.
    One of my guesses could be the fact I have the "A Better Willow Companion" mod installed and it includes a tiny little Giddy-up Buttercup Figure by the campfire. Otherwise I don't know if it's either your mod or something else. A reply would be appreciated and sorry if I've missed anything. 

    Btw the Wild Wasteland Forever mod is far above Better Character Creation this mod is compatible with. Also, nearly forgot to mention I also have "F3 Weapon Restoration" in which some of the Mothership Zeta weapons re-added were given to the three aliens... 
    1. Nehred
      • premium
      • 504 kudos
      Open your mods in xEdit and check for conflicts.
    2. VegaMega000
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I checked FNV Edit and saw it being heavily altered due to F3 Weapon Restoration. Have never created my own patch(if that would even work), but I'll probably look at guides or advice from others to make my own patch of some kind. Very new to such actions so any input from anyone, mod author or otherwise, would be given thanks. 
  7. VegaMega000
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    • 0 kudos
    Dunno if its possible but can you make a config option in the future to make the order of the unique item reversed? You can keep the UFOs there, I just always liked the idea of fighting the Mercenaries first then coming back later to fight the Aliens(I like the Aliens to be a build up essentially). This is just a preference for myself. Regardless this mod seems to fix my one issue about Better Character Creation so thanks.
  8. Mcbob9000
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    • 0 kudos
    so everyone says that if i want to have the messages pop up I just need to "Open the mod with FNVEdit and delete the changes in the Message and Sound sections." but when i open the "Wild Wasteland Forever.esm" in FNVEdit the only things under it are "File Header", "Load Screen", "Quest", "Script", "Static", and "Worldspace", all of which (other than File header) can be expanded.

    where do i find the "Message" and "Sound" changes? what do i search?
    1. Nehred
      • premium
      • 504 kudos
      Instead of reading old comments how about reading the description or even the changelog?
  9. discoprincess22
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Thank you for the latest v2.0 update!

    In case you ever decide to put out a future update, could I please suggest that (1) Removing the loading screen tip and (2) Hiding the trait in the Pip-Boy's Perk tab be added as configurable options via the INI as well? I changed it myself in xEdit back when I first installed the mod, but it would be nice to have more customisation available in the mod itself if you ever have the time :)
    1. Nehred
      • premium
      • 504 kudos
      Can't do for the loading screen as there is no script for that, opening the mod in xEdit and deleting the record is the only way. Can do for Hide/Show trait.

      Edit: I will try using SetFormFlag 32 on the loading screen see if that works.
    2. discoprincess22
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Ooh, got it. Thanks Nehred! :)
  10. XanaduTouch
    • premium
    • 14 kudos
    Would this mod conflict with Better Character Creation? I really like your solution to WW locking you out from getting the unique Gauss Rifle, so I'd like to know.
    1. TheSmokingBong
      • premium
      • 6 kudos
    2. XanaduTouch
      • premium
      • 14 kudos
      Ah, my bad, didn't see that comment somehow. Thanks for the response!