Fallout New Vegas


  1. GuestIIIIIX
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    Dude, what's in the Base Game Armor & Clothing (Cut, Uncut, & Unobtainable) that's making my character explode everytime they fast travel?
    1. GuestIIIIIX
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      Nv, it was the Explosive Collar....
  2. najem007
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    is it just me or for what ever reasn as soon as i run batfile base AC i just explode xD
    i just started the game 
    i am doing something worng ?!!
  3. masterdirector
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    I have an idea for a possibly useful bat file. 
    How about one with All Base Perks (for non-DLC players) and one with All Perks (Base perks + DLC perks)? And a copy of each with descriptions. Then, players could make a copy of the file for their playthrough, rename it, delete perks they don't want, and run it. If you've already made such a thing, then my apologies. These Bat files are certainly time savers for sure. Thank you. 
  4. laclongquan
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    For Dust 2.0 players, recommend to dl all  the related armor and clothing files (3 rar). checking it and you can see some very interesting things. Also, lots of old items on FNVDUST wikia is now changed, so this should help old players~

    It doesnt show all the dust item, only dust-affected vanilla items. For dust specifics, you would need to export an armo-type list. Which I havent figured out how
  5. laclongquan
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    @seethingword, guy, how about your work on ALL armor and clothing in the base game and DLC?

    I am doing a Dust game which changed vanilla armors and such bat files would be useful to check which is which. Your work would have been VERY welcome for Dust~
    1. seethingword
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      I actually haven't played the game since like 2019. I can look into it for you though 
    2. seethingword
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      Clothes for DLC & Base Game have been added. Working on Armors Now. May have to update those files though

      Edit: DLC & Base Clothing is fully complete.
    3. laclongquan
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      Regarding to my specific issue, which is using in context of Dust  2.0 (and not vanilla FNV or other total conversion mods), to see which get changed...

      A lot of vanilla non-playable assets get changed into playable, thus these files help in certain area, but not all.

      If you can export list of ARMO items in main game esm files that would be possible to check which is which~ Though automatically is best, because non-playable assets are pretty big amount 
    4. seethingword
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      So your looking for cut content too?
    5. laclongquan
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      Yes, all.

      To illustrate my case, Dust 2.0, one specific case

      The item is 0015EA6D, which I think is the basic, non-pc, raul-only petro chico jumpsuit. Raul received an armored version of this suit in his personal quest, which is armored petro chico jumpsuit, which get mentioned in wikia. But this version is the petro chico jumpsuit without all the accessories.

      And this is just one of many armo items get used extensively in Dust, into a playable version.

      Thus I need a complete list of ALL armo items, not just playable. Cut content, non-pc, you know how it is~

      You list is useful, no doubt about it. I do play other total conversion mods, like Tale of Two Wasteland, after all. And so they are useful in comparing which with what.

      But my current specific issue is with Dust 2.0 :shrug:
    6. seethingword
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      I'm using the list here https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout:_New_Vegas_armor_and_clothing#Legend to compile the files but that specific jumpsuit isn't listed on the list.

      I would have to go through every character and get the outfit they wear to compile that list. 

      is there a more complete list somewhere else that I could use?
    7. laclongquan
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      • 36 kudos
      None that I know of.

      Which is why I said if you can auto export things from game's esm files, either by geck, or any other advanced tool. Copy by hands are just too terrifying works~
    8. seethingword
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      Added a new file - Base Game Armor & Clothing (Cut, Uncut, & Unobtainable)
      It has no DLC ones in it but thats coming soon. WARNING - I do not know what items (If any) could crash or destroy your save so be careful
    9. laclongquan
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      • 36 kudos
      Thanks! Test it and a lots of INTERESTING things for vanilla FNV players. From the point of Dust2.0 players like me, it also show a different interesting things about how that mod change some cut/npc only items.
  6. RevanFanMan
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    Not sure if this is still being kept up with anymore but, could we get one that gives us ten of every drink in the game please? No need for ones like rushing water or anything like that, just all food/alcohol drinks
    1. seethingword
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      Sorry for the late reply but I will look into it for you!
    2. seethingword
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      Is this still something you are wanting though?
    3. laclongquan
      • supporter
      • 36 kudos
      Thank you. I've been forgetting to check replies~ My bad :oop:
      Yes, I am testing these right now.
    4. seethingword
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Going to be working on Armor later on
    5. RevanFanMan
      • premium
      • 20 kudos
      Yes please.
    6. seethingword
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Base Consumables Done. Doing DLC Consumables now
  7. assblasted
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    I'm having an issue with loading these files in game. I've changed the "xx" in the codes to my load order and placed them in the data folder of FNV. But when when i would type in the the file name with "bat" at the beginning it would say "Either file 'xx' or 'xx.txt' could not be opened".
    1. RevanFanMan
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      • 20 kudos
      You put bat files in the main game folder. Not the data folder. 
  8. Daywalker240
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    So I have to make one myself for the weapons. Cool.
    1. seethingword
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      Why would you want EVERY weapon in the game?
  9. adamjf23
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    so you made the ammo bats before the weapon bats....... smart.