Fallout New Vegas


  1. Jaws12413
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Genuine curiosity, I wanted to ask about the voices.

    I haven't been on NV in a while and saw these mods by accident and already fell in love with this mod, Though what came to my mind is are the dialogs with them are snippets from the show or AI Generated? 🤔

    I remember seeing a mod a long time ago doing the same thing, but that mod used audio from the show, though it was REALLY jarring listening to it and other audio cues / music.

    And if they are snippets from the show's audio, would there be a chance in the future for AI generated voices? 🤔
    1. clanky4
      • member
      • 104 kudos
      All of the voices are snippets are from the show. Most were from a skyrim mod and a few others were direct. I'm not sure how many of those AI TTS things existed back in 2015.
  2. cococata
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Giving Blackjack the All-American and watch her slaughter everyone is great! Tho I am having troubles with Littlepip, she will stay in place if I give her a rifle? She also doesn't shoot either unless it's her default gun, so can somebody tell me what guns can Littlepip use without any problem?
  3. dIo34
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    truely a mod to live by
    also here to ask if this still works
    1. clanky4
      • member
      • 104 kudos
      Why wouldn't it?
  4. InThyFlesh
    • member
    • 1 kudos
  5. ericfranzen
    • member
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    does this happen to any one else when i use this mod it gives me the compainion  options like wait here trade items tactics with oneryone they dont do any thing byt its a bit annoying when every charectur you speak to has those options
    1. Traffictek
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      the same is happening to me. to make things worse the options don't work and they all just say "Eeyup"
    2. clanky4
      • member
      • 104 kudos
      Never experienced the issue. Might be a conflict with another mod.
  6. ProxyPony
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Any chance you could add this to fallout 4? I love the idea of having ponies in that game.
    1. clanky4
      • member
      • 104 kudos
      i dont really mod fallout 4
  7. WillCarrollIV
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    How do I delete someone else's mod?
    1. Cr4nkV1c3
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      Off the Nexus Mods website?
      You can't. Ignore it or set your mod search tags to exclude My Little Pony mods. Site mods ain't gonna remove a mod because you don't like MLP. If Randy Savage Skyrim Dragons and Thomas the Tank Engine Resident Evil mods can be on here so can magical equines.

      Off your computer?
      Follow the provided uninstallation instructions by the mod author or use a mod manager to remove it. (I recommend the latter as it means you don't have to mess with the files yourself). Alternatively uninstall Fallout New Vegas, delete everything left over in the directory it used to be in to get rid of leftover mod files. Reinstall the game and any mods you do want (ideally installing mods via a mod manager to make installation and uninstallation easier. I use Vortex, the official mod manager of Nexus, but you use what you're comfortable with).
  8. AtomicAcePugg
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    I only like immersive mods so this really made the game better
  9. coolapple123
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    so they're there and I can talk but I can only tell them to "get out of here", and when they move down I still can't have them follow me.
  10. Ray55556
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    noticed you added black jack... how much would I have to pay you to add voiced lines?