Fallout New Vegas

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Josh Griffiths

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  1. JoshBadWriter
    • member
    • 57 kudos
    Hey everybody,

    I just wanted to give a quick update on the state of the mod. I know it's really buggy, and I know a lot of people can't even complete it. I've been working on an update on and off for awhile now, but honestly, I've kind of hit a wall. I'm a writer, not a programmer. I kind of overstepped my own capabilities with this mod. So I'm asking for help.

    I'm looking for someone who's good at scripting and programming, someone preferably with modding experience for New Vegas who can delve into the scripts for War Trash 2 and at least inform me what's wrong, and what needs to be fixed. I have a list of bugs but I'm not entirely sure how to fix them. If you could help me fix the problems, that'll be great. But if not, you can just tell me about some of the things causing the problems and I can see about fixing them myself. Either way, I need some help. You'll be given credit, absolutely.

    If you think you can help, or know someone who can, please, send me a PM and I'll get back to you as soon as I can (usually within a few hours). I hate to ask for help, but I have no other choice honestly.

    Thanks for the patience, though I understand if you've gotten so frustrated with this mod you don't want to ever play it again. For that, I can only apologize.

    1. Hawk707
      • BANNED
      • 5 kudos
      Yes i may have gotten stuck, Yes i may have given up and had to reload a save before i met edmond,
      But just to say, although i cannot help. This is a very good brightside on the fact your mod did not break the game like most mods do. Ive had a mod that recently toyed with the GECK and managed to get this Dammed floating billboard stuck in my game. But your mod is mostly harmless. So thanks for that at least.
    2. HolyRanger999
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      My only problem is from what I see that you have no controll of your actions 1st sometimes your character speaks by its own with no other options and that (for me) ruins the point of roleplaying 2nd theres literraly no options and most of them is how the autor wants YOU to say not YOUR OWN decisions also most events have only one way of finishing them. so I think is a great mod but it needs to be polished and more of a player decision as the description says and less what the author wants you to do this will not affect everybody and as a normal play is a good mod but it ruins RP as hell.
    3. sqigg
      • premium
      • 12 kudos
      "Thanks for the patience, though I understand if you've gotten so frustrated with this mod you don't want to ever play it again. For that, I can only apologize.

      -JoshBadWriter "

      I don't think that you are giving yourself enough credit. Other than the glitch with getting the boat, I had very few problems with this mod. This mod was excellent and very enjoyable to play. The story line was awesome. It wasn't hard to get immersed into the characters that you created and their voice acting was second to none. The actors / actresses actually put an amazing amount of expression into their dialogue, and not like they were just reading from scripted dialogue text as in some mods. Bravo Josh !!
    4. LazyAmerican
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      It was actually really good....certainly could use some spit shine in terms of the scripted events but other then that it's an excellent quest mod .
  2. craigross93
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Honestly was really enjoying playing 1 and 2 but, 2 is way too fucking buggy. Even 1 was kinda like that, i just got frustrated and couldn't complete the 2nd one due to bugs that didn't let me continue with the quests. Mainly was the activator's for the quest that normally bugged out. I'm sorry but, you need to fix this shit. I get you're busy but, someone else can go through and fix stuff like that. They were very small bugs too but, led to me having to try and find workarounds online for a couple hours. Constantly had to reload my saves to fix the bugs, they didn't work reload and try again. In a mod, I shouldn't have to do that or constantly reload saves due to small bugs. I appreciated the mod but, typing this cause i am frustrated i didn't get to finish it.
    1. BuyerenoGurlfwendo
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      at the end of the day it's free content. For simplicity sake let's say the mod took 100 hours to script. That's like 2 and a half weeks of a full time work schedule. Yeah maybe he did it in his free time but that's time that could've been spent doing something else (like doing DoorDash or Uber and making $$$).

      If I made this mod I wouldn't exactly put it on a resume trying to get a programming position but if you did everything else in the game then worth messing with game mechanics to get to the story.
  3. Xavec_Telvanni
    • member
    • 12 kudos
    Bugs? Some but most of the time when something went wrong is because you did something outside the conditions of what the quest can work with, like killing The bad guy's goons before they walk in or leaving the building before a particular conversation takes place. With a bunch of chems, my Implant GRX rank 2 and fully modded QBZ+Max Charge MF cells I was able to rapidly, after a few retries, take out everyone that was attacking the slaves at the auction and was able to save 2 of them but the quest had no other way of processing the status of things except to assume they had been killed. This didn't break the quest in this case but was one of the things I noticed. Progression seems to be pretty much in only one direction. Other than these things the story is good and the voice acting for most of the characters is really good. I was hoping for the chance to have Brooklyn stick around after everything and have her become a regular companion but she takes off with the other two and I'm guessing you don't get to see them again.
    1. BuyerenoGurlfwendo
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I also managed to kill everyone in the room before the slaves were harmed but the game processed it as them dying. At least I got my caps back from the auction and then some (bid 10k- auctioneer had like 10,047 on him lmao)
  4. BuyerenoGurlfwendo
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I just got done playing War Trash 1 and 2 so I figured I'd leave a review.

    Before I dive deeper, let me preface it by saying this. Game development is no easy task. It's often sole creators or small teams getting assets from volunteers while being volunteers themselves. They could easily spend months on a project (sometimes years depending on the scope of things *cough* *cough* frontier *cough* cough*) to give thousands of players a couple hours of gameplay. It is no small endeavor even though it may seem like a small segment of gameplay to the player. So I respect modders for the most part (unless they put some absolutely heinous things in there) even if I do not enjoy what the mod is going for.

    Even though the mod author acknowledges this, I'm just going to say myself this mod is pretty buggy. I recommend making multiple saves as you progress through each stage and be prepared to hop back if it doesn't work out right. I also recommend letting the NPC's approach people where needed and let them talk. If you talk to a NPC prematurely and don't let your buddies finish then it can mess up the mod.

    This actually happened to me. I got passed the bank sequence which was annoying because I had to reload then try to approach it differently with game mechanics in mind. Then I got passed that and got to the "main bad guy's base". Killed all his goons, let my NPC's talk, then he talked to me, by the end of it he wants you to kill him so I did. Then I kill his re-enforcements and I can't find a way to exit the base. So I watch a play through and I notice a door to the lower level is supposed to teleport you back to a different area when done correctly. Unfortunately I leveled up and saved over my most recent save. So I had to load back to the bank area (which was like 5-15 minutes of gameplay away from where I was at).

    So I go back to the bank segment and it wants to be glitchy again. So I must have rebooted New Vegas at least 3 times and try to keep game mechanics in mind and finally got back to the main bad guy and did it right. I won't spoil the endings any further but that attempt finally got me to where I needed to be to  complete the mod.

    I get to my final destination and hear my buddies talk once more before the end credits/slide show/whatever start to play for the mod. Except My New Vegas goes non-responsive and I can only hear the audio. It does this thing where it's fluent for several seconds, laggy/choppy for a couple, then fluent (repeat). So I don't get to see the end credits and I can't tell you if there is a cinematic with Edmond and Brooklyn in the end. I was able to make out what they were talking about but yeah even the credits bugged out for me.

    Now here's some specific things that annoyed me:

    When you save those  slave girls and talk to them for more info- the mod goes out of it's way to make the courier seem dumb. I knew Zoe had a problem with talking so I tried to talk to Olivia and the other one first. But they don't want to say anything helpful. And even though the marker is over Zoe, I figured it would be pointless to try to talk to her because I get the impression she's differently abled with mutism. None the less the mod wont let you progress unless you try to talk to Zoe. Then you get called out for it and now the other girls want to give you info. Like why? I'm only doing what the mod is forcing me to do and for what? So some voice actress gets to dish out some sassy energy? You should be able to pick which girl you choose and if the player is actually dumb enough to try Zoe then you can have the voice actress's sassy line come out. But I shouldn't be forced to make a moronic "action".

    The mod just seems lazy at times. Like towards the end there's a choice you can make. Let's just say option A or Option B. I chose option B. After completing option B it says something along the lines of "Go to Option A location that you somehow know the location of". What let to Option a even being viable is some information I provided. And also your buddy associated with Option A could've said something along the lines of "when you're done with A, meet with at the location of B. I'll mark it on your map". That's like an extra 2 sentences of dialogue that would've been believable but instead the mod wants to break the 4th wall and poke fun at itself for something that would take 15-30 minutes to add in.

    Here's some things I enjoyed:

    Brooklyn is definitely my favorite character from the mod. She is learning to grow and she kind of gets a taste of her own medicine from a character following a similiar arc to her in the previous mod. It helps her grow as a person because she can see how someone like her can be harmful to her own endeavors. And the girls she saves she sees a bit of her younger sister in all of them plus she was a victim herself.

    The Hale Holotapes are wondefully done especially the 4th and 5th one. The 4th and 5th one were giving my Heisenberg vibes. Both were family men doing terrible things to provide for their families and by the end of it- neither of their families wanted anything to do with them. And even the energy the voice actor put into those 4th and 5th ones sounded similar to Bryan Cranston in his role of Walter White/Heisenberg. You could definitely tell it was the same guy from the first 3 holotapes but also the shift in his voice had a resemblance. And I just sat back and felt like "wow this is amazing".


    Overall I give this mod a 6/10 (first one I gave a 6.5/10). It's not as good as the first one and I don't recommend it for people who "casually play" or get too heavy into roleplay. Because there are going to be moments where you have to try to keep game mechanics in mind. You will have multiple buddies (not companions but will follow you based on the story and there will be parts some follow you and others dont). There will be times you both need your buddies in the same area and not too far apart or the mod will break because they are supposed to talk to each other (but dont know how to get back to each other if one ran off too far or some bs like that- yes that has happened to me in this). You will have to reload saves and try to think what can I do to keep my NPC's in what I believe is optimal condition so we can continue this story. And that in itself can be immersion breaking.
  5. jgraff408
    • supporter
    • 4 kudos
    Unless you want to continually load saves in the hopes that the quest line will not fail and that the NPCs will do as they are supposed to, then do not bother. This mod has been left for dead and is in beta stage. Story is interesting enough but as with the 1st War Trash, it really would not be compatible with an actual playthrough anyways.
  6. Highlynx
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    do you ever plan on continuing the story that rectifies the part of us being vilified by the NCR because part 2 ends without ever resolving that.
  7. KerberosTheModder
    • supporter
    • 5 kudos
    "Q: Do we need to play War Trash 1 first?"
    A: No because it's borked and if you have progressed to a certain part in the main story it's f***ed so, don't bother.

    Mod author abandoned mod to start a Youtube career, (which is hilarious because every kid thinks they will hit it like PewDiePie, and they don't and they don't understand that they are not special, so, good job).

    Not worth trying to play the mod, or the first part either as it's bugged, preventing you from playing the mod.

    -1 because the mod won't work, and -1 because the mod aurthor just straight up abandoned the mod and won't fix it, nor let others fix it.
    1. Duskill
      • BANNED
      • 74 kudos
      Hey look it's that thing with "an opinion".
    2. IsThereAName
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I mean he does have a point, this entire mod just seems like someone who wants to do a legion play through and pretend their with the NCR. And they like trains with how railroaded to do stupid s#*! you are 
  8. heyyyyyyyyyyyyy1233431
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I went to go find the boat with Edmond, We found it but he wasn't with me, so i fast travelled to it and Edmond spawned but either he would crash my game or wouldn't talk about the boat at all when we got there. Please help, I'll have to start at a rough point all over again just to get back to where i was.
  9. LUHAN5
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    I had to say generally you ARE a good writter. the story is good but somehow i dont understan why we have to cut a way to murder just one general.
    1. IsThereAName
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I mean it’s ok, seems very unrealistic and railroaded and I find it odd that the canon result is the one where courier six just let’s them murder a bunch of rangers and NCR soldiers. I mean, this WAS made for an NCR and not a Legion play through right? Cause this entire mod just seems like you are a legion spy letting them cripple the NCR posts 
  10. IsThereAName
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    So question, does this mod assume that we’re a psychopath and just let war trash murder a bunch of civilians, rangers and NCR soldiers for the sake of “intelligence” or does it follow the path that we killed them and didn’t partake in the murder of a bunch of NCR soldiers and rangers 
  11. Snakeyes4000
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    It seems the war trash series will not be getting the 3rd part. Tis a sad day for New vegas modding