Fallout New Vegas


  1. ToxicWhiteout
    • premium
    • 178 kudos
    Seven years later, Version 1.5 is out!

    This version fixes every major issue I found in the comments as well as some more minor stuff I found while running through the mod. Also makes Susan a merchant since you guys had to deal with her "Goodbye" bug for all this time. Full changelog in the description!

    Feel free to join my discord where I'm more active for future mod ideas and discussions:
    1. Baarondones
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      So awesome to see creators haven't given up on their mods after so many years
    2. ToxicWhiteout
      • premium
      • 178 kudos
      Thanks so much for the kind words! I am still working actively on FR - Legion!
  2. Lucasdash66s
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    TTW compatible?
    1. ToxicWhiteout
      • premium
      • 178 kudos
      Should be. Let me know if you have any issues!
  3. Yinsolaya
    • supporter
    • 14 kudos
    Just to confirm. Is this mod fully voiced, or only majorly voiced?
    1. Jayombie
      • member
      • 26 kudos
      This is the big thing I am concerned about, as I hate silent NPC's... 
    2. ToxicWhiteout
      • premium
      • 178 kudos
      All the main NPCs are fully voiced - I think the only exception is one of the minor merchants in freeside (who doesn't have any quests and can basically be treated like a default NPC).

      "Only majorly voiced" is a crazy thing to demand from a free mod lol
    3. Jayombie
      • member
      • 26 kudos
      Yeah that's totally understandable, I was wondering like with Skyrim when some NPC's get added in mods can they be assigned a already available  vanilla voice pack to use instead of being left silent ?

      Not sure of course how assigning NPC's voice types work in FNV.
    4. ToxicWhiteout
      • premium
      • 178 kudos
      If I do any further updates to this mod I'll look into that change but for now it is in a pretty polished state comparatively! We will see :)
  4. platao4212
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    wonder if in the future this mod will receive another update like the other faction expanded mods, really would love some updates to fix things like with the marauders or the additional followers camps
    1. ToxicWhiteout
      • premium
      • 178 kudos
      I’ve definitely considered additional updates, but this has been a 10+ year ongoing side project. Honestly as I get older it’s just been hard to find the time! I worked out the biggest issues/bugs on this mod in 2020/2021 and I believe the mod is in a pretty solid state.

      I can’t commit one way or the other on potential new updates, but I definitely am tracking that people would like them - and if I can find the time I’d like to implement them too. 

      Hope you are enjoying the changes to the other mods at least!
    2. Jayombie
      • member
      • 26 kudos
      Lots of new players coming in to try these super mods like myself,.... wait till the series comes out as well then you get even more interest..
    3. ToxicWhiteout
      • premium
      • 178 kudos
      Keep your eyes out for another big project I have been working on! Don't worry, I am ready for the TV show release :)
      FR - Legion has also been getting regular updates!
  5. jkoios
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    Bro I think you might need to search up what communism is, because I don't think you have any idea lmao. The Legion is very clearly fascist. Like this isn't even debatable, just literally what they are.
    1. ToxicWhiteout
      • premium
      • 178 kudos
      This mod was made like 10 years ago but I’m glad it was able to evoke an emotional response out of you after all this time. I’m glad you’re enjoying the content!
    2. Psycodichead
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      the post-war factions are a mixture of several pre-war ideologies, the legion is fascist but erases all tribal and individual identity, it is also based on a proletarian way of life for all and refuses the class system that we find in NCR so it's more complicated than just fascist / communist, but legion ideology

    3. ToxicWhiteout
      • premium
      • 178 kudos
      Great point, they are very unique in their ideologies! One can probably write up the NPC's viewpoint as being misled by books he had read if more justification in the lore is needed.
    4. anascinq
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      • 1 kudos
      I totally disagree with Psychodichead
      The opposition between Mussolini and any socialist of his time that led to fascism was that the proletariat needed an aristocracy to represent them.
      Concretely, he was talking about having an entourage which would be so loyal that they would die for him (here, Vulpes Inculta, Lanius, Lucius and Joshua Graham before he was viewed as a traitor).

      There is no hesitations to have about it, Caesar is a fascist, a pure fascist, following a Neo-Hegelian ideology like Giovanni Gentile and Mussolini while any socialist since Marx would criticize the hegelian theories using "The German Ideology" debunk of it.
    5. daveSPZ
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      I'm curious, what's the context for this comment? does it put the followers as like an anti-communist group or something? EDIT: nevermind yeah it's just the marauders guy whatever
    6. Stray0rabbies
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      I also disagree because the legions ideology is militarist despotism. The don't have a semi-liberal class structure like the NCR. The legion's class structure is slaves <= women < soldiers < legates < Caesar. It's fascistic, but I do agree it doesn't bare total likeness to fascism in our world. The key difference is the legion seems to almost exclusively privilege male warriors. There wouldn't be a legion without war, because presumably that is where most of the legion's capital gains come from. There's literally no discussion of economics or development. This is completely unlike fascist societies in our world where the dictator attempts to privilege monopolies & state enterprise along with the military.
    7. rrustie
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      I agree with Stray0rabbies. If we're to be pedantic, Fascists have historically looked to the Roman Empire as an example and inspiration for their ideology. But that doesn't make the Roman Empire or, in fact, the Legion itself fascist.

      Definitely doesn't make them communists though, that idea seemingly comes from a fundamental misunderstanding of communism.
    8. ToxicWhiteout
      • premium
      • 178 kudos
      Yes I think teenage me over 10 years ago misunderstood communism. It's not really that deep lol
  6. FenrirIII
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    • 12 kudos
    I am unable to use the doors to/from Alex's Bungalow in Novac. I am using Novac Overhaul And Gun Runners Emporium (https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/74981) mod which may be the cause of the CTD. I can "coc" into the cell and teleport out, but the doors give me an immediate CTD.
    1. Eliphastheinheritor4545
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      well, i also run the exact same mods with you and i dont have any ctd for alex bungalow, so it must be something other that these mods...
  7. SparksTheUnicorn
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    • 1 kudos
    does anyone know if this is compatible with someguy or overseer's mods
    1. whithebunny
      • member
      • 32 kudos
      yes, they are compatible
  8. ToxicWhiteout
    • premium
    • 178 kudos
    User EnglishIDontKnow has put together a few edits that will be updated for this mod if anyone is interested:

    1. xxStahlxx
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos
      What edits are they?
    2. ToxicWhiteout
      • premium
      • 178 kudos
      I honestly don’t know - he asked if he could update the mod and I said sure! Feel free to leave him a comment!
  9. swagner343
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    a mod creator that still helps people for a 9 year old mod. respect
    1. ToxicWhiteout
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      • 178 kudos
      Thanks a ton! Means a lot and I hope to mod more in the future if there is ever another Fallout game close to as good as New Vegas.
  10. Anonymous42069blaze
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  11. vip86
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    • 2 kudos
    there's a little conflict with Yukichigai Unofficial Patch
    YUP changes some values for the service rifle
    but this mod uses the vanilla values
    is it okay to change them back to the YUP values with FNVEdit
    1. ToxicWhiteout
      • premium
      • 178 kudos
      Yes that's fine, let YUP override this mod's changes.
    2. venivinnivici
      • member
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      Followup question: there seem to be some ITM objects in your mod which are changed by YUP (seems YUP mostly changes locations of these objects). Should I let YUP override these locations?
    3. ToxicWhiteout
      • premium
      • 178 kudos
      Yes I would led YUP override them, but let me know if you find any conflicts. Thanks!