Fallout New Vegas


  1. Gribbleshnibit8
    • premium
    • 385 kudos
    Read this first!

    Attention MO2 2.1 Users!!
    Something has changed in the way MO2 handles FOMOD installers. This is affecting the install for Project Nevada. You can follow the manual installation instructions for MO mods, and bring this to the attention of the MO2 devs. It is not a problem with PN, and PN will not be updated to fix this issue

    Before you post a comment, check the FAQ or have a look at the SEARCHABLE forum thread to see if your question has been answered already.

    If you're looking for item codes or don't know where something is, we have a wonderful Data Sheet with all of that info on it.

    If you have questions about custom patches, take a look at our mostly comprehensive Modder's Guide.

    Don't forget to check out the Project Nevada - Extra Options page for all new updates and patches. Bug fixes, new content, and more control over your game included.

    If you have a feature request, take it to the Mod Requests thread. Project Nevada is not in active development, and feature requests will be ignored. You are much more likely to find someone to make it on the Mod Requests thread.

    Please do not post your load order in the comments. Use an external service like pastebin.

    For people with the no-menu error for Rebalance, get this fix.

  2. TheForty7thGamer
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I'm trying to use cyberware but it says I don't have any menu extensions. am i doing something wrong
  3. yaboimccoy
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    The configuration menu is all tiny and has PIPos errors everywhere, everything else works fine for me. How can I fix this?
    1. Jawf94
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Mod is abandonware dude 
  4. TralalalaKuku
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    "THIS MOD IS OUTDATED AND BROKEN. IT WAS LAST UPDATED IN 2014 AND IS IRRELEVANT IN 2024. Outdated, inefficient, bloated and broken. Most features have modern alternatives (listed below). Causes save bloat due to continuous quest stages being triggered, and some features either don't work or break the game (chargeable weapons, lethal headshots and the stealth/AI changes).


    "Although it may seem counterproductive to install a bunch of small mods to replace one big mod, these alternatives are all more efficient and performance friendly. They are 100% safe to use and actually work, unlike Project Nevada"
    1. nepas77
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Nice!! Thank you!
    2. KingBeans03
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      You are a good person
    3. ernstimann
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      So they are saying the alternative to installing a neat package like PN in about 5 minutes is installing 12 standalone mods each having around 5 required mods themselves? Yeah I'm not gonna spend 30 hours modding this game to get it to work sorry, I don't have that kind of time anymore. PN will do just fine... Even with all its flaws!
    4. Jawf94
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      It's totally worth it tbh. 
  5. Driver3
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    I'm frankly still surprised that people continue to use this mod to this day despite just how outdated it is, but then again it's also one of the most downloaded mods of all time for the game so it's not that shocking I suppose.

    That being said, no one should still be using PN in 2024, there is literally zero reason to. It's old, outdated, busted, and liable to break the game because it barely even works anymore. Anyone should be using more up-to-date smaller mods that replicate the individual things that PN does/tried to do, because it'll be more efficient, more updated, and won't have massive incompatibility with a ton of other mods.

    I know it seems like it's more convenient to just download one big mod that tries to do it all, but it's really not. Just take a few minutes to follow a modern guide, and you'll be much better off.
    1. JasperFox2001
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Probably because PN does alot of cool things that other mods don't quite do. I'm getting this mod for the first time, and I'm excited to try all the new stuff it adds, like the MZ weapons from fallout 3.
    2. RyuSeto
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Man, I couldn't imagine being so far stuck up my own ass that'd have to try gatekeeping MODDING A SINGLE PLAYER GAME of all things, let people use what they want to use, outdated or not, that's their choice not yours lmao. Crazy how he just mentions that he's going to try the mod and it triggered you so bad you had to make a response. Reevaluate yourself homie. 
    3. InventorOfTrees
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      He's not gatekeeping anything...? There are literally much better alternatives to this mod that offer the same experience. There is an entire guide for doing so available here, which will guarantee a smooth, stable, balanced experience. You're of course welcome to do whatever you want, but he's right - it is indeed surprising people choose an experience guaranteed to have issues over one guaranteed to not.

      Take your own advice, mate.
      Reevaluate yourself homie. 
    4. Jawf94
      • member
      • 0 kudos

      Boom. Mothership zeta weapons. Everything you can find here you can find in mods that won't break your game
  6. Squidfest
    • premium
    • 55 kudos
    Hearing people defend the usage of PN in 2024 is like hearing someone say "back in the good old 1800s we put opium in cough syrup and it worked just fine then, so it'll work fine now."
    1. Driver3
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      It's a couple of things really, and both kinda tie into each other. One is that people get comfortable with what they're used to, so they keep using what they've been using for a long time, seeing no need to change even when there are better alternatives. The other is that a lot of people are, frankly, lazy, and don't want to put in the minimal effort to install several smaller mods when they want to just use the really big one.

      People be stubborn, and it's irritating to be sure. All we can really do is keep letting others know so new players don't make the same mistake of using the big outdated mods.
    2. Squidfest
      • premium
      • 55 kudos
      Weep not for the stupid, lest ye die of dehydration.
  7. Courier8116191
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    why does this mod cause my console to get spam with text?
  8. terrier2603
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    project: old mod which is incompatible with everything
  9. ctagaming53424532532
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    When i'm in a dead mod competition and my opponent is Project Nevada:
    1. Rawr40k
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Keeps crashing me at the nightkin hideout during the come fly with me quest.. it seems to be related to the nightkins flame thrower.. every time they shoot me i crash
    1. TralalalaKuku
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      this mod is old and broken. replacing Project Nevada
  11. thelastone2003
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Due to the cirscumstances of one of my playthroughs, I must use Project nevada.

    In my case I use it because I want to be able  to install cybernetics  in my dust playthrough: project nevada allows the doctor in understone to install implants, while the new, updated, "Cyberware 2281" does not.

    Having said that, I notice some minor drop in fps, but nothing serious.