• First ESO screenshot creates a largely negative reaction

    Game Informer has provided the first non-leaked screenshots of the Elder Scrolls Online (hereafter referred to as ESO). The screenshots show players fighting Storm Atronachs. Reaction to the graphics and announcement has been mixed. Jara commenting on Bethblog was dismissive. "You gotta be shitting me. This looks like a beta screenshot for Morrowind," Jara said. "Warcraft has pretty lousy graphics by today’s standards too, but this looks… after how gorgeous Skyrim was, this looks like...

  • The Elder Scrolls Online Announcement Trailer

    In typical Bethesda fashion (or should I say Zenimax in order to stop people getting confused as to who is making the game?) the first trailer for The Elder Scrolls Online tells us absolutely nothing. So this week we've had a DLC announcement for Skyrim that told us nothing, and now a new game announcement that tells us nothing. Great ;) So why am I posting this? Because I love Michael Gambon. Americans will probably only know him for his role as Dumbledore in the latter stages of the Harry P...

  • The Elder Scrolls Online announced

    Last month I posted some news that it was widely rumoured that Bethesda would be announcing the title their MMO department have been working on over the past 4 years in May some time. That announcement has come today from Bethesda via the Beth Blog and their long time announcement medium, Game Informer magazine. Here's the blurb from the Beth Blog article: Since opening its doors in August of 2007, we haven’t been able to say much about happenings at ZeniMax Online Studios – until toda...

  • Players angry at Dawnguard Xbox exclusivity

    Some PC Skyrim players are annoyed that the first game add-on for Skyrim will initially exclusively be sold on the Xbox 360. Players went online to vent their frustration at not being allowed to purchase the content as soon as possible. "I’m hating you with all my heart Bethesda," said one person on the Bethesda blog. "I bought a dam Steam pc copy yet Ill have to wait 1 fff–ing month. Why?" he said. Other players alleged that Bethesda Softworks had received a financial incentive to mak...

  • Power armour one of the 25 best sets

    IGN has included Fallout 3's Power Armour as one of it's 25 best armour sets in games.

    The Brotherhood of Steel is a technologically advanced faction group that wants to kill all mutants. They distrust the unwashed masses and believe that they are not to be trusted with the cool technology that they invent, preferring to keep it to themselves. However, as the Vault Dweller, you'll get a chance to get hands on with some of their tech, including their power armor.

  • The Shivering Isles \'madness armour\' one of the 25 best

    IGN has declared that the 'Madness Armour' featured in the Oblivion expansion The Shivering Isles is one of the 25 best armour sets in games. The Madness Armor is a heavy armor set that you get through taking on the Antipodean Hammer quest. Once you have enough Madness Ore bring it to Cutter at Cutter's Weapons in Bliss and she will make you a piece of the armor. Boots cost two pieces of ore, as do the helmet, shield and gauntlets. The greaves need three to be crafted, and the cuirass five. ...

  • Interview with modder and voice actor Ibsen

    The Nexus series of sites presents a brief question and answer series with Ibsen3, a modder and voice actor for the Elder Scrolls series of games. Ibsen3 also goes by the name Ibsen's Ghost. Ibsen3 focuses upon providing voice acting and modding for Oblivion. He provided voice acting for one of this news poster's Oblivion mods thanks to an uncanny ability to mimic the sounds of the original Oblivion male voice actors. This Q&A was originally conducted in November 2011 but due to mutual ...

  • Dawnguard - first Skyrim new content

    Bethesda has announced the name of its first Skyrim new content 'Dawnguard'. Little detail is available at the moment, Bethesda has said it will release more information at the next E3, which is on 5-7 June. Bethesda said it would be available for the northern hemisphere Summer, which is June-August. Dawnguard will be only sold for Xbox 360 for the first month or whatever....

  • Skyrim Mod Sanctuary 25 - A Better Whiterun

    O5gKcjm66qM This episode of Skyrim Mod Sandctuary covers the new rain enhancements in the Realistic Lighting with Customizations mod, some fixes, and new look for Whiterun. Download Links: Realistic Lighting With Customization HD Textures DLC Fix Shadow Striping Fix A Better Whiterun - City Under Construction - BETA...

  • Interview with slowdivefan, winner of Marchs FOTM contest

    Ladies and gentlemen, for the month of March slowdivefan and the rest of the "IWD Team" won the March FOTM contest for Neverwinter Nexus with their mod Icewind Dale. Congratulations are in order for the entire IWD Team, however, today I got the chance to speak to slowdivefan, and you can read the interview below. Be sure to vote in the FOTM contest if you want to see your favorite mod author interviewed here. Congratulations to the IWD Team for creating the March FOTM.

    Q: So, slowdi...

  • The Siege of Markarth video

    Tyrannicon, creator of the "Great Battles of Skyrim - Part 1" video has released another impressive battle video under the Youtube Machinima channel. The video shows a Forsworn attack upon the city of Markarth, while a sinister figure looks on. The video also features 25 different mods from Skyrim Nexus. Try to guess which ones (because it doesn't say in the video description...). 1uYsnoUvv8Q...

  • Fallout Nuka Break season 2 \'Kickstarter\' drive launched

    Wayside Creations,the team behind the Fallout Nuka Break fan web series has started a Kickstarter fundraising drive to help raise funds for a second season.

    Kickstarter is a website which allows fans to donate directly to creative teams to help develop their projects.

    The team is looking to raise $60,000 to help pay for equipment, production, effects, and locations. They are looking to reach this target 50 days from today 28 April.

    $38,218 has bee...

  • Skyrim DLC evidence found? Snow elves, crossbows, and more?

    Update: Bethesda has announced that the first DLC is in fact named Dawnguard ("known" for some time) and that more information will be revealed at E3. Dawnguard and the second DLC will be exclusive to the Xbox 360 for 30 days. Bethesda forum user Raestloz seems to have found evidence of the upcoming first Skyrim DLC. While looking through the 1.5.26 patch files, he found a number of additions explicitly named with "DLC01." Another user, Karellan, has listed out the individual files: Snow e...

  • Modding Fallout NV \'Ultimate Edition\' part 8: Troubleshooting

    Here is the eighth and final part of my 'Ultimate Edition' video tutorial series aimed at people who are new to modding but want to learn. In this video I cover what to do if and when things go wrong....

  • NMM updated to 0.17.1

    Following on from today's news regarding the splitting up of TESNexus an update to NMM has been released, which puts it at version 0.17.1. This version has primarily been rolled out to provide support for Morrowind, the fifth game supported by NMM, and also contains a few bug fixes and dialogue box changes. Incidentally a couple of weeks ago NMM rolled past the 500,000 unique downloads mark, just before its 5 month anniversary since going in to open beta. It's great to see over half a million...

  • TESNexus split in to Morrowind Nexus and Oblivion Nexus, NMM support incoming

    Over the past month we’ve been working on getting the first game, of the first Nexus site, supported within our Nexus Mod Manager. Morrowind was where it all started for the Nexus, and all the sites dating back before it to 2001 so getting Morrowind mods supported in NMM seemed the right and proper thing to do. To better accommodate this change, and also to finally reduce the clutter on the site, TESNexus has now been split in to two independent Nexus sites for Morrowind and Oblivion. Havin...

  • Skyrim Mod Sanctuary 24 : Steel Warlock

    _vKS1q0__C8 This episode of Skyrim Mod Sandctuary covers quite a few armour mods for a variety of different play styles. Download Links: Omegared99 - Armor Compilation Robed Steel Plate Armor Vagabond Armor Warchief Armor Einherjar Armor Fur Hoods HD Dragon Priests Armor ...

  • Mount & Blade 75% sale on Steam

    Hopefully by now you're aware that we have a Mount & Blade Nexus for Mount & Blade mods. What you might not know is that there is currently a Mount & Blade sale on Steam with a whopping 75% discount. You can now purchase all three Mount & Blade games for a measly £6.25 (around $9.99).

    If you've been putting off getting the games, or weren't interested before but now your purse can stretch to this super low price then head on over to the Steam sale to pick up this b...

  • March File of the Month Interview feat. monnikje

    Hey guys! For March's File of the Month vote, monnikje's Floris Mod Pack won with 43 votes. As we have done in the past, monnikje was asked for an interview, and has graciously accepted. You can read his responses here.

    What was your inspiration for creating this mod?
    Almost two years ago I started an After Action Report (a story about how you play the game) about Warband, where wrote down the adventures of my character, which I named Floris. I started a pla...

  • Interview with colourwheel, winner of March's FOTM contest

    Colourwheel took home the gold in our FOTM contest here on TES Nexus with her LOD Project. I had the opportunity to interview her, and you can read this interview below. Be sure to vote this month to see your favorite author featured here on the site news. Congratulations, colourwheel! Q: So, colourwheel, tell us a bit about yourself. What are some of your hobbies besides gaming? A: I enjoy watching movies and listening to music like most people. I've always need an outlet for creativity. I ...