• Forced Password Resets

    As you may be aware, we discovered a database breach in November 2015. The “good” news was that the data was very old, with the last registration date in the database being July 22nd 2013. This means anyone who registered on Nexus Mods after that date was not included in the database breach, and anyone before that date was included in the breach. The breach included email addresses, usernames and encrypted passwords.

    As time has gone by, we’ve placed a number of warnings on th...

  • Email issues


    We believe this issue was fixed at 2am this morning (since then our mail server has sent over 6,000 emails). Please contact us if you do not think this is the case.

    Original news post:

    Hi folks,

    This is a quick update to let you know we're aware of an issue affecting our email delivery at the moment. A quick check of our stats shows our external mail provider (Amazon SES) has delivered no emails over the past 24 hours...

  • Interview with Nicolas Lietzau - Project Lead for "Enderal"

    One of the most exciting developments in the world of modding is soon to be unleashed upon the community in the form of “Enderal”, a total conversion mod for Skyrim. Expected to contain between 30 and 100 hours of gameplay depending on the whether the user runs through or checks out all the side quests, the mod itself has been in development for over 29900 hours (beginning prior to Skyrims release) and has produced an incredible total conversion.

    We have been lucky enough to tal...

  • Nexus Mod Manager focus group needs more help

    This is a quick and easy news post asking for a little more help with the Nexus Mod Manager focus group. The team has been hard at work doing updates, bug fixing and adding new features to provide the most stable and reliable platform for modding your games. This is going to be one big release!

    We touched on it before, but the big addition to this release will be the Backup and Restore functionality. Following feedback from the users involved in the existing focus group, we have...

  • File Front archiving in progress

    Back in the middle of 2015, FileFront.com quietly shut the doors to its various gaming hub sites (which were much like Nexus sites for game mods back in their hayday in the early to mid 2000s). Over the past few years File Front was extremely out-dated, slow or outright broken in many areas, lacking some TLC that it needed despite still having an active contingent of core users who still frequented their forums.

    While File Front hadn’t really been updated properly in years with mo...

  • Change of Ad Provider

    While I wouldn’t normally divulge such information publically in a news post due to the “unsexy” nature of talking about advertising, and because most of it happens behind the scenes anyway, I thought I would be remiss if I didn’t update people on this topic.

    A little under two months ago we announced and released our new ad reporting functionality. The idea was to provide a very easy method to report bad ads that might come up on the site. Most importantly, for us, it was a...

  • Changes to our file uploader and large file uploading fix

    As you are all probably aware we have had an issue for many, many months now with our file uploader not being able to process large file uploads (typically files above 300MB in size). During this time we’ve been working with mod authors to manually upload large files to our database for them. Obviously this isn't ideal for either you or for us, so we've also been working diligently behind the scenes to get a new uploader coded for the sites. We've finished work on this new uploader...

  • Fallout 4 Creation Kit Beta and an Important Notice to Survival Testers

    Mod authors, and those soon to be... the wait is finally over. The Fallout 4 Creation Kit has been released in open beta! This means that everyone can finally get their hands on the software used to create the game. These tools will allow us much greater power and flexibility with which we can continue to expand the Fallout 4 universe.

    There’s mention of mods being available for console players soon as well. I’d say more but I’m just as excited to get into the mix as you ...

  • SSL Testing on Nexus Mods

    Hi folks,

    Just a quick heads up that we're currently testing out the implementation of SSL security across the Nexus site (not the forums, yet).

    The switch has been flicked and you should be seeing a nice padlock in your URL bar while browsing the site. Some pages aren't showing a green padlock yet due to links to the non-SSL side of the forums.

    While initial testing has been positive, we'd appreciate it if you could let us know if you notice an...

  • Fallout 4 1.5 Update Public Service Announcement

    "There's not a lot they can do yet other than edit textures and a couple other things, because the Creation Kit isn't out," Howard told Tech Insider. "And once it's out early next year, I think the sky's the limit."
    - Dec 3, 2015, Business Insider: “What to expect from 'Fallout 4' in 2016”
    As you’re probably aware, the 1.5 update is currently in open beta and will likely be officially released very soon and with it comes the long-awaited ...

  • Wanted: NMM Testers and Focus Group

    We’re currently in the process of adding new features into Nexus Mod Manager, Robin covered it briefly in a previous news post, so I’ll try and expand a little more.

    What we are aiming for with NMM is a piece of software that will make the installation, management and visibility of mods incredibly easy and open. You see a mod you like on our site, you click ‘Download with NMM’ and have it seamlessly downloaded, unpacked and placed in the right location with minimal fuss. Don...

  • Fallout 4 Survival Mode Beta

    Bethesda Announces Fallout 4 Survival Mode Beta

    This is to ensure that the new features can properly be tested. If you have previously opted-in, you must opt-out of the beta via Steam to continue using mods.

    Phew, with that out of the way… the Survival Mode beta has launched! There is a lot of exciting stuff to take in here: the wellness system (which simulates hunger, thir...

  • Downloading issues

    Update: This issue should now be resolved.

    Hi folks,

    We're aware of some issues with our download mechanism today which certain users are experiencing on certain files. The problem stems from our current work trying to get the sites switched over to a fully SSL secured system -- a complex and costly procedure we've been working on for some time now to better secure our sites and your user data.

    Because the way this is affecting the CDN, this issue i...

  • Skywind is coming to Nexus Mods

    Today, we’re excited to announce that Skywind, the project that is re-imagining The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind in the Skyrim Creation Engine, is coming to the Nexus!

    In the past, Nexus discussion on the project has been moderated due to Bethesda’s stance that exchanging assets between their titles is not a situation they can condone or legally support. So for the past three years, the Skywind developers have been working tirelessly to rectify this by creating brand-new mod...

  • Ad reporting functionality

    To help us sort out our ad serving we’ve added a new “report this ad” feature underneath any ad placements on the site. This functionality will quickly let us know about the ad placement you’re reporting which we can then pass on to our ad supplier to help them quickly get to the root of the problem.

    A bad ad that we would appreciate you reporting if you see it would be considered as:

    Any ads with auto-playing sound.
    Any ads that look like those cra...

  • Corrections to file stats

    Hi folks,

    It came to our attention last week, in a random forum post unrelated to the topic, that the unique file download stats have been broken for quite some time now. I honestly had no idea this was the case.

    The unique download stat you see on file pages is supposed to tell you how many individual members have downloaded a file. Irrespective of how many times that user comes back to download that file (or multiple versions of a file on the same page) the unique dow...

  • Fallout 4 Beta Update and DLC, Creation Kit News

    Hey everyone! Really quick news update this time. It’s been busy around here lately and seems things are no different at Bethesda!

    For those of you who choose to opt-in, a new Fallout 4 Beta Update has been released. A few new features and an extensive list of fixes are included. The full release notes and further info can be found in the official announcement: http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1592402-14-beta-update

    Over the weekend, details about the first 3 ...

  • Site redesign - 2016 Update #1

    Well we've entered 2016 with a productivity bang, all hands are on deck and there is plenty going on behind the scenes here at the Nexus so I thought I'd give you all an insight into what's happening...

    Firstly a quick recap - we began the redesign process in the second half of 2015 by first trying to work out what our users like and dislike about the site. We were overwhelmed with the response to our survey which provided us with a wealth of information, our community i...

  • XCOM 2 mods have arrived! NMM XCOM 2 support added!

    The first batch of XCOM 2 mods have been uploaded! The addition of these mods marked the launch of  our new XCOM 2 Nexus Site which includes file, image, and video shares as well as a forum for anyone looking to talk about XCOM 2 modding.

    One of the great things about modding is the wide variety of additions that authors create and these mods are no exception:

    Free Camera Rotation by wghost81 is a retooling of her excellent and well implemented mod for Enemy...

  • Coming Soon: XCOM 2 Nexus, New File Uploading Functionality.

    I still play XCOM: Enemy Unknown and despite it’s age, it still feels fresh to me thanks to thoughtful design and mechanics, classic sci-fi setting, white-knuckle tactical action, and of course mind blowing mods like XCOM:Long War.

    2K has apparently done it again! XCOM 2 has been in the hands of reviewers and word on the street is nothing but praise. It seems they’ve taken the beloved formula of mixing global decisions with explosive tactical action to new heights that inclu...