• Paid job position open: .NET Developer

    Over the past few months the uptake of our Nexus Mod Manager beta has been tremendous, with now close to 350,000 users of the software. I would like to continue expanding and improving the Nexus Mod Manager and it's features while also improving the stability of the software and ensuring that as many people as possible who want to use the software, can use the software. With that in mind I am opening up a new employee position at the Nexus for a dedicated .NET/C# programmer to work on NMM, and s...

  • Dark0ne\'s Video Blog - State of the Union

    8OiuGdOE8dk A couple of months back I uploaded my first video blog for the Nexus sites, partly to save my hands from writing out the typically 2,000 - 4,000 work essay blogs I used to write, and also so you could see what I look like and see my mannerisms when I expressed my opinions. I said I would do some more if they were well received and I had the time, and today I've finally gotten around to doing another. Today's video blog takes on the roll of a "State of the Union" type address. I...

  • New video tutorial for NMM by Gopher, NMM passes 300,000 unique downloads

    The Nexus Mod Manager recently passed the 300,000 unique downloads mark, which means that at least 300,000 of you are helping us to beta test the latest version of NMM. We've still got so much left to do with NMM, and I'm currently trying to see if I can squeeze enough out of the Nexus site budget to get a programmer on full-time to work on making NMM as stable and feature rich as possible. That's my hope (and if you're a C# programmer living in the UK, let me know!). While I can't program in...

  • Site problems today

    Update The backup has been restored and everything seems to be working again. Please note that the backup was from 10am GMT, so any posts made between 10am and 2PM GMT today will have, unfortunately, have been lost in the restore process. Apologies for this issue, but if it's any consolation, the table corruption has now been fixed! Yay! Original post I've been working hard today trying to fix an issue with a key database table that has become corrupted. I still haven't fixed the issue and ...

  • 6 million Skyrim mod downloads in first week since CK launch (from SW and Nexus)

    Bethesda announced on their blog today that Steam Workshop has clocked over 2 million mod downloads since it was launched, along with the Creation Kit, a week ago. Combined with the download figures from Skyrim Nexus, which are currently standing at 4.4 million downloads in the past week, that means that over 6 million mods have been downloaded for Skyrim since the Creation Kit was launched (and obviously not including download counts from other community sites!). A very impressive achievement f...

  • Site performance tweaks and update

    Over the course of this weekend Axel and I have been implementing a few performance tweaks on Skyrim Nexus to get the most out of the servers and ensure a more stable and faster browsing experience. It's my opinion that these tweaks have been a great success as the site has been loading a lot faster. If you'd be so kind, please leave some feedback on this article to let me know if you've been experiencing faster browsing on Skyrim Nexus. A small by-product of one of these tweaks is that some ...

  • Nvidia interview and tweak guide available for viewing

    Yesterday I let you all know that I would be taking part in a livestream today with some folks from Nvidia and well-known author, Martigen. The livestream is over (it peaked at around 2,700 viewers, which is pretty cool!) but you can watch and listen to it all Twitch.tv. I speak with the Nvidia folks for about 15 minutes, which starts about 4 minutes in to the video and then Martigen takes over before Nvidia take a look at some of their performance enhancing tweaks for the game later on. Let ...

  • Skyrim Tweak Guide Livestream featuring Dark0ne

    If you're a sucker for watching and listening to other people play games and show you how to do things then you might be interested in tuning in to the Nvidia livestream tomorrow on Nvidia's Twitch TV Channel (it's online, not on TV!). The folks from Nvidia will be going through their recent comprehensive tweak guide in detail, and if you're not interested in that, then I've agreed to pop-in for a voice chat with the Nvidia folks during the show. Should be interesting considering I'm on Mobile 3...

  • FXAA Post Process Injector wins 2nd place FotM

    The 2nd place File of the Month for November was FXAA Post Process Injector by Retspadez, with 351 votes. Unfortunately we were unable to reach him in time for this set of interviews. In place of the interview (for now), here is some information about the mod. The FXAA Post Process Injector allows you to "enhance your graphics with FXAA and a variety of post processing effects, including bloom, sharpen, technicolor, sepia, tonemap, vignette, and more." The mod currently comes with 4 presets, ...

  • PHP Developer position open at the Nexus

    With the release of Skyrim Nexus and the success of the modding scene to date the Nexus server infrastructure has been stretched to its very limits, and so have I. Working 18 hour days for the first couple of weeks (along with Axel) I began to question the work load I put in to running the Nexus and the obvious options were to tone down the scope of the sites or to bring on some more professional help to alleviate some of the stress placed on myself and the servers. I have enjoyed immensely w...

  • Scheduled down-time 29th of November 2011

    Just to let you know there is going to be some down-time early tomorrow morning around 8am GMT (which is 3am EST) as all the blades we currently used are moved and reconfigured in the data center. The hope is that this down-time will not last more than 30 minutes, but bearing in mind sods law, I'd gamble on it being closer to an hour. You'll probably have connection issues and/or MySQL errors during this time. Fingers crossed all goes to plan!...

  • 1,000 mods

    So we're just about 2 weeks in to Skyrim's global launch and Skyrim Nexus has reached over 1,000 mods available for download, which is pretty damn impressive without an available SDK! And for you nit-pickers out there, I deliberately waited until we surpassed the threshold of uploaded save games, so that's 1,000 actual mods and game files, not including save games. I just wanted to post up a little something about what I, and the sites, have been through these past two weeks. Not least becaus...

  • Nexus Mod Manager new version, introductory video and a note on site blips

    Another apology to make first guys. We hit a bit of a rough patch for an hour or so this evening with the Skyrim server. Every day we're hitting new traffic highs (525,000 unique visitors and 4 million page views today!) which means we're having to constantly adapt to the demands placed on the servers, continually optimising queries and config files and goodness knows what else. Thankfully we found the cause of today's issue relatively quickly and the server has been running sweet and sound sinc...

  • Nexus Mod Manager - 0.12.3 released

    We have just released the latest update to the Nexus Mod Manager, 0.12.3. This is a bug fix patch that should help to resolve some of the problems that users have been experiencing so far. If you load NMM (and can get to the mod management screen) then NMM will automatically tell you there's a new version and offer to download it for you. Simply follow the setup process and NMM will be updated. If you haven't been able to access NMM up until now, or you haven't got it at all, head on over to ...

  • And we're back...

    I would like to apologise for the down-time experienced today between 5pm and 8.30pm GMT. Our software and hardware have been battered by the massive influx of traffic for Skyrim and to make matters worse, today, we've been under a continued DoS attack which was the last straw for our hardware. We've moved ourselves over on to a new routed setup but our US carrier is currently experiencing difficulties working with it, so right now all traffic is going through our UK provider. Good if you're ...

  • Skyrim - Day 3 and site issues

    So we're in to day 3 of Skyrim's release and I think it's pretty safe to say that Skyrim has been a resounding success for Bethesda. A massive success. And in spite of a lack of modding tools at this time the modding community has got off to its usual quick start with over 100 mods already in our database. With the success of Skyrim also comes the masses of people looking for Skyrim mods, and Skyrim Nexus has already far surpassed our previous traffic record of 202,000 unique visitors in a...

  • Creation Kit release speculation

    Congratulations to all who have the game unlocked and are playing, and good luck to all those still waiting! If you're looking to get straight in to modding Skyrim then you'll be wanting to get your hands on the SDK that Bethesda have dubbed the "Creation Kit". However, Bethesda, as is their way, are not pinning any specific time or date on a release of the Creation Kit so we're going to have to sit-tight and wait patiently. Bethesda have just opened up their mod subforum on the official f...

  • Skyrim Nexus unlocked

    The game might not quite be unlocked yet but if all goes to plan with Bethesda's global launch, where each country gets to unlock Skyrim at midnight their time, then the first people will be playing Skyrim in just under 12 hours time. So I've now officially unlocked all of Skyrim Nexus's features including the file database and image share in preparation for the release of Skyrim! The file database has been fully categorised and tagged, but if you have suggestions for either then let me kn...

  • Final Skyrim competition winners announced

    So here we are, week 4 of our Facebook and Steam group competition. This is the final week of results before the release of Skyrim. As promised upon reaching 2,500 members in the Steam community the number of winners has gone up from 1 to 2, and, literally just this minute, our Facebook page has hit the 10,000 likes mark (I wonder why it took me so long to announce the winners today...) and so there will be 2 Facebook winners as well. Lets do the Steam winners first. TwistedNav and No Name...

  • Blocking files with specific tags from category view

    One thing I hear a lot from people when browsing the file databases is that finding a file that suits what you're looking for can often be quite hard when browsing categories that have hundreds and hundreds of files in. The tagging system was brought in a couple of years ago to help with that problem by allowing you to only see files in categories with specific tags attributed to them that provide a bit more drill-down depth in category browsing. However, what if there's a specific tag that ...