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  1. pluto28
    • member
    • 9 kudos
    Question. Does this not work with OpenMW because of the summoning scripts and/or Magicka Expanded? Or is it the new atronachs themselves?

    The only thing I want from this mod is to add new enemies to the game, I have no interest in summoning them.
    Is a non-summon idea still incompatible with OpenMW?

    EDIT: For now I'll just use an older version. But if anyone's tested my question let me know. Thanks.
  2. obsequey
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Anyone having issues with the Atronach with newer versions of MWSE ?
    When I use older version of MWSE all is fine, with newer (and latest) whenever any of these atronachs is summoned they just stay still (not moving or attacking) and same happens to all other summons (vanilla or modded). Other summons resume to normal behavior as soon as the atronach from this mod expires.
    1. MelchiorDahrk
      • premium
      • 449 kudos
      I just tested with the latest version of MWSE and the creatures AI is fine. Maybe it's a conflict with another MWSE mod you're using. If you add ".disabled" after the MWSE mod folder name, you can toggle them off for testing purposes.
    2. obsequey
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you for the quick reply.
      Yesterday tried disabling all mods and the issue still persisted, I was thinking that there is some general issue with the mod.
      Then decided to add it to an older archived Morrowind install and everything was fine, so I decided to narrow down the differences between the two setups and got to MWSE. Tried with two  MWSE archives which I had available, when replacing all files and folders with the old archive, Atronach Expansion started to work, but other mods (like Ashfall) stopped, when replacing with newer archive Atronachs stopped working, finally got around all this by combining the two (got Data Files from new MWSE, but placed the DLLs from the old one). At this point everything was ok, both Atronach Expansion and other mods started to work correctly.
      Earlier  today started to experiment with another mod Animate Weapon Spell, which seems to rely on the newer version of MWSE.dll.
      Finally narrowed it down to this :
      MWSE.dll - 25.07.2021 - all mods work (including Atronach Expansion), except for Animate Weapon Spell
      MWSE.dll - 23.08.2021 - all mods work, except for Atronach Expansion

      Upon inspection of MWSE.log with both variants the peculiar thing is that I can't find anywhere in it Atronach Expansion initialized as the other lua mods.
    3. MelchiorDahrk
      • premium
      • 449 kudos
      Oh, I had an old version of ME installed. I was able to replicate your issue now. I'll investigate. Thanks for the report!
    4. MelchiorDahrk
      • premium
      • 449 kudos
      I just worked things out with the author of Magicka Expanded (ME) and the MWSE team and figured out where the issue was coming from. If you update to ME 2.07, the summons should work correctly again!
    5. obsequey
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you, works like a charm now :-)
      Just a question, is the movement speed of Bone Golem intentional (slow), or ?
    6. MelchiorDahrk
      • premium
      • 449 kudos
      I'll look into it. I noticed the flesh atronach was fairly slow. I'm actually working on an update at the moment.
  3. MrWillisTheFetcher
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    Can NPCs use these spells? If not, I was wondering if I can get Mabrigash to summon these creatures.
    1. MelchiorDahrk
      • premium
      • 449 kudos
      Unfortunately not at this time. Magicka Expanded doesn't enable the spells to be used by NPCs by default due to engine limitations. Hopefully this will change in the future!
  4. atomikdoctor
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    Everything all good with this mod? Looks awesome, and Id love to use it in an upcoming playthrough
  5. lordbmpx
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    how well does this work with OpenMW?
    1. MelchiorDahrk
      • premium
      • 449 kudos
      It doesn't yet that I am aware of. You can check with the OpenMW team to be sure whether they have added support for Magicka Expanded functionality.
    2. lordbmpx
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      ah, I downloaded it ill let you know if any of them show up but love the work
    3. Arugal
      • supporter
      • 3 kudos
      Did they work ? Realy love more summons :D in OpenMW
  6. Pherim
    • premium
    • 248 kudos
    Hey, there is a potential problem with the leveled lists in this mod! It removes the "Calculate from all levels <= PC's level" flag from some of the leveled lists, namely the tombs, and if this gets passed on to the tes3cmd multipatch. Wrye Mash's Mashed lists are ok, though.

    If the multipatch is used, players will only encounter the highest level enemies in tombs after a certain point.

    P.S.: That was why I removed your Undead Glass Berserker from my mod list, because I hardly encountered any other enemies in Tombs any more.
    1. MelchiorDahrk
      • premium
      • 449 kudos
      That's not true. The leveled creature lists for the tombs in this mod and UGB are the same as vanilla.
    2. Pherim
      • premium
      • 248 kudos
      Ok, you are right - it's "The Undead" that sets the flag in the first place. So it's an issue with the multipatch reverting the flag to vanilla. Sorry about that! I've just recently startet playing the game again for the first time in years and I'm finding so many bugs in all kinds of mods...
    3. MelchiorDahrk
      • premium
      • 449 kudos
      No worries! Have fun playing!
  7. ArdaSevanoS
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    After the summon timer for the Telvanni Myconid ends, the game crashes without fail; doesn't happen with any other summons. Can you help me with this? I'm digging this mod way too much to just disable and go on!

    EDIT: reverting back to 2.14 seems to fix that, but now when I use Summon Crystal Golem, it summons what seems like infinite copies of it!
    1. MelchiorDahrk
      • premium
      • 449 kudos
      Interesting... maybe I messed something up in the Myconid model or something. Can you send your MWSE Log and Warnings.txt after a crash with 3.01?
    2. ArdaSevanoS
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Sure I'll try, could you lead me to where those files are?
    3. MelchiorDahrk
      • premium
      • 449 kudos
      Sure thing. They're both in the same folder as your Morrowind.exe. One is called "warnings.txt" and I believe the other one is just called "mwselog.txt" or something to that affect.
    4. ArdaSevanoS
      • member
      • 0 kudos

      Here you go. They seem completely irrelevant to the crash, which worries me. To add injury to insult, the crash appears to be from ANY creature from this mod ONLY after the timer ends naturally without the golems dying (despite my first impressions).

      To clarify, I use about 250 mods so I've gathered some proficiency swapping and cleaning mods & my save files. I bought the spells from scratch after deleting the old version spells to test it fresh.

      The mods I use include Magicka Expanded vanilla-friendly & framework versions, which are the only mods that come to mind in relevance with MWSE & your mod, especially considering the non-MWSE version worked fine for me.

      EDIT: I think I'm noticing only now that when using the old version the spells work as intended but the description for them is bound gloves? I'm not on OpenMW btw.
      EDIT 2: Hahah it acts so weird in a funny way! It doesn't actually spawn gloves, but if I switch my gloves when I have a summon going on it crashes!
    5. MelchiorDahrk
      • premium
      • 449 kudos
      Yeah, the old version used mwscript to make new "spell effects". The new version is using MWSE Lua with the Magicka Expanded (ME) functionality as you saw. Which version of ME are you using? I'll try to replicate the issue.
    6. MelchiorDahrk
      • premium
      • 449 kudos
      Please confirm that you've updated to the latest version of Magicka Expanded. And are you using MAO? There was a similar report of summons causing crashes due to a conflict between ME and MAO.
    7. ArdaSevanoS
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Yes I use MAO, and I use the latest MWSE according to the updater I got from the MGE XE package. I have the 27 november (latest) version of Magicka Expanded (Readme file doesn't state version, but my folder is called "Magicka Expanded-47111-1-3-1574818274"); I only use the framework and vanilla ESPs.
    8. MelchiorDahrk
      • premium
      • 449 kudos
      You can try disabling the MWSE add on for MAO as it sounds like that's the culprit. If it is and you decide to keep it instead, you'll have issues with any mods or spell packs that add summoned creatures using the Magicka Expanded framework. Unfortunately, despite how cool it is, MAO is known to cause a lot of conflicts (such as any scripted mods which attempt to check for sounds which MAO overwrites - breaking a lot of scripts).
    9. ArdaSevanoS
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Gotcha, I'll try that and let you know. So far when I disabled the merged MAO.esm and enabled every plugin other than extended, the mod "seemed" to work fine, but didn't actually play pcvoice sounds. The rabbit hole of bugs kinda tired me out so if I get a chance to test your 3.1 after that I'll surely post here.
    10. MelchiorDahrk
      • premium
      • 449 kudos
      I understand. Good luck!
  8. OperatorJack
    • premium
    • 117 kudos
    The new update works great! I made a spell to summon all of the golems at once and attacked a bunch of guards. Thanks.
    1. MelchiorDahrk
      • premium
      • 449 kudos
      Nice! Thanks for testing! And thanks again for the magic framework!
  9. omoose
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Was there any fix for the Bound Glove error with OpenMW on the spells?
    When casting the spell it doesn't seem to actually have any sort of duration and allows you to summon in multiple copies of a single summon, when I went into the CS to see if there was any way to fix this myself I saw that the actual spells, replaced by Bound Glove, seemed to either be missing or I was just unable to find them.
    The atronachs look amazing so I'd really like to be able to use this mod but I'm just not really sure how to fix this issue myself.
    1. MelchiorDahrk
      • premium
      • 449 kudos
      You’d have to ask the OpenMW folks that question. The reason you don’t see the spells is because they’re scripts. This is a common method used in mods to get new summon spells.
    2. omoose
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you for the reply, I see what you mean now after having a look through the scripts themselves it looks like everything was actually working fine and the limit to the summon itself wasn't a bug after all then.
  10. aurum42
    • premium
    • 12 kudos
    Is the optional Air Atronach patch compatible with the other fixes and changes that have been made from v2.10 onwards? Eg. will the creatures still have rebalanced speed, will the icons be fixed, and the Myconids have the better hitboxes?

    Out of curiosity, why did you remove the Air Atronach from the main file? Were you not satisfied with it, or was it for bug or compatibility reasons?
    1. MelchiorDahrk
      • premium
      • 449 kudos
      The main thing you will miss if you use the Air Atronach version are the speed tweaks, The rest of it are model/icon edits iirc. I am not happy with the quality of the air atronach.
    2. aurum42
      • premium
      • 12 kudos
      Thanks for the clarification, I'll stick with the latest version of the main file.