Mount & Blade: Warband


  1. RexusNexus
    • BANNED
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    10/10 mod, endorse it!
    1. HannibalCZ
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      I think i can easily & clearly tell you guy's, "Why?" to PLAY a "Female" character!!!

      [ I'm a guy player and usually i do NOT play a female character's..!
      (Except once in Skyrim, because of nude & sex mod's ->only God can judge me! :D)
      ...simply because I can't identity with them that much and also i always loved to i would say  "import myself" into a game!]

      Obviously there's (big -fat) "BUT"!!! in "M&BW- Blood in west" mod it is the only way, how to start your game as a neutral character... (Right..?)
      So, if you'd LOVE (as same as me) to travel your HERO around and through a Middle-Earth, make some money, friend's, 
      maybe just taste a Lembas for a 1st time (?),
      or just simply "check your options" before going to war & keep your fate choice to mid-/late-game, "Female" is (UNFORTUNATELY) your one and only option!!!

      BTW, I downloaded this mod just few hours ago, and so forgive me my possible inaccuracies... 
      Alternatively correct me! ;)
      Have a GREAT FUN GUYS!!!!!

      #INFO for ANY SMART ALECK, with advices like "watch a LOTR movies trilogy at first!" / "read a Hobit or Silmarillion"! or simply "play with those, like that, because..." me or not-
      ... and it's 20 year's already!!! :D <3
      Maybe I could dub all film's, in Czech (my mother tongue) and English with no hint or text!
      And I still feel like a PRO in
      LOTR: BFME I. & II. PC GAME's, even after all those years! 
      And/ but  YEAH..!
      ...I am still not sure if i'd like to CONQUER or SAVE a MIDDLE-EARTH this time...! :D
  2. Vamcan
    • supporter
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    Started as Elf and I cannot start because the weapon efficiency is missing the invest buttons.
    Can't create character without investing the points...
    1. BoxOsnickers
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      Late reply here, try putting a single point in the 'Weapon Wielder' skill. I had the same problem and doing that fixed it for me
  3. Werrulfbane
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    Just another reason for me to get reinvested in M&B Warband.
  4. charley43144
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    Hahaha oh brilliant sarcasm, I do love it. Ignore the trolls down below who think you are alienating a "portion of the consumers". And if females or people that want to play females are offended by it, obviously their humor is unrefined. I'm sick of seeing this feminism crap and "girl gamer" s#*!, why they get all the special treatment? I do not care, this is just a joke... I ought to announce to the community I am a guy gamer, and see how it pans out for me. Start my own "guys only" game club too, see how the women like it. This society is pathetic.

    Bit of a rant, eh?
    1. shininku
      • supporter
      • 4 kudos
      I didn't intend on replying but if you really think my comment is asking for "special treatment", let me ask you this; would you make something then put:
      "Playing as Black
      "Playing as Asian
      No, you wouldn't. And I guess you want to say it's different because it's race. I didn't ask him to change the mod, I didn't ask for anything special; in fact, I've actually endorsed this mod, because overall, the only issue with it is that the map is inaccurate. Just merely saying how that comment isn't really necessary.
    2. Neuronyx
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      Why, that joke is so refined I can smell your rose scented farts from here. Truly, your opinion on what is and isn't funny is most important, and you most certainly do not suck 48 cocks. Not at all, no sir.
    3. LifeEquals42
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      It's just a LotR reference!!! Women DO NOT fight in LotR!!!
    4. arack20
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      There weren't anyone accompanying the Fellowship, yet you can still have them fight in your company outside Minas Tirith. So why not NOT allow people to play how they want, or at least not be a dick about it.
    5. DodgyD2
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      Are you retarded? you were either a birth defect or just so stupid you think your opinion is balanced. What if you woke up one day and you were a woman? Would you feel the same as you do now because I very much doubt that. Show a little empathy to other human beings
    6. Fullmetalnyuu
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      "women don't fight in lotr"

      Say that to Lúthien Tinúviel, Haleth the Hunter, Galadriel, Arwen Undómiel, and Éowyn, to name a few of the more prominent. Of course Tolkein didn't write about many, but you can't tell me with a straight face that in the entire world that these stories take place in there aren't female warriors that we don't hear about. Besides the simple fact that nothing is impossible in fiction, TLOTR is FANTASY. That really should be the end of the discussion right there, tbh.
    7. Ja025
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      "I didn't intend on replying", so here is my reply... cause I totally didn't intend to reply. Riiiiggght... And I think he should add all of those, black, chinese, indians, martians, women, even fat people (movement speed reduced by 20%), so that all those groups can express and fulfill themselves in a conversion mod for a game made 10 years ago, because they "clearly lack the mettle" to do it in real life (got the pun? did you? ah ... prob. not). Also, why not add diabetics. Your blood sugar randomly drops on the battlefield and you get "knocked out". And sometimes just don't wake up after the battle. Or have the "play as terminal cancer patient" option? Are they not worth mentioning? If you disagree you probably think they aren't. You get 100 in-game days to play, you play 120, then you die. That is, if you don't die before that irl. It would be like a time challenge, but it would also acknowledge the cancer patients. They probably won't be thankful though and would see it as a distasteful joke. In the entire LOTR series cancer isn't even mentioned. Or, well, their version of cancer. Or any other of the millions of diseases and conditions except for being hit by an arrow or a sword. Not that it wouldn't really have any impact on furthering the storyline, but that's not important, isn't it? What is important is for a black albino lesbian/fluid/homogeneous single mother from Detroit who works at starbucks and suffers from obesity (for now at least) to be able to play this game and say: "Wow, they acknowledge people like me exist and reinforce my lack of self worth and pride in my achievements which are clearly lacking in my life, as they are lacking in this game". I can't wait for a time when I would have to scroll a 5k lines worth of text just to find the condition I want my character to have. lul
  5. Ja025
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    Why is one of the tags "total conversion"? The map is pretty much the same old map, just the cities look differently.
  6. babacanush
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    It crashes after like 15min of playing
  7. Dawwyd0120
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    First I'm gonna download this mode cos I'm a lotr fan and second I like the humour implemented in the description! XD
  8. TheArtois
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    doesnt work
  9. SnowMexican
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    how do you get to show up in the modules where the native module is at
  10. Hamzalj
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    Every time i enter a tournament with hobbits, they appear to be too small for their armor and i can't do any damage to them.. when i try to control f4 to kill them, the game crashes?!? anyone else having this issue? any fixes?