Fallout 4
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Gamesettings and Effect:

1.(Beta)*Endurance is crucial! If player's endurance is less than 10, the player's HP will decrease after leveling up; eventually player will fail to adapt the hazardous environment in the wastland and die.* Don't install the mod until your character's endurance reaches 10, or start a new game.
Once player's endurance reaches 10, the player will reach the maximun HP cap---150HP. (250HP with Perk and bobblehead.)
This concept will be alter to a more friendly one as soon as the "GECK" is released.
(Explanation/Excuse :D for this strict concept:I can't really change the formular of HP calculating in 4, which is different from 3 and NV.
In 3 player gain 10 HP per level, in NV player gain 5 HP per level. Setting the HP bonus to 0 will stop player from gaining HP after leveling up. However, in 4, player get (Endurance/2 + 2.5) per level. Therefore, even I set the HP bonus to 0, player can still get (Endurance/2) per level, which is 3 to 8 HP per level, depend on the Endurance. The only thing I can do to limit the health is changing the HP bonus from 2.5 to -5.
And this concept makes sense. Nate/Nora's immune system must has a hard time to adapt the new world because various types of bacteria have been mutating for 200 years!!!)

(Official version 1.0) Low endurance doesn't cause fatality anymore, yet there is a HP limit in ranger mode. Starting with the base HP limit of 50, each endurance point provide 10 extra HP, up to 150HP in total; 11 endruance points can boost player's HP limit to 200HP. The maximum health is the same as the original game, high level players can use healing items (such as mysterious serum) to boost there health to 500+Hp temporarily.

��5.0�� New health limit setting. Player will not die if EN is lower than 10. Player also will not have unfilled health bar as health limit. Health range is from 60 to 220. (Haven't been tested)

2.Perks have less effect to firearms.

3.Less base carry weight. This effects companions as wll. (The companions' carry weight capacities are 100 less than normal NPC, so they cannot carry any weight without a perk. Changing human companions' carry weight capacity will cause "pale face", similar to Skyrim. I can't fixed this without "GECK", so I only changed non-human companions' carry weight. This issue will be deal with as soon as the "GECK" be released.)

4.Decent powerarmors are rare, most powerarmors which can be found in the wastland are T-45d and T-51b, no matter how high the player's level is. A level 1 character has the same change as a level 65535 character to loot a X-01 power armor (10%). 20% for T-60, 30% for T-50b and 40% for T-45d.

5.(Beta 2.0) No legenadary loots/enemies.
(Beta 5.0) Legendary items only can be found in normal difficulty.

6.(Beta 3.0) Firearms do at least 2x damage. Both player and NPC do 2x damage in the survival difficulty.(Damage Mult in "Game Setting")
I also fixed the "Inspirational perk" bug.
(Beta 6.0 ) Firearms do 3x damage. Player and AI only do 1.5x damage in survival difficulty.(Damage Mult in "Game Setting")
(Beta 7.0) Firearms do 3x damage. Both player and NPC have 1.5x damage bonus in normal difficulty. (Body part damage Mult mofication)
(2.0) Firearms do at least 2x damage. Both player and NPC do 2x damage. (Body part damage Mult mofication)

7.(Beta 5.1) Thanks to your relationship with Hancock, at 50 rads or higher you get criticals 25% faster.

8.(Beta 7.0) I added a new version to fix the negative carry weight bug in new survival mode.(May need to level up the character to reset the carry weight.)

9.(2.0) Nerf "Nerd Rage" perk.

10.(4.2)Each strength points only increase 5 pounds of carry weight, each agility points only increase 5 action points.


1.Both enemies and player are more vulnerable.

2.Enemies have more even health. Low level enemies are enhanced, high level enemies are weakened. NPC will not get extra health when they level up along with the player.

3.Human enemies take more headshot damage. (4X, same as CS.)

4.Robot, Turrets and Synth Gen1/2 have extremely high ballistic damage resistance, which make energy weapon more useful.

5.Non-humanoid creatures have more health.

6.Any enemies' limbs take less damage.(Less damage mult)
(2.0) Limbs are easier to be crippled. (Less health percentage)

7.(Beta 6.0) Behemoth and Mirelurk Queen have more health.

8.(Beta 6.0) Any creature with enough size can stagger their enemies.

9.(Beta 7.0) Vehicles can take more damage before explosion.

10.(2.0)Beasts sprint faster than player. Now you cannot out run your enemies.

11.(4.0)Predators will attack preys. Stronger predators will attack weaker predators.

12.(4.0)Enimies spawn randomly; low level character can encounter high level enimies, high level character can also encounter low level enimies.

Weapon and Armor:

1.Firearms do more damage,explosive weapons are lethal.

2.Powerarmor frame increases "strength" to 20.
(Beta5.0) to 25
(4.2)Powerarmor frame increase 175 pounds of carry weight as well as 150 action points.

3.Powerarmors have more health and damage resistance. (A grenade can still kill player/NPC instantly.)

4.Powerarmors don't drain fusion cores when player is running. However, they will drain fusion cores with double rate when player is sprinting or using up AP.

6.(Beta 4.0)Combat rifles and hunting rifle now can only use rifle ammo.(5mm/5.56mm/.308/.50) Pipe guns now can only use pistol ammo(10mm/.38/.44/.45) Bethesda only considers the "caliber", yet they ignore the lenth of bullets. (Rifle buttets shells was ejected in the animation!!! What are they thinking?)
(4.0)Change pipebolt action a,,o type to .308/5.56/.50.

7.(Beta 4.0)Vault Security armor now only occupy chest slot.

8.(Beta 5.0) Blade do more damage.

9.(Beta 6.0) Blunt weapons stagger the enenies, sharp weapons make target bleed.

10. (1.0) I slightly increse the range of shotguns.

11. (1.0) Bayonets no longer reduce range.

12. (3.0)Newvegas ammo weight. Bottlecaps have weight.

13.(4.0)I enhanced the long barrels of assaultrifle/hunting rifle/pipe bolt action and minigun.
(4.1)I enhanced the long barrels of combatrilfe, and increase the damage of sentrybots & vertibirds' miniguns.
(4.2)Reduced enhancements of weapons above. If energy weapons has been modified to increased damage, their ammo capacities will not change, yet their rates of fire will reduce.

14.(4.2)More unique weapons/armors' types.


Weapon and Armor:

1.Enhanced DLC weapons/armor.

2. (Beta6.2)Pulse explosion do massive damage against robots, synth gen1/2, turrets, powerarmors and vertibirds. Other targets are immune to pulse damage.

Wasteland WorkShop


1.(Beta6.2) Modified Creature health.


1.(2.0) Trapblade do more damage.

Far Harbor


1.(4.2)Enhanced gaint creature.

Weapon and Armor:

1.Enhanced DLC weapons.

2.(4.2)Enhanced Marine Armor.

Contraptions Workshop

Weapon and Armor:

1.I enhanced new t51 power armors to "ranger mode standard."