Fallout 4

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Chuck Yufarley

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  1. ChuckYufarley
    • premium
    • 242 kudos
    I am currently working on a small mod that will bring a small part of the Fallout television series to Fallout 4. Once that is done I will get to work updating and fixing issues with this and any of my other mods that need fixing. Thank you for your patience.
  2. sixtycastle
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Need help cant seem to place any of the prebuilt ones the are red, trying to put them in Sanctuary, I used clean sweep to get rid of all building and foundations, what am I missing.
  3. deepchicken
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    These are awesome, removed dependencies and didn't even have to repack. Now I put them practically everywhere. Thanks much!
  4. Cineromantic
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Hi there

    First of all, this is lovely. As a weirdo who tries to have a local militia in pretty much every settlement, I've been looking for something that is almost exactly this.

    Almost exactly.

    Since you said in September that you were still working on this, I'd like to ask if you'd be willing to include a modular version of the barracks? This hut is just a bit too big in some instances, so being able to make one that is smaller would be absolutely perfect for me.

    Thanks for all your hard work! Love your other mods too.
  5. SkyrimERos
    • member
    • 61 kudos
    Good afternoon! Please tell me in your screenshots there is a shower room, and I did not find it in fashion.
    1. ChuckYufarley
      • premium
      • 242 kudos
      I apologize for the delay in updating the mod. In fact, I've made all sorts of extra stuff for this one, but ran into a bug just as I was about to update. I'll make sure I get this stuff out ASAP.
  6. gozfulk
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    hi i was wondering what sanctuary clearing mod your using  
    1. ChuckYufarley
      • premium
      • 242 kudos
      It's called Clean and Simple - Sanctuary Startup, but it's been deleted.
    2. gozfulk
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      ok  thank you
    3. Hitman136
      • supporter
      • 14 kudos
      It's available on Bethesda's website :

      Worn houses: Bethesda.net | Clean and Simple - Sanctuary Startup Mod
      Clean houses:  Bethesda.net | Super Clean and Simple - Sanctuary Startup Mod

      Brilliant mod, the only one I use for Sanctuary but they also mod all other settlements as well I believe.

      I hope this helps.
    4. ChuckYufarley
      • premium
      • 242 kudos
      Hey! Thanks for the info. Absolutely my favorite Sanctuary mod. I might have to give the one with clean houses a look, even though I tend to scrap all the houses whenever I start a new game.
    5. Hitman136
      • supporter
      • 14 kudos
      You're most welcome mate, I'm so glad it was of help to you and others.

      I always use the super clean version and my Sanctuary is so un-lore friendly it looks almost like it's in Miami somewhere, minus the beach lol.

      Try it with some spring season and good weather mods and it will look absolutely gorgeous, trust me
    6. ChuckYufarley
      • premium
      • 242 kudos
      Yeah, I switched to the super clean version myself. I typically only keep the player's original house and the one where the workshop is, so when I knock down all the rest, it's mostly just a rolling, green pasture.

      Thanks again for providing those links.
    7. anthony8659
      • member
      • 10 kudos
      Will just add it here as option for those who have Discord and want to install files manually or through a mod organizer.  Here is Jenncave's Discord.  Mods are under #files.
    8. EQOAnostalgia
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Oh man, where were you when i setup this current playthrough? Rather, where was i!? lol. Awesome, next time i WON'T have to use clean prefab prewar houses and painstakingly rebuild them one, by one. 
  7. Aemilia12
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    I can't build them because my set contains only front wall, back wall and doors, but no roof.
  8. TitaniumTotem
    • supporter
    • 7 kudos
    I've been setting up for a new play through and just couldn't figure out what to do with Sanctuary; your collection solved that issue for me.

    AND HERE IT COMES...I have two suggestions regarding these fantastic Quonset huts: offer a hut on a wooden leg framework and in furniture add wood burning heating and cooking stoves with the appropriate stove pipes.  To me that would make these huts absolutely perfect..

    Thanks and I look forward to seeing more additions to your collection!
    1. ChuckYufarley
      • premium
      • 242 kudos
      Great ideas! Those are going on the list.
    2. TitaniumTotem
      • supporter
      • 7 kudos
      I'm back.  I wanted to share something with you...see the User Image I just uploaded (pending approval).

      Having actually inhabited a Quonset once (many, many years ago) I remembered that it had straight walls halfway up.  So I added some walls on one side of the hut in the picture (full sized walls lowered into the ground).  I was then able to use bunk beds (Snap Beds) doubling the available occupancy in each hut; although, naturally, I couldn't use your convenient snap points.  This also lends itself to wall lockers along sections without windows.

      As you can see in the photo (take from the rear of the hut where I'm placing a traditional barracks style latrine), the floor (isle) space taken up by this modification isn't dramatically different.  

      Just something else you might want to consider in a future update.

      Thanks again for a brilliant start to a promising series.
    3. jaderiver
      • member
      • 122 kudos
      Checked our your image, that looks good with that wall o.o Titan !! 
    4. ChuckYufarley
      • premium
      • 242 kudos
      Another great idea. I could implement another snap on piece like the room divider, for adding the vertical wall sections. However, If I'm going to add the wooden platform version, I might as well add versions with the vertical walls built in, that way I could move bed and locker snap points for those versions further inwards so that both types would allow for snapable furniture.

      Thank you for all the great ideas!
    5. TitaniumTotem
      • supporter
      • 7 kudos
      You're very welcomed.  You're making some marvelous mods.  If my recommendations help in any way I'm glad.
    6. ChuckYufarley
      • premium
      • 242 kudos
      Okay, I've added a couple of your requests so far. Check out the new images I just uploaded. Glad I came back to re-read your post as I forgot about the wood stove and latrine parts. I'll get on those next. You'll see that I've also added a wall locker, which will have a few bells and whistles to make each one unique when you're setting up an entire platoon. That, and I made a double bunk that counts for 2 settlement beds. I haven't seen yet if NPCs use both bunks as I just implemented it. It wouldn't have an animation for climbing into the top bunk, but if does work, they'll just teleport to the top.

      With the added inner walls option as well as the wooden platform, that makes a total of 4 building options...so far.
    7. TitaniumTotem
      • supporter
      • 7 kudos
      Woohoo...looking GREAT!

      When are you anticipating a release?
  9. dwarano
    • supporter
    • 3 kudos
    I've run into an issue, gonna ask here for help.
    Unless of course, no one else has the issue and it might be on my end then.
    Anywho, in the barracks when i put lights up, only 2 lights turn on 3rd on says it needs power.. Also outside lantern above the door wont turn on either..
    I have more than enough power for 50 barracks with lights, so that's not the issue, tried putting 4 switches on the barracks as well and plugging them all to the power grid, still only 2 lights turn on..

    If I manually wire with vanilla stuff, they all turn on..
    Am I doing it wrong somehow? Anyone got ideas?
    Still in love with all these goodies.  
    1. ChuckYufarley
      • premium
      • 242 kudos
      If you scrap or otherwise disconnect one of the lights that's working, does another come on in it's place? Are you using the lights found in the barracks kit menu or one of the duplicates found in the Power>Lights menu? Only the lights in the barracks set menu work with the snap points on the building itself. The lights in the Power>Lights menu have the same snap points but are not set up to work with the electrical box.
    2. dwarano
      • supporter
      • 3 kudos
      Yeah, if I remove one light then another turns on in it's place.
      Actually in my game, the only lights that will snap to the barracks seem to be the ones included in the barracks set, so I'm fairly sure they should be the correct lights.
      If I manage to get time to play during today I will make sure it is the correct lights for the barracks.

      Can it have something to do with me using another Generator and not the one from your packs? I mean, power is power right? 
    3. ChuckYufarley
      • premium
      • 242 kudos
      Are you connecting a single generator to the power box, like I did in the example video? I did so because the power grid in my test settlement is acting funny, so just swapped in a single generator to demonstrate how the power box/snapping lights work. You'll notice how not every light in my example video works either. That's because the total power needed by all snapped lights exceeds the power output of the lone generator I connected.  
    4. dwarano
      • supporter
      • 3 kudos
      If only it was that simple..
      But no, in the scenario where it bugged out for me I had it linked up with the whole settlement power grid, think I had about 400 power and only using 120 of it..
      I am rebuilding and tweaking my load order a bit right now, but I will return when I hopefully find the answer to what might have gone wrong.
      It is entirely possible, that the bug is on my end and not related directly to your mod, you know how finicky these things sometimes can be, I know at least, hehe.  
  10. wrathofterra
    • member
    • 8 kudos
    Expanding on the ESL subject that had a comment here I'd like to add.

    Any user can turn an esp, that can be turned, to an esl. The issue is that once we do that then you lose on updating the mod. Since the process changes the IDs. Yes sometimes not but most likely it will.

    This might not be a big issue in say a weapon mod since you can just delete your esl and get a newer version and make it an esl as well. I do that with some mods.

    However for a build menu item that would simply break the game. Since I don't see it required that mod that framework, forgot the name, that allows adding menu items and safely uninstalling them.

    This means that if a user changes the esl they are stuck with it or starting a new save if they want to change it or update it. Otherwise uninstalling a workshop item would break the game. afaik no way around that.
    It's exactly the same with merging.

    Now as a mod author you can actually solve that very easily. You can simply release an esl version. Best practice is an esp that is flagged as esl. FO4Edit can do that very easily. As long as you follow the esl logic. It can also compact form ids for you and make it an esl then you release it.

    And since it's just the esl file you won't have to upload the entire mod and just that file. This means

    Benefit is that instead of every user having their own version you will just release your official esl that you can update later and since it will keep the ids it won't break anything.

    I have no idea how many new entries in "Chuck Yufarley Collection" but if they are that many then at least you can make the other mods esls so we get to save a couple of slots as well as use your awesome mods.

    Though if your mod is totally final I'd commit to it's current format. Sorry for the long post. Just wanted to be clear
    1. jaderiver
      • member
      • 122 kudos
      Or ChuckYufarley
      Might make one with just the barracks And green house in one esp rather than have 2 separate, think the greenhouse is a unique shape, Or he or they, might just say their usual No!  ;P
    2. ChuckYufarley
      • premium
      • 242 kudos
      Long posts are not a problem. Any and all information is appreciated. With past releases, I would just provide simple .ESL versions created with the CK, and just today I discovered the FO4Edit method.  Since I don't play with many mods, when I play at all, I'm still unsure of the correct method for implementing .ESL versions, specifically those for mods like mine, which introduce several new meshes, materials, and textures. 

      I've been testing not only implementing .ESL versions, but also replacing the .BA2 versions with loose file versions. Replacing .BA2 with loose versions in MO2 is pretty painless. Got that part working without a problem. Not so much with implementing the .ESLs though. From what I recall, .ESP versions must be installed first, before the .ESL can be substituted. Is that correct? 

      I have no idea how many addons I might end up creating. Right now I have enough new material and potential optimized material to create at least 5-6 more packs. That's not to mention any of the new ideas I have for additional content.

      Any or all input in how to streamline this project would be greatly appreciated. 
    3. wrathofterra
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      esls are rather simple. Even with new entries.

      I'm more familiar with FO4Edit and in it you can run a script "Find esp plugins that can be turned to an esl" or something very similar.
      And once you run it it either tells you to compact form ids or just give it an esl flag. In either case you can compact the form IDs and add the esl flag then you are done.

      Since you are doing it for new thing, same everything just esl, version of the mod it won't break stuff like I said before. Because people will just get this new version. Goes without saying that they should not try to run both versions.

      There is also a ready made template when you make a new esp. It's something like normal esp extension only it has the flag. This starts the process following the esl logic from the start. And in both cases when you edit it or make new entries in FO4Edit it will follow the esl logic.

      This is the best practice as opposed as opposed to changing the extension to an esl. I noticed some weird behavior if the extension is an esl while it works fine if the extension is esp but it's flagged as esl and follows it's logic.

      There should be no problems whatsoever with mods adding many new entries including materials and textures and meshes. I have many of those. As long as the total number is below the esl record limit, it's like 2000, then it will work fine. Also the script checking that in FO4Edit will help you since it will figure that out for you.

      And obviously the esl version is a complete replacer of the esp version. You don't have to worry about implementing anything special or load order. It's the same exact records they just follow esl logic and flagged as such so it saves a slot.

      They will also work fine with depending on another esp or esm. For example your big required mod is an esp. assuming it has too many entries to change to an esl. And the smaller mods are also esp but they are esl following their logic and flagged as such. They will work just fine then.

      Basically an esl made correctly, form ids and given the tag, is exactly the same as the esp only the forms are different and it holds less new records.

  11. metsuricloud
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Chuck, I always take a break and return sooner than expected because of content creators like you. This series of mods is amazing!