Fallout 4


  1. VinierAardvark1
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Okay, so I've tried importing this settlement last night; it worked out fine but always crashed when I tried to save upon completion.
    Today I've reinstalled it and now it straight refuses to import anything, giving me the error code ##18863A since the artillery cannon won't load in for some reason and it states that theres 0/0 to import.
    I've completed Old Guns, so I can build the cannons, and I have no clue why it wont work now since this worked in my previous playthroughs perfectly well.
    1. PhasedTM
      • premium
      • 146 kudos
      Honestly I have no idea. What I can say for sure is it's not this blueprint. Even without completing Old Guns it will work fine

      .What is giving the error (FO4?).
      How about providing more information like what version of FO4, F4SE and TS is being used. What mods installed, any issues with other mods, did you try a clean save and/or new game as a test, etc.
  2. Ulzamm
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    For some reason,i can't build or destroy anything or the game crush...but only with Taffington boathouse,the others works fine.
    1. PhasedTM
      • premium
      • 146 kudos
      Weird. There's nothing wrong with the blueprint so that's not the issue.

      Do you have any mods installed that modify Taffington? It could also be a bad import possibly. Did you make a save prior to importing?

      I'd suggest going back to an earlier save (or saves if you have them). Keep going back in your save history until you no longer have the issue.
    2. Ulzamm
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      • 0 kudos
      No mods to modify the settlement...i tryed to nuke it but the crush occur at the first object destroyed....loaded a previous save game,imported the bp and again the same problem....lol,is the only one!
    3. PhasedTM
      • premium
      • 146 kudos
      Try downloading GroteGrottrol's clean test save from here: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/26513 and disable your mods, then try the import again. Something is not right here and it may be your save is corrupt.
    4. AdioPinoy
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      I have same problem with my Sanctuary Paradise mod
  3. VinierAardvark1
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  4. Mentha
    • premium
    • 343 kudos
    Lookin' good
    1. PhasedTM
      • premium
      • 146 kudos
      Thanks Mentha! I bet you could decorate the heck out of if though
    2. Mentha
      • premium
      • 343 kudos
      When I get my game updated and some SE mods off my plate I will.
    3. SarahAdams
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Hi there,

      I had a rubbish Taffington Boathouse settlement so I decided to import yours. I looks a million times better than mine.

      The problem is it locks up during import. It does the Importing 100% ok and also Stabilising 100% ok but during the Powering up stage it gets to about 40 - 50% then locks up. I attempted the import five time now and it still locks up when powering up.

      Can any one help?

    4. PhasedTM
      • premium
      • 146 kudos
      Thank you for the compliment

      I would have to recommend reading this article for improving your chances of importing a settlement without issues.


      It describes many things you can do to get the import (or export) to complete successfully and with everything working as expected.

      Personally, I just use the "Rapid" preset in Transfer Settlements and turn on the "Show widget in Pip-boy mode". Then when I start importing, I look directly at the ground, go into the Pip-boy and flip to the radio tab (you do not need to tune in to any station, just be on the tab) until the import completes.

      Good Luck!
    5. SarahAdams
      • member
      • 0 kudos

      Would you believe it, it worked. I started the import, looked up at the sky and entered pipboy mode and waited. It worked! Went to Far Harbour, waited and slept for 4 game-days, saved, quit game, restarted, waited another 3 game-days, saved again, quit, restarted.

      Everything is okay apart from the fact that I can’t add or delete anything. I get an instant CTD. I can assign settlers no problem. I can’t interact with the settlement and the power reading of 300 is RED. I can’t find anything not connected. Odd

      Brilliant settlement. Love it to bits.


    6. AnimeRed
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    7. Daemosdaen
      • member
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      This is still an issue with this settlement, I've followed everything listed in the linked page (actually had been just to get TS to work) and I can get to halfway through Powering up Taffington Boathouse.
  5. rthomas27
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    This settlement looks fantastic! I tried to use it myself but found it doen't work well with the new updates and TS. About half of what you've made rotates 90 degrees and breaks all the power lines. I'm repairing it with the help of screen shots and time rewiring, It's still a fantastic build once I get it fine tuned. Bugthesda strikes again messing up everything cool about the game,
    1. PhasedTM
      • premium
      • 146 kudos

      You may want to try importing again with all unnecessary mods disabled. Just leave the required mods to get TS working and go from there. I've heard of this before and it is definitely a mod conflict, but I don't know which one causes it specifically.
  6. conundrum
    • premium
    • 4 kudos
    Have you tried this with the Red Wave mod installed? It looks like it would work, since you modified, but kept intact, the original part of the little dock. I've seen some blueprints that remove the dock and Red Wave does require it. Great job, I think I'm actually going to give this one a try.
    1. PhasedTM
      • premium
      • 146 kudos
      Sorry, I'm not familiar with the mod you're referring to.

      Give it a try and see what happens
  7. SingABrightSong
    • supporter
    • 18 kudos
    Ah, good. I'm definitely a fan of your settlements, having found your Castle when looking for something that didn't require tons of obscure mods to run, though I fear that I can't run Transfer Settlements on my current save file, which is entirely a Patch 1.10 game.
    1. PhasedTM
      • premium
      • 146 kudos
      Thank you!

      CDante is working on a newer version of TS so it's just a matter of time.