Fallout 4

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  1. LTB18
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Any chance of the fences being despawned so attackers can get in through holes?
  2. Anardion
    • supporter
    • 15 kudos
    Tracking this! Looks amazing! Any ETA on Concrete walls?
  3. regenshine
    • member
    • 9 kudos
    How complicate would it be to convert the fences from Build a Wall http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/23737/? to deFENCES? And how could I do this?
    1. DWooT
      • account closed
      • 101 kudos
      I was just thinking the same thing. I'd love both this mod and that one to be one Mega Wall mod
    2. Domander
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      The only thing I didn't like about buildawall was the build cost didn't seem high enough... comparing with the ones from homemaker.
  4. Domander
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Great mod. I was watching a behemoth thwarted by my junk walls and thought "walls should be damageable" I went looking and found this mod, the defense bonus makes even more sense! Thank you!

    I'd love for the covenant walls to be added.

  5. Apfelsator
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    really nice idea, as others said, this should have been in the vanilla game but eh, bethesda...

    but i have a kind of unrelated question:
    in the first screenshot, those other structures your game shows in the junk category(the ones on the right of the gate), where did you get those from?
    i'm searching for a while for a mod that adds those kind of structures but i fear it may be homemaker or similar which i don't really want to use.
  6. MikhailScott
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    I like the Idea and will be tracking. My question is will you be making the fence pieces snapable? Additionally, will you please post pics of several of the pieces together in a wall configuration. Thanks.
    1. Ivarov
      • member
      • 7 kudos
      The 'snappability' is already a mod, I've contacted DarthWayne asking his permission for a patch (I'd have to copy some stuff over), I do believe its doable, I quicktested on 1 fence and it worked. I can only get back to it maybe later today, almost certainly tomorrow. Yeah I'll add some more pictures soon, my paintnet skillz with that horrid defense icon was a last minute effort that will be rectified soon (maybe) haha.
    2. Avenlanzer
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Snappable Junk Fences does not appear compatible with this mod.
  7. Merlin45
    • member
    • 21 kudos
    Great mod. The only thing that I don't like is that I have my normal big gate is gone. I only have your Fakegate.
    1. Ivarov
      • member
      • 7 kudos
      Are you using v0.2? they shouldn't conflict anymore. You could build your functioning gate from the vanilla category (structures>fences>junk fence) without the defense and maybe use a fake gate on a secondary "access point" that you wouldn't use, so only your invaders are "fooled" by it.

      Even if using v0.1, if you built your gate before installing the mod, it should still work as before (you see, in that version I didn't change the fence items, i changed what the workshop selection tool builds [a different item]). In v0.2 the mod returns the normal junk fences as they are in vanilla (the workshop menu is again building vanilla fences and gate) and the deFENCES are now built from structures>fences>defences (so you can have both worlds).

      Regarding the issue that my version is a fake gate, that couldn't be helped (as far as I was able to tinker with the options), because Door items (what the vanilla gate is) dont seem to be able to have defense properties. Statics (walls) dont seem to be able to have scripts associated with them. I needed both things to make this work. So I found that another type of item, Furnitures, could have both. If I find a way to simulate the mesh animation from a door to a furniture (way over my head, but I'll look into it eventually) I'll make another gate that opens

      Hope this helps. Cheers!
    2. Merlin45
      • member
      • 21 kudos
      I am using 0.2! I have the normal Junk Fence Categorie too. But the Big Gate isn't there anymore. Sometimes I use it alone and make a stonewall.
    3. Ivarov
      • member
      • 7 kudos
      I'm not sure I understand your issue. You're saying you can build both, but your previously built normal gate vanished from the game? can you build new ones? I just tested and both are there, each in its category, and both can be built, one opens, and the fake one adds 1 defence. But I dont have a 'save progress' transitioning between 0.1 and 0.2 to test, so if the issue is persistent for you I'd need a more detailed feedback to try to help you.
      Compared the 2 versions here, the only difference is, in 0.1 I 'forced' the fake gate as the first item shown in the workshop menu as soon as you opened the Junk fences category, but the normal gate is still there, only further to the right (or should be the first item in 0.2). v0.2 moves the fake gate in the deFences category, but I reorganized it so it should be near the end of the list.
    4. Merlin45
      • member
      • 21 kudos
      I can't build the vanilla one because it isn't there. I only have two small doorways now.
    5. Ivarov
      • member
      • 7 kudos
      Ok thanks for clarifying.
      Isn't it the first item in the vanilla category? So I tried in a clean load with a gate built and 1 stored just to check it, all 'possible combinations':
      Vanilla: without dF0.2 or snappable junk fences (SJF), the vanilla gate is the first item (1 vanilla gate built, 1 stored);
      SJF1.3: the vanilla gate is moved further to the right, before the spikes (1 vanilla gate built, 1 stored);
      df0.2: the vanilla gate is the first item again (as it should, since I never edited the constructible object info for the vanilla gate, v01 or v02)(1 vanilla gate built, 1 stored);
      df0.2+SJF1.3: the vanilal gate is where SJF places it, near the end, before spikes (1 vanilla gate built, 1 stored).

      As a new modder I'm looking really attentively at my possible mistakes because I really dislike the idea of unknowingly 'breaking' other peoples games, so consider all I say is pointed towards getting to the bottom of this, i'm not being condescending or anything like that :P (just clarifying because written text might be misleading)
    6. Merlin45
      • member
      • 21 kudos
      Thx for it. Take the time you need.
    7. Merlin45
      • member
      • 21 kudos
      Works fine now. Everything is ok.
  8. flaregambit
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Don't know if this is a bug or just me but I can't scrap the junk fences at Hangmans Alley. Anyone else having this issue?
    1. Ivarov
      • member
      • 7 kudos
      That might be an issue in fact, in v0.1, because the build item is changed from vanilla. I would suggest try uninstalling this mod and see if old fences are again scrapable (if you could be so kind to tell me the results I'd much appreciate it).
      And/or wait for v0.2, in which hopefully any chance of issues of that type will be nullified because all entries in v0.2 will be created from scratch, no altering anything vanilla (I should upload it in the next day or so). Sorry for the inconvenience :P

      Edit: if you mean the junk fences that are there from the start, that might be unscrappable in vanilla FO4, I'd suggest trying the mod Scrap Everything (absolute last in your load order, and always keep it there, or 'ghost' items could return and be 'un-interactible'. Its a great mod, just require this little care, keep it LAST)

    2. flaregambit
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Oh uninstalling the mod allowed me to scrap the fence in question (which are normally scrappable with or with out a scrap all mod). I've also tried running the your mod by itself, before and after any mod that could conflict with and got the same results. However with a scrap all mod and your mod loaded I could scrap the "ghost" items around the wall but not the wall itself. In vanilla when I attempt to scrap the walls in question it also removed the "ghost" items attached to them.

      It might not be the new references you made but how that engine binds multiple items together. For example, when you move/store a shelf with a debris texture on it and then you place/replace the shelf the debris texture is no longer associated with the shelf and vanishes.
    3. Ivarov
      • member
      • 7 kudos
      Not sure if you 'solved' your issue or not by now, just wanted to say I went to hangmans alley to test this, made a save without the mod, scrapped everything I could:
      The junk fence and junk doorway touching a guard tower were scrappable, the junk fence and doorway directly opposite to those, in the other entrance, could not be scrappable (only with a scrap-all mod)
      closed the game, reopened with deFences installed, the exact same fences were scrappable and non-scrappable. I retried both methods adding dynamic debris to the fences, the engine were able to scrap them just the same.
      If this is an issue you are still having, although I'd really like to solve it, since I couldn't replicate, I'm not sure how we'd do that
      if you got any ideas, do tell.

    4. flaregambit
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Updated to v0.2, Everything seems to be working as intended, will let you know if I spot anything else.
  9. Superman88
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    Awesome idea, this is one of those that make you wonder why it wasn't there to begin with.

    Some ideas if you want:
    -Settings holotape so you can set/ lower/ raise deFence values
    -Different walls/ fences with different values- for example those solid junk fences offer more deFence then a chain link fence. Maybe junk fences with barbed wire offer even more deFence- concrete walls the most of all
    -Some kind of multiplier system for connected walls- like, one lonely wall is .001, 2 connected is .003, 3 is .007, 4 .01... the idea being one fully connected wall around your settlement would be worth more than stand alone pieces. I guess this is really just an immersion/ challenge thing, and I have no idea if it can be done, but it would be neat.

    Thanks again for the mod.
    1. Ivarov
      • member
      • 7 kudos
      That was my thoughts the very first time I started building, but I dismissed it as "oh, well...".... over a year later, I figure out a little bit of how modding works, give it a try and here we are. Mind you, I tend to believe they dismissed this idea for a reason (like maybe this is a bad structure for these items)... but since fo4edit allows us to "brute-force" a little bit, I gave it a try (hence the warning in description)

      On the ideas, always good to hear feedback and suggestions
      - holotape: maybe. I'd need to figure out the how and a decent application. since the values are part of items properties, this might be quite messy, as in, having to structure new items for every available defense levels. If I find a more 'efficient' way, I'll give it a try.
      - already started a bit of this for the next update, experimenting with construction costs, destructibility and max units per settlement. The defense values I'll mess with only after adding new categories and seeing how they look, keeping a decent proportion to cost vs. defense.
      - I thought this would be cool in the first hour of making this mod, but I didnt figure out a way of doing it. One alternative that *might* work is having conditions associated with the defense properties, but that is not something i found in the xedit/ck interface, maybe it exists, maybe I'd have to go down to scripts. If so, don't wait up :P

  10. sp86
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    I suggested this to vigge42 months ago as an update to his Better Fences mod, guess you beat him to the punch, good on you.
    1. Ivarov
      • member
      • 7 kudos
      I wasn't aware of that, was this something planned in that mod's plans/wip? You make it sound like it is a race, I just published because I didn't see similar mods after some searches in the site. :P

      Hopefully in the following updates I've planned this mod differentiates a little bit more so it doesn't look like a rip-off idea :P
