Fallout 4

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  1. JtBryant96
    • premium
    • 39 kudos
    Update 1.0.2:
    More Fixes to the scripts, all barracks upgrade paths should be unlockable now.

    Update 1.0.1:
    Fixed bug in FactionQuest script - Barracks should be able to upgrade now.

    Update 1.0.0:
    Complete re-write of the mod, not compatible with beta version.
  2. JtBryant96
    • premium
    • 39 kudos
    To All Users:
    Please post all comments and bug reports here:

    And there is now an Xbox version here:

    Thank you
  3. depwasasa
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Someone please PLEASE PLEASE revive this mod :'(
  4. FoxtrotDelta3
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    When I attempt to add it via ModOrganizer2, it just tells me that there is no data top level. It won't allow the modloader to install mod. Seems like it may need updated
  5. Abnil
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    RIP to such a great mod.Today I was looking at my martial plots and couldn't figure out where my different martial plots went.... then realized I uninstalled this mod and this mod is what contained them. Such a good mod I wish was updated.
  6. SnipeSmash
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Is this compatible with militerized minutemen or similar mods that affect the factions?
  7. pendannadnep
    • premium
    • 70 kudos
    The problem with the texture on the solar panel is a result of the Textures.ba2 file being created with the General format. If you unpack the textures and then recreate the file using Archive2 in the DDS format then the solar panels look proper in game.
    1. LibertyBull
      • premium
      • 51 kudos
      Hot tip, thanks.
  8. tocknock78
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This is definitely one of my favourite plot mods, as the Heavy Industrial and Martial plots are excellent! My only sadness comes that it doesn't incorporate the 'tech tree' stuff that Kinggath added after you created your mod. I've never opened the GECK, so I have no idea how complicated adding that stuff would be. If you ever find the time and desire, adding this would add a little more sparkle to an already great mod. Thanks for creating this!!
  9. GerhardReinke1
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Cool mod! Any chance of an update and/or .esl version?
  10. bonkbonk9
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Are the only bugs with this mod some texture issues and the broken script with defense calculation for the martial plots? So the mod still should be usable.
  11. VodkaGods
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    hi i have a problem with the barracks. when i try to upgrade to lvl 3 it has no plan to upgrade? is there any fix?
    1. Brian Damage
      Brian Damage
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      That seems to be based on faction quests. If you're allied with the Minutemen, you can build up to level 2, but you can't build level 3 before you've retaken the Castle. I assume it's similar for things like the Brotherhood: Level 2 as an ally, but level 3 requires you to have gotten to a specific stage in the questline - maybe when the airship shows up?
  12. Brian Damage
    Brian Damage
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Okay, this mod is usable to some degree, but heavily bugged and appears to be dead.

    As well as the issue with tech tree nodes not showing up properly, it also has:

    1. A bugged texture on the solar panels (the highest mipmap level appears as random "snow" - a product of having the texture set to twice the size of the actual source image file in the mod data, maybe? I don't have any experience with the Creation Kit or I'd install it and check for myself)

    2. The defense calculations on the barracks don't seem to work at all, really. You CAN get the second level barracks to show a defense of, for eg, 25 for each plot for the Minutemen if you refresh the plot over and over again and get lucky (seems to work better when there are fewer scripts running, ie, in small settlements), but a quick look at the decompiled scripts suggests that this is actually not the intended behavior. I haven't been able to get any of my five or so third level barracks to show a nonzero defense value despite repeatedly refreshing them and doing the move-cancel trick someone mentioned elsewhere. The figuring for the defense calculations is dense and confusing and spread through several different functions, but appears to rely on iterating through two arrays that are never initialised/allocated or populated as far as I can tell (currentActiveAllyFaction and currentActiveRivalFaction - I am not an expert on Papyrus but I have some scripting experience in other languages) and then redundantly getting the number of active barracks from the second element ([1]) in the array currentActiveFaction, when only the first element ([0]) is ever written to as part of totaling those...

    int Function getCurrentDefenseValue()
    int NumOfBarracks = currentActiveFaction[0].getValue() as int
    NumOfBarracks = currentActiveFaction[1].getValue() as int

    ... so that might explain why whether you get any defense or not appears totally random: it's deciding how many barracks there are based on garbage data from uninitialised/unallocated array elements and iterating over permanently empty arrays. I'm not sure why the result is mostly zero with the base defense for the second level as an occasional result, but I can only assume that getCurrentDefenseValue() perhaps errors out from trying to access invalid memory most of the time (leaving the defense value at 0), and if and when it doesn't, NumOfBarracks always equals zero due to the unpopulated arrays (setting the plot to the base defense value).

    To be honest I'd just prefer a version of this where it just fixes the defense value based on the faction and stage of the plot. Even seems like it'd be a fairly easy edit to make. Just always return baseDefense in getCurrentDefenseValue()

    Until such time as someone revamps it or the original owner fixes it, I say just use it for the power plots (and don't walk too close to the solar panels) and the physical boost in defence (the extra soldiers) until it completely ceases to be compatible with SS. I'd be willing to try and fix it myself but I have absolutely no idea how fixing someone else's mod works here, rules-wise.

    [EDIT[: Oh, also, something that DOES seem to work is available barracks upgrade levels being pinned to faction quests, ie: You can't build Level 3 Minutemen barracks until you've retaken the Castle. That's working as intended, I think.