Fallout 4



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Everyones favorite Merc with a Mouth! by AssassiN_DUDE

Finally! play as the most handsome and effective mercenary of all time.

This is a simple Deadpool reskin Of the Brotherhood of Steel Uniform. I am currently working on a completely new model
but I have to wait for the actual tools to come out. So I just did a quick reskin plus some normal/spec work.

The armour is a BOS uniform reskin and the mask is the normal Sack hood.
I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

Have fun shooting up the Commonwealth!

1.01 Changelog

- Adjusted the brightness of the red section and distinguished it further from the black part by adding custom normal and spec map.
- added the Deadpool Beltbuckle
- added Deadpool Gloves with logo
- added optional Dead-boy (pipboy skin)

1.02 Changelog

- adjusted the alpha for the sack hood to improve the clipping situation
- small changes to the dead-boy texture

1.03 Changelog

- Added combat armor skin for that little bit of extra protection.
- changed the layout of the suit pattern to match the original even more.
- made the bright version as main file because its the color he has in the comic. If there is enough request I can make the new layout in the darker red too.

1.04 Changelog

- completely remade the Masks defuse, normal, and specular map.
- fixed the Combat armor. The highest Tier (polymer) is now Black, which fits perfectly with the Decal. The other ones stay as they are which makes NPCs still look normal.
- Changed the BOS Uniform to the BOS Officer Uniform (player.additem 2223E3 for console command) So there are not so much deadpools everywhere. Elder Maxon is half Deadpool now though.



first you have to edit your Fallout4.ini (wich you can find in Documents/My Games/Fallout 4)

find this line..

..and change it to:
sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS\, TEXTURES\,

After that simply copy the textures folder into your Fallout4/Data Folder


If you want to use my Mod just ask for permission. If you want to edit it only for yourself, edit away! :)