Fallout 4


  1. CDante
    • premium
    • 883 kudos

    VERSION 1.x

    - v1.93: compatible with game version 1.10.163 and F4SE 0.6.20
    - v1.92: compatible with game version 1.10.162 and F4SE 0.6.18 and 0.6.19
    - v1.91: compatible with game version 1.10.162 and F4SE 0.6.18 and 0.6.19
    - v1.58: compatible with game version 1.10.138 and F4SE 0.6.17
    - v1.57: compatible with game version 1.10.130 and F4SE 0.6.16
    - v1.56: compatible with game version 1.10.120 and F4SE 0.6.15
    - v1.53, 1.54 & v1.55: compatible with game version 1.10.114 and F4SE 0.6.13
    - v1.52: compatible with game version 1.10.111 and F4SE 0.6.12
    - v1.51: compatible with game version 1.10.106 and F4SE 0.6.11
    - v1.50: compatible with game version 1.10.98 and F4SE 0.6.10

    - v1.57: you can turn off Power Grid notifications upon entering Workshop Mode - turn off for the settlement you're working with or turn off entirely
    - v1.57: you can turn on or off Power Grid notifications both in the settings holotape under General Settings or in the MCM menu under Main Options
    - v1.54: FIXING THE 'SCRAP CRASH' - with permission to include registrator2000's Power Grid Tools, Transfer Settlements now auto-fixes broken power grids of your settlements upon entering Workshop Mode - read more from kinggath about the Scrap Crash here: https://www.simsettlements.com/site/index.php?threads/scrap-crash-reason-fix-and-preventative-measures.7696/

    - v1.57: isInterior is a new data in the blueprint header that shows whether the settlement is in an interior (1) or exterior Cell (0)
    - v1.57: cell_id, cell_id_dec and cell_plugin are new data in the blueprint header that determine the interior Cell of the settlement or the exterior Cell of the Workshop reference
    - v1.57: for items that are connected to other items with a wire connect_point_posX, connect_point_posY and connect_point_posZ determine the absolute position of the item's connect point
    - v1.57: for items that transmit power to other items via a snap connection ConnectedObjectsSnapped is a new string that lists the ids of the other items that are connected
    - v1.51: you can export/import the time delay data for delayed switches

    - v1.92: removed a VATS debug feature (on screen message and creating a savegame upon entering VATS) that was left in the code by accident
    - v1.57: fixed notification that said you've entered Pip-Boy Mode from third person view when you actually have not
    - v1.57: hexadecimal FormIDs for Forms that originate from ESL plugins are now three digits long as they should be
    - v1.57: decimal FormIDs for Forms that originate from ESL plugins no longer show negative values in some cases - this fixes a bug that prevented the export/import of some Sim Settlements plots from Sim Settlements Addons that use ESL format
    - v1.55: fixed issue with workshop detection of built-in power grid fix when you enter workshop mode
    - v1.54: AVOIDING THE 'SCRAP CRASH' - your settlement's power grids get automatically reset after a Nuking process
    - v1.51: fixed issue with items exported as static not being imported with physics removed
    - v1.51: removed the slow-time features from the mod as they were causing issues and were no longer needed for stability's sake
    - v1.50: fixed issue with complex objects (like Nuka-Cade games or Contraptions DLC elevators) having misplaced parts or not working after a successful import
    - v1.50: fixed issue with static items not being exported with the RemoveHavok blueprint flag set to 1
    - v1.50: fixed issue with original items (that were not built by the Player) not being exported with the isCreated blueprint flag set to 0
    - v1.50: fixed issue with items built by the Player not being exported with the isCreated blueprint flag set to 1
    - v1.50: fixed issue with farm animals not being exported with the isFarmAnimal blueprint flag set to 1
    - v1.50: fixed issue with turrets not being exported with the isActor blueprint flag set to 1
    - v1.50: fixed rare issue with shotguns placed as decor items not being exported at all
  2. CDante
    • premium
    • 883 kudos




    TROUBLESHOOTING by mayaterror (look for the second half of his description page)


    - Transfer Settlements Blueprint Manager by DieFeM
    - Fallout 4 - TSB Item Havok Disabler by FiftyTifty
    - NMM Transfer Settlements Blueprint Installer by Caladon

    Downgrading from an already installed newer version of the mod to an older version messes up the Global variables within your savegame.
    In cases like this "cleansaving" the mod might be your solution.
    - disable TS (the version you last installed and want to use)
    - create a new save without the mod
    - enable TS (the version you last installed and want to use), and load that last savegame

    - the most important rule regarding bug reports is to be specific enough and describe your issue in a way I can reproduce it! If I don't have information about which items, which settlement, which blueprint you are talking about, I certainly cannot fix your problem...
    - if you have issues and you're using scrap mods, don't forget to mention which ones!
    - if you have used the scrapall console command before importing a blueprint, don't forget to mention that either!
    - at this point if the mod is not working for you AT ALL, you should read the description VERY carefully - everything is detailed in the "How To Install" section - use manual install if mod managers fail you!
    - before reporting any issues, enable debug logging!
    - then go in game, reproduce the error, and send me these log files below
    - Papyrus log: ..\ Documents\My Games\Fallout 4\Logs\Script\Papyrus.0.log
    - F4SE log: ..\ Documents\My Games\Fallout 4\F4SE\transfer_settlements.log
    - then go into your blueprints folder and send me the blueprint json file as well
    - you can send files using any file sharing cloud services such as dropbox, google drive, etc. or paste them in pastebin.com

  3. CDante
    • premium
    • 883 kudos

    even though it's quite annoying that Bethesda needs to update the game frequently, I have to admit, I really enjoyed playing around with the new workshop packs while testing v1.46.

    if you enjoyed the video above, and want to support me in a non-monetary way that really makes me happy, consider subscribing to my youtube channel. at the time of writing this post I'm close to 700 subscribers, but according to the recent changes in youtube's terms of service I'm going to loose my youtube partner status if I'm below a 1,000 subscribers by the 20th of February.


    THANK YOU! :)
  4. GroteGrottrol
    • premium
    • 41 kudos
    Expect a longer wait for the 
    NextGen update.
    Yes, new F4SE is available. Yes, CDante is working hard on compiling an update.

    ETA -> when Tested, Stable, and Done.
    There will be no release untill it is ready to go public.

    So much things can get in the way of a solid ETA.
    Revisiting a game that has been slumbering for years takes time,
    rebuilding the backbones for the development environment,
    refreshing old test procedures, etc...
    the biggest hurdle we are facing is tackling massive internal changes in the NextGen FO4 release.

    Be patient we will no longer answer any questions on when TS will be updated.
    ] CDante: May, 8th, 2024
    Update on Transfer Settlements NG compatibility development:

    • transfer_settlements.dll fully working - compiled and loads up with NG version
    • terminal+.dll fully working - compiled and loads up with NG version

    BUT... for each terminal+ update in the past I always needed to find 6 internal addresses for internal functions based on their binary signature patterns from previous versions of Fallout 4. However, it seems like these internal addresses changed/shifted so much in NG that so far I could locate only 2 of those 6.

    So please be patient, it takes more time but I'm getting there.
    NOTE: The working DLLs CDante mentions are DEVELOPMENT versions and not available for the public.
    ] CDante: May, 9th, 2024
    Update on TS development:
    I made a windows application to decode the bin files from the Address Library for F4SE Plugins by Ryan, but turned out THEY don't have all the addresses decoded. even comparing the filesizes between 1.10.163 (9.1 MB) and 1.10.980 (2.2 MB) it's obvious that it's just a fraction of the known internal addresses in that bin file.

    to be continued...
    CDante has some additional plans to deal with the elusive internal functions.
    ] CDante: May, 10th, 2024
    Update on TS development:
    I made a python script that finds the closest known 1.10.980 memory addresses, but it landed thousands of steps away from the address I'm looking for, another dead end.

    I have some more ideas to try.
    [nerd-alert] Dissasemble the machine-executable code further and create assembly language code to decompile and generate a high level, C source code-like representation [/nerd-alert]

    Shifting more and more towards the decision of getting rid of the TS holotape, it needs high level trickery that is no longer available.
    It will require restructuring the mod to work with a physical, buildable terminal instead, which can have dynamic texts using less convoluted quest aliases.

    Side note: Working with the FOLON devs to add compatibility with Fallout London so TS recognises London workshops from the get go.
    NEXT FO4 UPDATE ANNOUNCED by BGS for monday may 13th.
    ] May, 13th, 2024
    F4 update dropped. Tiny 38MB, only Fallout4.exe and interface.ba2 updated, version bumped to 1.10.984.
    Likely not gonna be such a huge problem for Script Extender mods like the massive internal changes in 1.10.980 were.
    CDante is still working on the previous NextGen conversions for this mod.
  5. GroteGrottrol
    • premium
    • 41 kudos
    ] May, 14th, 2024
    Expect a much longer wait for the 
    ?!? NextGen update ?!?

    This ain't an easy quick update to a new FO4 version number, it requires a complete rework.
    Only possible thanks to the awesome support from legends like reg2k, ianpatt and other members from the amazing f4se-team.

    ] May, 5th,2024
    ...the biggest hurdle we are facing is tackling massive internal changes in the NextGen FO4 release.

    Turns out, a lot of the advanced functions Transfer Settlements depends on changed drastically or are no longer available.

    ] reg2k:
    Some of the functions may not even exist anymore...
    I'm guessing Bethesda updated their compiler platform toolset, the single worst thing you can do to your modding community for native mods. Old signatures broke because the assembly instructions changed.
    ] ianpatt:
    Yeah, pretty sure we are at worst case scenario
    ] CDante:
    This is a much greater problem than the issues I had earlier, but I won't give up.
    ] May, 20th, 2024
    ] CDante:
    Currently restructuring the mod so it would work with a built terminal instead of a holotape. I want a more robust solution, and having dynamic texts in a "world object" type terminal is much easier and doesn't require so many internal functions that changed drastically or are no longer available.
    In NextGen there are additional issues whith the built-in power line and wire functions needed by TS, those are still disabled in the latest version of F4SE. the F4SE team already fixed those, which is awesome, but those fixes need to be included with a future F4SE update.
  6. originalksd
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello from Greece.
    I have a couple of questions, and since i am now dizzy after so many videos - and searching / reading for answers,
    i 'm going to ask here (maybe there are answers written somewhere but got covered by NG compatibility questions / posts)
    if please someone can answer

    i am in minus NG state of game
    have some mods and among them is the cheat terminal.
    and was wandering if somehow i could keep some of my settlements on a new play-through
    if i go with the NG update...
    so searching for a way i found this beautiful mod

    and i get it : i have to wait for a NG compatible update.

    so 2 questions:

    1) now, iv'e seen a hanfull of vids and i am wandering :
    using "cheat terminal"
    i've more then doubled the workshop size in some settlements but i've sort-of gone wild on sanctuary on structures and items placed ...
    (please don't judge - sometimes it is all i need - calming / relaxing via bulding)

    is there a cap on items / structures / workshop size
    cuz 1 of the videos mentions of 710 items approx. and does an 740? - 770ish settlement export that ends up an import of 710 -if i recall correctly
    (at 3:55 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Q6umAEI-20)...

    2) is it possible to have compatibility issues between "pre-NG-update mod" exported settlements and "NG-update updated mod" (when it is finished)

    (hope it all makes sense- like i said : i am now dizzy from the after work research for answers)
    Thanks for any help !
    1. GroteGrottrol
      • premium
      • 41 kudos
      1- There are no limits on size, we've played with and tested multiple 10.000+ item settlements. They will take a long time to export/import.
      TS really does not care how big the settlement is.
      2- TS so far has been backwards compatible with older blueprints, and we do not expect problems there.
      However, we can not predict the future.
      All i know is that it always will be CDante's goal to keep older blueprints working.
    2. Eysenbeiss
      • premium
      • 46 kudos
      My sanctuary castle blueprint has almost 1700 items over all and never gave any problems at all.
      My first blueprint was done with I guess TS 1.51, the last one with the latest version - never had any problems importing any of those.

      I am not 100 percent sure, but could be that blueprints holding components of mods, that are not longer available in your mod-list, might be a bit bitchy, but just speaking of my own expirience, those items won't show up and that's it.

      Cheat terminal or console is not needed to raise the build limit and hopefully, I won't get called out for c&p something from the FO4-wiki:

      Alternatively, on PC, it is possible to increase the build limit using console commands. The build limit is calculated using two actor values: triangles and draws. The following commands can be used to change these values:
      getav 348 displays the current number of triangles
      getav 349 displays the maximum number of triangles
      setav 349 <amount> changes the maximum number of triangles to the specified amount
      getav 34a displays the current number of draws
      getav 34b displays the maximum number of draws
      setav 34b <amount> changes the maximum number of draws to the specified amount
      Using an amount of -1 disables the limits entirely.
    3. GroteGrottrol
      • premium
      • 41 kudos
      Any assets that are no longer present in your loadorder will be skipped.

      So if you played with a mod in a previous playthrough, and used items from it in your settlement, which you exported to a blueprint,
      Now you are doing another run on a new character, and want to import that settlement , but you deleted the mod, it will skip objects from that mod. Everything else will be imported without problem.
  7. rjbarroso
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Can this Mod (Transfer Settlements) work without "HUDFramework" by just using the "holotape"?

    As currently "HUDFramework" as some bugs with "FallUI". and since its not been updated since 2017 i dont expect the situation to change.
    1. GroteGrottrol
      • premium
      • 41 kudos
      HUD-F gives you all the onscreen information during an export/import.
      Using TS without HUD-F would be very inconvenient. You would have no clue on the progress.

      I have never tested it, but i heard of users with a broken HUD-F install, without on screen information using TS. The pain, lol.
      Test it and you will know.

      I am also not aware of any Fall-UI conflicts that could not be easily patched.
      I never used Fall-UI, but it is a interface mod and conflicts are not that hard to solve.
      Use the HUDFramework Auto-Patcher by registrator2000 (Requires Java 8)
      The auto-patcher automatically injects the HUDFramework loader into any HUDMenu.swf.
      Use this if you have an existing mod that replaces HUDMenu.swf.
  8. THarley2018
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    For everyone waiting for an TS update: I have found a working solution for me which involves the use of Workshop Framwork mod and a little bit more manual work.
    Play a downgraded FO4 version with TS working, use console whatsoever to establish all settlements with the blueprints seems to fit. From this point there are 2 options:
    1. Just start a NG game with a savegame from the downgraded version. For me this works like a charme.
    2. Use Workshop Framework to export all settlements, create a layout esp or esl, start a NG game and use the layouts with Workshop Framwork. For this method the wiring have to be redone after each import.
    or 3rd method: Use a mix of 1 and 2 since you forgot to include Boston Airport and Bunker Hill, which also works well.

    But as always, what works for me may not work for you, so use it at your own risk and don't blame others for your doings.
    1. GroteGrottrol
      • premium
      • 41 kudos
      Or 4.
      Just wait a bit longer, there has been a lot of progress in developping NextGen TS.
      Almost at the stage of finalizing the beta code and start testing.
      No promises on an Estimated Time of Arrival, but we are closer to a NG TS than we are to the day BGS dropped the NG nuke.
    2. THarley2018
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Of course you can, but you know how people are. I just wanted to test what works when TS isn't available because of NG and how Workshop Framework handles export/import. That's how this approach came about. Just wanted to share my experiences.
    3. Eysenbeiss
      • premium
      • 46 kudos
      And you just came out second, cause I did this before and even without all the stress ;-)
  9. wdnmdblayt
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Why does it show that this is an unknown settlement after exporting a blueprint and I can't see the blueprint I just exported in the blueprint list? I'm using version 163 and I can import blueprints normally
    1. GroteGrottrol
      • premium
      • 41 kudos
      Version 163? Ah oh FO4 1.10.163, i was like there never has been a TS 1.63, lol.

      Which settlement location? TS knows all vanilla + DLC locations and should name them accordingly.

      Not saving the blueprint is a very rare bug that i encountered myself in less than 3% of all my tests.
      It does help to make sure the numbered folder you are saving in exists, windows sometimes fails to create the folder during the saving process and the blueprint never gets generated.
      If you want to export to slot 13, create an empty folder "FO4\Data\F4SE\Plugins\TransferSettlements\blueprints\13" in windows explorer.

      Oh wait, you mean you do not see the BP in the holotape BP import list?
      Did you look at the folder in windows explorer?

      Another note: blueprints are tied to the settlement location, you cannot import a V88 to Sanctuary.
      It will teleport you to V88, i think, lol, it has been years since i tried that.
    2. wdnmdblayt
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you for replying to me, but the problem I have is that the corresponding settlement blueprint I downloaded can be imported normally in the corresponding settlement, but once I want to export the blueprint I built myself to my folder, my interface will show the blueprint exported in the unknown settlement, and I can't see my blueprint in the export slot I just selected in the cartridge, this problem really confuses me very much, I can't solve the problem by trying to install the mod manually, and the most confusing part for me is, I checked the option to allow the export of DLC and mod items, but the final page only shows the base game, and I'd appreciate it if you know why,I've tried in settlements like Castle and Warwick Farmstead, all of which have been unknown
    3. GroteGrottrol
      • premium
      • 41 kudos
      So you got two problems.
      1 - Unknown Settlement
      2 - Blueprint does not save after an export. (+ the post export overview report does not show you had DLC or mod items exported)

      1- Is really strange and we have never encountered it. It must be related to other mods in your loadorder that does something weird with settlements. The workshop ID somehow changed and got messed up.
      Example for The Castle the known workshop values are:
              "settlement_name" : "The Castle",
              "worldspace_id" : "00003C",
              "worldspace_id_dec" : 60,
      If the game does not contain these values it will be unknown for TS. However FO4 should always have these values and report them. Unless * is the issue.

      2 - Like i mentioned above there is a rare bug that with not save a blueprint. Windows sometimes fails to create the folder during the saving process and the blueprint never gets generated. The solution to that:
      If you want to export to slot 13, before you start your export create an empty folder "FO4\Data\F4SE\Plugins\TransferSettlements\blueprints\13" in windows explorer.
      If that does not fix it there is something else on your side going wrong, and again see *.
      The fact post export overview report does not show you had DLC or mod items exported again indicates something really weird is going on with your game. And with the information you have given us we can't even guess what is happening.

      * I have to ask because pirated versions are known to cause these kind of issues.
      Not saying your FO4 isn't legit, is it? It would explain a lot.
      Or did you downgrade from NextGen FO4 1.10.980+ to OldGen FO4 1.10.163? An incomplete downgrade could also be behind these problems.
    4. originalksd
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      did you by any chance set the "fallout 4" folder to "read only" state to keep the pre-NG game version / block the update from happening ?
      If that is so, it would only be logical that TS won't be able to write anything on it's folders as it need to....
    5. GroteGrottrol
      • premium
      • 41 kudos
      wdnmdblayt That would not explain the other weird issues, unknown settlements, not recognizing anything beyond base game assets.
    6. wdnmdblayt
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you again for replying to me so quickly, first of all, I did use piracy, because it was more convenient for me to use modpacks, and secondly, I tried what you told me, but whether I created it in the mod folder or in the base folder, the result was the same as before, the export was unsuccessful, and I was always using version 163, I never used a downgraded patch, and secondly, about the ID problem, I used a better console to check the result and the example you gave is the same, But I don't know where to find the third value, if there are any mods that affect my settlement, I only used the Rebuild set mod and PRP, but I still can't export it after removing the Rebuild set, so now I really suspect it's caused by my piracy, thank you again for your answer
    7. GroteGrottrol
      • premium
      • 41 kudos
      Thank you again for replying to me so quickly, first of all, I did use piracy, because it was more convenient for me to use modpacks, and secondly, I tried what you told me, but whether I created it in the mod folder or in the base folder, the result was the same as before, the export was unsuccessful, and I was always using version 163, I never used a downgraded patch, and secondly, about the ID problem, I used a better console to check the result and the example you gave is the same,
      But I don't know where to find the third value, if there are any mods that affect my settlement, I only used the Rebuild set mod and PRP, but Istill can't export it after removing the Rebuild set, so now I really suspect it's caused by my piracy, thank you again for your answer
      Cracked games have big problems with running F4SE. If TS does not work correctly due to piracy: shame on you! We don't condone nor support people with pirated software. Go and buy a legit copy! Reported.
  10. thejtd21
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Just curious, if I updated f4se to its current state, would that mess up any already transferred settlements well into my current save? I get it if new transfers are broke still. I will wait patiently either way, keep up the good work cdante.
    1. GroteGrottrol
      • premium
      • 41 kudos
      The only thing TS does is placing the objects for your settlement. Afterwards it is like you built everything yourself.
      After the import everything gets saved into your savegame and becomes completely independent from TS itself.
      TS is just a tool to transfer a settlement and not linked to the game in any persistant way.
    2. thejtd21
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Cool good to know. Also thank you GroteGrottrol for your speedy responses and info, much appreciated.
    3. thejtd21
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      So far can confirm most settlements already transferred that are saved working fine. You do get the notification about power grid tools not found and missing .dll, so if you have the power bug issue like I did at Taffington before next gen update idk, but other than that none of that affects anything already saved as mentioned. 
    4. GroteGrottrol
      • premium
      • 41 kudos
      If the notification annoys you you can disable/uninstall TS. It is safe to do so.
      You get the msgs because there is a version mismatch between OG TS and NG FO4+F4SE.

      CDante included the Power Grid Tools by registrator2000 in TS with help and permission of reg2K, but they are available on the original modpage in case you want to use them, i do not know if they still work in NG, havent tested it.
  11. yearofthelad
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I appreciate your hard work on getting this to work with Bethesda's constant fuckery of the mod community.
  12. Eysenbeiss
    • premium
    • 46 kudos
    I know, this is not exactly just a TS thing, but ... I was thinking about copying a save game from my other PC, which is running FO4 with Next Gen Update, to this one, where I am running a downgraded FO4 with nicely working TS and then using TS on this save game, to import a blueprint and afterwards copying it back to the Next Gen Version.

    Has somebody tried this before, are savegames exchangeable?

    ATM I am working, so I can't try until very much later today.
    1. GroteGrottrol
      • premium
      • 41 kudos
      Original NextGen save -> new OldGen save
      You can do it at your own risk, but i woud not recommend it.

      Your nextgen save contains nextgen data. It will very likely damage your save when you load it in OldGen.
      Besides downgrading mods that always is a bad idea too.
      Missing refs, scripts getting stuck, quests going fubar and who knows what else, even Todd doesn't know i guess.
      There is no going back in time for savegames.

      Original OldGen save -> new NextGen save
      Is safe to do off course. As long as you respect the active loadorder and update the mods that need it.
    2. Eysenbeiss
      • premium
      • 46 kudos
      Thx, that was the info I was looking for and expected ;-)

      Edit: Little update, cause I couldn't resist ;-) @GroteGrottrol

      It worked, to my absolute surprise. I just tried it and copied a Next Gen savegame to the downgraded machine and yes, there were some complaints cause some mods differ and all the new stuff from Next Gen was missing, so most notifications were about CK stuff, but the downgraded Version loaded the savegame just fine.

      So I scrapped it all, then loaded the blueprint of my Sanctuary Castle and it ran like ever before.

      After that, I saved, copied this savegame to the Next Gen machine and .... same thing. Complaints about TS not being able to load due to version problems, .pex files missing and the mods that are on the downgraded machine, but the settlement looked exactly like on the other PC.

      I checked about the stuff my blueprint holds, but they were all at their place, even the dog I purchased from that bearded guy was present.

      Not sure if this will work in any case, since the savegame was from the very beginning, after the Avater had just met Codsworth, but in my opinion, chances are good.

      Little proof that I am not just bragging ...  click 
    3. GroteGrottrol
      • premium
      • 41 kudos
      Savegame damage is like a cancer, you would not notice it in the early stages but your saves can get very sick after a while.
      It is not because your game does not insta crash to desktop that there is no health degression.

      What is the point to use a fresh out of the vault NG save and then go back to OG to import BPs?
      Wouldn't be that hard to get a fresh out of the vault OG save going, import your BPs and step up to NG afterwards.

      Experimenting is a good way to learn, but i fear this will bite you hard if you keep on using that save Eysenbeiss.
      Like i said earlier: You can do it at your own risk, but i woud not recommend it.
    4. Eysenbeiss
      • premium
      • 46 kudos
      We will see and I will keep you up to date ;-)
  13. andu12345
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi, this mod doesnt work for me, it installs perfectly no error whatsoever on newer version of the game but when i insert the holotape in my Pip Boy it says this transfer_settlements.dll has the wrong version or is not loaded", "terminal+.dll not loaded. I checked manualy if the files are there and surely they are but i dont wanna rush the author about an update if at all but i was just curios if it was me that had the problem or the mod itself.
    1. GroteGrottrol
      • premium
      • 41 kudos
      If you would have read any of the comments or the sticky announcements (red border) your question would have been answered.
  14. BaronErich
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    Is Transfer settlements compatible with the Next Gen update or the new F4SE?
    If not is there any projected date for compatibility?
    1. andu12345
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I read some comments and the sticky notes and they are working on it. Pacience is the solution now i guess. 
    2. GroteGrottrol
      • premium
      • 41 kudos
      If you would have read any of the comments or the sticky announcements (red border) your question would have been answered.
  15. Dragonlord1028
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I have an issue where it says the Data/Scripts/ObjectReference.pex is missing but it is in the folder. I downloaded everything where applicable via the Nexus mod manager button. https://imgur.com/gallery/transfer-settlements-problem-1-93-vgAgD2s
    1. GroteGrottrol
      • premium
      • 41 kudos
      Always tell us which TS, FO4 and F4SE version numbers you are running,

      Most likely there is a mismatch in version numbers, and that is why you get missing script popups.
      At the moment TS is only available for OldGen (max TS 1.93 + FO4 1.10.163 + F4SE 0.6.20 up to 0.6.23).

      Read the sticky above (red border) to learn why NextGen isn't available yet.

      If you are running the supported OldGen FO4:
      Make sure you included the corresponding versions of the scripts (.pex) from F4SE 0.6.20 up to 0.6.23.
      ObjectReference.pex is included in the F4SE download.
    2. Dragonlord1028
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Ah okay, I was on the NewGen. Just need to wait for an update then everything will work, alright thanks for help.