Fallout 4

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  1. Valy1998
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Idk if it works,i downloaded it,and when i installed it i noticed it needs one other mod for it to work,if i need 2 mods simply for a freaking flashlight i'd rather pass,plus the mod it requires is Armorsmith Extended,and i learned from experience that any of those mods like Armorsmith Extended,AWKCR,VIS and so on,any of those mods which are more or less a pack will simpy F-up your game beyond playability,they are dependent on one another so you can't play the game without ALL of them installed once you installed one of them and neither can you uninstall them once you installed them,the only way to safely uninstall them is by uninstalling EVERYTHING including your game and then reinstalling the game and your mods,i know cuz it was the only way i could make my game work again,i wasted a two weeks long save which was unplayable aswel as 2 days worth of installing and uninstalling mods and the game itself until i fixed it,all cuz of those mods,and this mod uses one of them,DO NOT INSTALL THOSE MODS
    1. dpsampson
      • member
      • 12 kudos
      The darn noobs are on it... Again.

      Two weeks and two days... Damn that must have been really hard on you, bud.

      Now I really am sorry to hear about loosing all your saves/character, I been there and I know it really sucks ---BUT--- NEVER install anything without knowing WHAT YOU ARE DOING or if you AREN'T SURE if you even want those mods and then complain how much they suck because they didn't work for YOU and wrecked your game because YOU DIDN'T BOTHER TO EDUCATE YOURSELF BEFORE messing around with it.

      THAT is just really stupid, man.

      Just saying.

      For me, Armorsmith has been a must have for a long time now. I would not want to play FO4 without Armorsmith Extended... AT ALL!!!!!!!

      Just saying.

      But I wish you happy playing and I guess your post comes down to a pretty simple message: People PLEASE be careful with what you install and READ the info made available to you in the descriptions, update logs, posts, videos and bug reports... Even the Nexus here has info/tutorials on how to mod and install/enable mods... Geez louise, that's what they're there for so THIS whining about games breaking wouldn't have to happen so much! If reading doesn't help, ask by post, if no answers, try PM's, if PM's go nowhere, look for forum topics and maybe start one yourself... Just saying, man.

      If it's too much of a bother to generally do and fix things in order to use and enjoy them, then might as well die or sit around doing nothing and wait to die.

      Why do I even bother anymore when whining people don't bother to read or check simple mod requirements? Didn't at least the manual download used to notify if there were any mod requirements? Wonder why they gave it up? It was a pretty useful reminder.

      Maybe I should just grab an old long extension cord, walk outside and hang myself to death from a railing at the nearest bridge - only about 15 hundred feet in my case. Hmm... I should have a box of old extension cords somewhere and there should be a couple of really long ones...

      Come to think of it, I should just have the cord go by the side of my head, jump and really put my weight on it so my neck would break as the cord would tighten against my temple/side of the head. Should be a bit more pleasent than literally just hanging to death.


      Well, no, nexus didn't give up mod requirement notifications but apparently it's not enabled for this download for whatever reason... Even though the requirements drop list mentions AE... Sigh... How confusing.
  2. Brandoman
    • premium
    • 446 kudos
    This mod fixes nothing. Literally does not work. No visible light coming out of the helmet.
    1. fabrix17
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Really :c?
  3. Meisenbach
    • supporter
    • 11 kudos
    Would it be possible to edit this to not require Armorsmith, or would that be unfeasible?
    1. ceano
      • premium
      • 134 kudos
      Second that!
    2. Brandoman
      • premium
      • 446 kudos
      Exactly, why would it even need that as a requirement? Makes no sense.
  4. XtremNexus
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Heya, been using this mod and I like it .. but now it just begs for a mesh update, com'on get cracking already you can do it mate Cheerio!
  5. ParasiteX
    • premium
    • 227 kudos
    Why aren't you showing the front of the helmet in any of the pics?
    1. SingABrightSong
      • supporter
      • 18 kudos
      Nothing to show. Front of the helmet is still not illuminated, I'm afraid. Would need mesh editing to fix it.
    2. ParasiteX
      • premium
      • 227 kudos
      Actually. It involves just tinkering a bit with connection points in nifscope. The difficulty lies primarily in getting the coordinate and scale just right. Which involves reloading the game several times before you get it just right.

      Though i will eventually get around to doing it myself for the Custom Combat Armor mod i manage, if noone else does it. Already done it before for synth helmets. But takes considerable amount of time to get the damn light in the right position.
    3. chocolateking
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      @ParasiteX, you have already done this for synth helmets? I'd love to have a light on my synth helmet! Could you perhaps upload it as a mod?
  6. XIIICaesar
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    So, Im a bit confused. Does this really need Armorsmith? I dont have it installed because I use War Never Changes and with that mod Armorsmith Extended isnt compatible. Im fixing to do the quest in Far Harbor to get my set of Marin armor though so Im curious. Do I really need Armorsmith like the esp says?
    1. XIIICaesar
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Answered my own post. It wont work w/o AE. Its better than nothing. Good worl. Except for the light node being missing its alright. Maybe in future you get that working and different colors like the PA has for the beam. Thatd be awesome. ENDORSED. Sorry for double post.
  7. sapfearon
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    well, its better then nothing.
  8. skinnybones
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    modding is F-ing hard, idk why this community so kind to give it free....
  9. CelShadedDeath
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    do you plan to continue updating this? because its a great idea
  10. dragonslayer2k12
    • member
    • 39 kudos
    I have armorsmith extended installed will that conflict with this mod? I thought the mesh would need some kind of light node like the combat armor helmet has.
    1. SingABrightSong
      • supporter
      • 18 kudos
      Might conflict with armorsmith, though I realize that, since I also use armorsmith, the file I uploaded It would be the compatibility version. And yes, it would need a light node for full functionality. For the combat helmet, that was done by another user, but for the marine helmet the required mesh edit has not been done at this point.