Fallout 4

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  1. darkstalker31
    • member
    • 12 kudos
    DCM Shadow has been merged with the original for the price of none!
    Please only download and install DCM Shadow as it now includes both mods as one.
    The entrance to DCM Shadow is located in the depths of the lab as a continuation and true sequel to the first one. Please enjoy!!

    **Please do not download the previous as it is merged with DCM Shadow.

    Q - I can't get in the entrance, help!
    A – You are power armor! Step out of the armor and step into a new world

    Q – What’s going on with the radiation?
    A – Getting rid of the radiation is not the same as the previous mod. Tough it out long enough without giving up and you will be rewarded and surprised.

    Q – I can't open the door past the first gluttonous one!
    A – Terminal…

    Q - Where are the perks?
    A - Stay true to your morals and beliefs, whether good, evil or neutral.

    More to come….
  2. JuuzouSuzuya13
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Really cool mod! Had to tgm because everything was one-shotting me and I found every brown office box and still didn't get enough clues so...  I don't actually know how it ends lol. Overall I loved it though!
  3. abadyrizk
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    i see few comments about the radiation i ain't judging i don't like rads in general in fallout 4 so here is ur solution radiation immunity toggle the immunity on finish the mods toggle the immunity off
  4. Wolfenclave
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    The first one was pretty interesting and I immediately wanted to jump into this to play more but I quit.  It still has that element of intrigue and uniqueness of the first one but there's a major problem that cripples the experience...the radiation.  In the first one, if you picked up a gas mask you were fine but in this one you can't do that.  0 difference on what you wear this time and if you don't go in with like 100 or more radaways and pop them consistently as soon as they wear off then your dead.  For me it was manageable but not enjoyable.  It annoyed me to the point of quitting because I had to go through random boxes at one point trying to search for a code and that plus not really knowing what I was supposed to be doing plus constant radiation=me giving up and moving on.  If there was something to address the crippling radiation annoyance, it would probably be as enjoyable as the first.  I was a level 200 and taking 12rads damage the whole time.  Even in the beginning areas from the previous episode where a gas mask resolved the rad damage.  doesn't really make sense and I also tried a hazmat suit which provided no extra protection either.  So...manageable if you don't mind mashing radaway like it's Capri Sun's and your life depended on it.  It's a damn shame too because I wanted to play this.
  5. ProtonXXXX
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    • 0 kudos
    10/10. Need a change of pants.
  6. IRaibuTraps69
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    • 1 kudos
    I was watching AlChestBreach (trying to) play this to see what this mod is like and i got heated just from watching, Godly enemies + Insane Rads, not even cheating makes it playable/fun.

    Do yourself a favor and download another quest mod.
    1. markpatong
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      No, it's playable. Install the Radiation Ring Mod. Gives you 10 000 radiation protection. Not taking any radiation at all in both mods. Also my Firelance pistol (Xanders Aid) is the only weapon in my arsenal to work well. Gamma gun for the glowing ones. Granted I am level 190. But the puzzles are tough. Struggling to find stuff. I have a VATS build.  Nuka Grenades help for the bunched enemies. Super Stimpaks are also a must, or perk the normal ones to heal more. Also prioritize killing the flying bugs. They kill you one shot. And Heather and Ivy got in with some problems for Ivy, but she fixed herself by teleporting. My game crashed a few times when I died.  Bit of a pain the amount of clues you have to find in section 2. I could not kill DCM at the end, but you can bypass him and exit anyway. He took no damage whatsoever. Immortal. Had to go back to a previous save and uninstall the mod, as my apparel DR disappeared from my pip boy. Maybe that's how the mod maker get's you one shot all the time, as he removes your DR ? But I  beat the mod. Only the radaition ring and the firelance pistol were mods. I really enjoyed it. Very challenging. 
  7. WndMll
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    • 1 kudos
    I have literally played nothing of this mod so far, I've gone to the first location and I'm receiving 620 rads per second. It's killing me almost instantly on a level 230 character with 1,400 rad resistance. Looks like I'm going to be playing this with godmode on the entire time.

    Edit, MrSonicOSG is completely right.
    Avoid this like the plague. Horrendous gameplay, Can't even hear the hints over all the feral ghouls 60% of the time. I thought I was a terrible voice actor but whoever read out the notes you find needs to make notes of their own. You spent 90% of the mod in the first area looking for the damn DCM keys, with M literally being completely impossible to find. 

    I mean no ill intentions when I say this, Please darkstalker31, take some game development classes. This mod has made me realise that I need to make a list of mods to avoid.  
  8. Maghos
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    • 3 kudos
    I must be stupid, i defeated DCM and then was send out and now i don't know how do i get the end reward or how do i spend the currency i earned doing the quest?
  9. Dragunslayer
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    • 1 kudos
    So, I know this mod hasn't been updated in a long time but I figured I'd toss in my thoughts anyway.

    The mod as a whole had potential, a lot of it. Unfortunately several choices just seemed to make it fail to live up to said potential.

    1. Tedious busy work. There's one section where you have to hunt down various parts scattered throughout the sections of the lab. In and of itself this wouldn't be an issue but considering the sheer number you need to find and how hidden some of the possible locations are, this can get frustrating.

    2. Insanely hard to kill creatures. The scaling on these things are insane and just straight up will chew through your health even at higher levels. My character has so much DR at this point that he can shrug off a Mini Nuke to the face without flinching. The enemies in here though just melted my health like it was nothing. Now, I do like the concept of the various enemy types adding in various effects, forcing you to think. The problem there though is if you have multiple envious enemies. Good luck at that point unless you have some hefty nuke weapons and can take the damage you'd do to yourself. Now granted, I was playing on Hard but given the sheer numbers at times...

    And don't even get me started on the final boss. His second form...I blinked and I was dead. I wish I was joking on this as well.

    3. The story. Don't get me wrong, this is one of the areas where it held promise. I think a lot of it could have been better handled by maybe having some sort of constant presence. A voice taunting you now and then, maybe filling you in a bit on what was going on or is going on. Also, would love some explanation on just why some of the spirits are stuck there and tormented.

    4. Buggy. By the time I was done with this quest, I had to use the console command to complete two of the quests. The original and the Morality quest. Unfortunately, doing so seems to have kept me from getting the perks I should have gotten at the completion.

    All in all, as much as I'd like to recommend the mod, I can't. Not unless you're a masochist or have no issues using God Mode. It holds a lot of promise but in it's current state it needs a lot of work to really bring it into line with many others. Unfortunately, it seems as if the mod itself has been abandoned and what we have is what we got, which is unfortunate as I'd love to see it improve.
    1. Daelda1
      • premium
      • 23 kudos
      Thanks for the "head's up" on this. The mod sounds great in concept! But apparently the execution is a bit lacking.

      If the mod author decides to fix the bugs and perhaps expand the story a bit, maybe this mod will live up to its promise.
  10. matemiari
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    hola, en un principio,parece divertido , pero después de ver que hay enemigos ( glotón) con mas de 300000 de aguante de casi todo se hace muy exagerado, después llegas a una habitación que tienes que abrir un terminal con una serie de secuencias ,1a,1b,1c,2a,2b,2c, 3a,3b,3c,4a,4b,4c, yo al menos no he encontrado la combinación, ni pistas para eso, es de locos, después de una hora de buscar desista le el mod, no perdáis el tiempo, aun así gracias por el esfuerzo de crearlo, pero es muy malo, al menos para mi.
  11. marlenka25
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    -great stuck in the room wher the shadow attacks you .... it got away and dorrs wont open + the red shield is still up ...if it suppose i don now had to TCL out to continue
    - another thing radiation buge near that room with shodow and i started taking rads ......no rad s to that point