Fallout 4


  1. Hein84
    • premium
    • 2,101 kudos
    Fully compatible with all DLC's and Next-Gen Update

    Use my textures with  Complex Parallax enhancement:
    Vivid Fallout - Landscapes - Complex Parallax Occlusion
    Vivid Fallout - Rocks - Complex Parallax Occlusion

    If you don't like the added puddles just install my optional 'puddle remover' and they are gone.
  2. Hein84
    • premium
    • 2,101 kudos
    Except the 2k and 4k archive the textures are less V-Ram heavy than original ones!

    I highly suggest to install my All in One instead or at least to use it together with my mountains:

    Vivid Fallout - All in One
    Vivid Fallout - Rocks

    How to activate textures:

    Just use NMM or:

    Copy the archives "data" folder to the "data" folder in your game directory

    Locate C:\Users\MyName\documents\My Games\Fallout4\Fallout4.ini and add:


    Just keep the mod tracked if you want to stay up to date :)
  3. Clayn91
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    could it be that the mod tripled the load time, at least for me after entering and then exiting from small to larg ereas it takes almost over a minute on an ssd is that normal. I dont have many mods installed but of cause it could be something else
  4. Inkredibehl
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Just installed your mod, with the recommend version, the result is amazing !
    Thanks a lot !
    I also downloaded your LOD mod but didn't try it yet, but i'm sure the result will be nice aswell :)
    I play with Next Gen version for those in the future who'll ask if this is working.
    Edit: I finally decided to install your All in one mod, and it works aswell, result is amazing and no fps lost, even some improvements as you said, thanks a lot !
    1. Hein84
      • premium
      • 2,101 kudos
      great to hear, you are welcome!
  5. Thedudeman1985
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    Still works with the NEXT-GEN update I take it?
    1. Hein84
      • premium
      • 2,101 kudos
    2. Thedudeman1985
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      Ty for confirming!
  6. DCZ0
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    is this mod compatible with Previsibines Repair Pack Stable Branch - PRP or do i have to choose only one?
    1. Hein84
      • premium
      • 2,101 kudos
      The mods are compatible
  7. LateralusXs
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Will this conflict with NACx, it maybe a dumb question but i figured Id ask to be on the safe side.
    1. Hein84
      • premium
      • 2,101 kudos
      NAC x should be fully compatible
  8. strusik
    • member
    • 1 kudos

    For some reason, the garbage textures look like this
    Also, occasionally a lower quality texture appears on top of it, and I have to restart the game to remove it
    But with other textures it's fine, only with this ones.

    UPD: I found the problem with this. For some reason it conflicts with the texture packs from FlaconOil and HD Overhaul, which I also have installed. I'm not quite sure why this is happening, since the vivid mod doesn't seem to touch this texture specifically
  9. Portalman4
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I am having some issues with lod around Thicket Excavations. There are large low quality textures that sit above the higher quality ground textures and obscure the view. I was wondering if anyone else has had similar issues and if it could be related to this mod?
    1. Thedudeman1985
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      That's a bethesda issue. that area is just buggy. if you reload the area or quit the game it should fix it. (it did for me at least every time I have this bug)
  10. 4estGimp
    • premium
    • 640 kudos
    Vivid Fallout - Landscapes - Best Choice
    Would it be possible for you to offer a BA2 version of this please?
  11. MJWarden
    • supporter
    • 5 kudos
    Any chance for Landscapes Best Choice in BA2 instead of loose files? 
  12. Downer00000333
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I don't quite understand, does this mod make textures better and at the same time they are less demanding and because of this the fps increases?
    1. Hein84
      • premium
      • 2,101 kudos
      yes right, due to the formats the textures are saved.
      Except 2k and 4k version. They are more demanding