Fallout 4

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  1. Safecandy
    • premium
    • 11 kudos
    Thanks again for all the comments and suggestions! Life has been up and down and version 3.0 has changed shape a couple times, but I'm still working on it! Hope to have it out soon(ish)! Thanks to Captainnoob for his critique of the mod back in October last year; the feedback was helpful!
  2. Safecandy
    • premium
    • 11 kudos
    Version 3 keeps changing, but I still plan to release it!
  3. Stalkers2009
    • member
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    Где мне найти  Миниган МЭКА Гаусса ищу уже вторую неделю не могу найти помогите умоляю
  4. StiwenA
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Здравствуйте. Мне интересно будут ли добавляться другие языки (переводы)?
  5. LiberalDestroyer
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Minigun overhaul and Laser gatling overhaul are better mods
  6. Ergoproxyz666
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    cant spawn mec gausse minigun dont know id and cant
    be bothered doing rail road again
  7. KamichamaKevin
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Actually pretty nice you just did recicle the vanilla minigun!

    Either standalopne mods and the Vanilla minigun is disturbing otherwise.
    Therefore they all look very lore friendly!
    I actually don't mind since I love to have my favorite guns in the game (like a G36 AR for exmple), but people who pay attention to such things will like it.

    But honestly, the the legendary ones are overkill!
  8. MalleableWraith
    • member
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    Is it possible to make it compatible with T6M's Minor Minigun Attachment Pack? I don't want to uninstall this mod as I like what it adds and doing so makes the receiver part of the Minigun invisible
  9. SilverbladeTE
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Awesome mod! :) been using it for years, sorry forgot to endorse etc, sigh my bad!

    Game balance is dumb reason for the devs making miniguns so weak, they overlooked you CANNOT use miniguns from cover like a normal rifle, it's so slow to move etc
    that is the "balance" if any such was needed, just plain practical reasons.

    As others I get the "make new barrels at chemistry station = game crash"
    but I have "No Spin up" and "Terminator sound" mods for miniguns so maybe the cause, which is a shame, as the "Brimstone cannon" is the perfect weapon to give to settler guards in some higher elevation positions, hehe ;)

    Thanks for the great mod! :)
  10. Mitsurugi2424
    • supporter
    • 14 kudos
    I'm waiting for a mod that makes them do similar damage to the assault rifle or combat rifle.

    I get that from a ballance stand point it was made to suck so it's not op, but some guns are just better....

    In game the 5mm round is bigger than the 5.56 round in game. And the 5.56 is 5.56mm. So you're pretty much shooting the same thing either way...

    I like the idea of mine guns doing similar damage to the combat rifle and assault rifle. Because then I have get away from it quickly, rethink my strategy and deal with something that's actually a threat.

    Not a threat cause It can take 5 ap308s to the face, but because t has something that can shred my shit.

    I would totally be down with this mod, if it had an optional file to do similar damage.

    I realize I'm looking at this logically and using irl standards and reasoning, but I always hated weapon ballance that's not done right. Some guns should just be better imo...
    1. Safecandy
      • premium
      • 11 kudos
      Thanks for your thoughts! IRL, the 5.56x45mm round puts out around 1700 J of energy while the 5mm puts out around 500-560 J of energy, or about 30% as much as the 5.56mm. I've deliberately nerfed what the 5.56 round would be in the minigun because it would he OP as s--t and I intended the .308 to be the crazy OP option. I agree, I don't think the 5mm and 5.56mm rounds are any different in the game files, just ammo designations. I could add some AP to the Avenger weapon to bump it's damage up a smidge, but tbh, doubling the base damage already beefs it up quite a bit, ESPECIALLY in Survival mode. The vanilla minigun is actually much stronger in Survival mode now than it was before.

      I think you'd definitely want to run from a super mutant coming at you with a vindicator minigun : )
    2. Mitsurugi2424
      • supporter
      • 14 kudos
      Depends on the 5mm. The in game 5mm looks like a 308 with the same kind of round nose as a 45 or something. That would effect velocity and penetration, but not as much as in game.

      Irl The minigun fires a 308, the microgun fires a 5.56. In game the 5mm round that the developers modeled is larger than the 5.56. I almost want to say it's larger than the 308, but im at work and can't look. Either way, it always bugged me the way they did that with guns. Like even as fat back as fo3. I hated that assault rifles were doing less damage than pistols.

      In this game it's not so bad, and I know it's a small gripe and was done for balancing, but it's rare to see minigun enemies either way, and when you do, they are usually tougher than most or special enemies.

      I guess because I don't use the mini gun myself I don't understand. Or because I'm stuck on I'll specs I can't comprehend balancing stats... It always bugged me automatics did less damage than semi auto in this game too. But I got that fixed lol.

      Your mod is really cool, and I will probably play around with it. Should you decide to throw caution to the wind and make a "realistic" minigun mod for those that are suicidal and crazy, let me know and I'll gladly bets test the hell out of that lol.
    3. Mitsurugi2424
      • supporter
      • 14 kudos
      Also, I don't know what exact 5mm round that's supposed to be. I'm just going off the size. I can't find any info about it or anything real that like like it either...
    4. Safecandy
      • premium
      • 11 kudos
      Yeah, I hate how the DR system works in FO4. 1 high-damage shot does a helluva lot more damage than 100 shots at half damage. I contemplated adding a .50cal minigun; I thought I'd leave it at .308 but will let you know if I change my mind! I was this close to changing the 5mm mingun name to "Microgun" but figured I'd stay in the Fallout Universe rather than impose real-life nomenclature to the game haha.
    5. Safecandy
      • premium
      • 11 kudos
      Yes, a lot of that info is left out of the game and lore. IRL, 5mm rounds are not that common, they were only produced for a short time, then stopped, then just started up again about 8 years ago. They're a little stronger than a .22, good for small game. No idea if that was the inspiration for the 5mm round in the FO universe back in the 90's or not. Maybe they thought since it's a smaller caliber it would be more manageable for a personal minigun? I dunno, but the early FO1 and FO2 miniguns shredded bad guys, the FO4 version is a wimp comparatively.
    6. Mitsurugi2424
      • supporter
      • 14 kudos
      just got home, sorry it a little big, but i wanted to show there was no trickery. according to Beths in game models, the 5mm round is almost as big as a .50cal :/

      *EDIT* posted a smaller version of This one
    7. Safecandy
      • premium
      • 11 kudos
      Yeah, that's messed up.. *sigh*..
    8. Mitsurugi2424
      • supporter
      • 14 kudos
      Right? Makes me wonder what part of the bullet measured 5mm lol
    9. SilverbladeTE
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      IMHO, going from New Vegas etc, the 5mm was supposed to be a Depleted uranium round, probably in a sabot, which would explain a lot. Maybe a .308 case or .338 Lapua?
      Introduced to defeat the Chinese APCs and poor quality power armour
      bits of lore in New Vegas and I *think* elsewhere strongly suggests an armour piercing round

  11. LiberalDestroyer
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    how can i spawn those guns?
  12. LordSleepy
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    • 0 kudos
    Hey anyway we can get this ported to console? Would love to have it next to the salvaged micro gun mod on Xbox
    1. Safecandy
      • premium
      • 11 kudos
      This mod uses a fair number of scripts that won't allow me to port it.  Sorry :(