Fallout 4
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  1. CMDNeopolitan
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    This mod completely breaks the laser musket.
    Without the mod loaded:

    With the mod loaded:
  2. Lithoboli
    • supporter
    • 4 kudos
    It has been quite a while since I used this mod, I had a rather serious hang-up with the way magazine size and per-shot cost were handled by default.
    I did a little looking through Fo4Edit to see if I could figure a workaround and I think I was onto something: the repair bobblehead perk. This perk's effect relies upon a modifier which increases the durability of a fusion core for the sake of it's function. I suspect that the same modifier could be added to the receiver on energy weapons as a positive or negative value such that a single magazine, with that weapon in hand, has an adjusted ammo capacity.
    In this way a boosted laser rifle could have, say, 20 shots per MFC and drain the entire cell.
  3. MoiraiMoros
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    i love the cryolator projectile much better and kind of like the concept art. this would make a great standalone mod
  4. Goldenscale001
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Hey I really love your mod. The only problem is I prefer the laser musket to have a more recharge mechanic than one that uses fusion cells so I like Fusion Cell Edit and Laser Musket Edit. Could you maybe make a version of this mod that does something similar to that to the musket?
  5. Gota115
    • premium
    • 12 kudos
    I've been noticing that when I'm emptying a fusion cell, the ammo counter stops at 1 and I then have to either reload and end up with a nearly empty cell, or take a break and then after a second or two I can fire the last round and the gun reloads. Is this a bug?
    1. MrGrimm295
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I've noticed that when I'm rapid firing through a cell, it'll stop me from firing for a second, and then I have to fire again to expel the last shot, almost like having to exhaust the last of the energy cell.
      I actually really like it, its like a gun that warns you that you're running low on ammo. It halting me for a second before I have to reload has actually saved me a lot.
      Though, I play with no hud, so I haven't noticed if it freezes the ammo counter, but I assure you that you can empty the energy cells in any of the modded ammo types if you stop firing for a second.
    2. Gota115
      • premium
      • 12 kudos
      No I know I can fire the last shot after a second, but if I'm in a rapid fire situation I don't need my gun to stop firing while I'm fighting for my life, I need to expend the fusion cell, reload and start firing again. The fact that I HAVE to take a break in that situation has gotten me killed on several occasions. It's super annoying and if there is something that can be done, I'd like it done please.
    3. minngarm
      • supporter
      • 43 kudos
      Is it solely with fusion cells? Or are you getting it with Plasma, cryo, flamer, and gamma weapons as well? Also is it any rapid fire or just ones with a certain speed?
    4. Gota115
      • premium
      • 12 kudos
      Well, I just tested with the cryolator, and it's the same problem there. But the problem arises with automatic and single-fire weapons. The cryolator keeps going until there's one shot left, as described, but when I use a non-automatic laser rifle and I have to click every time I want to fire, I still have to take a second to not fire, before I can fire the last shot.

      Edit: Just tested the plasma rifle, and it's the same thing again, the problem appears global.
    5. Gota115
      • premium
      • 12 kudos
      Also is it possible to add charge readings similar to those of the Fusion Cores? Right now it seems my laser rifle reloads and leaves one shot in the cell, but I have no way of identifying the almost empty cell.
  6. b737
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    hello greate mod!
    i was able to fix most stuff to work with Weaponsmith Extended+workbench+vis but there is microfusion breeder and idk how to edit it to work ... could u help with that ? orginaly its refund 1 cell on hit but it should not work with ur GREATE!! mod :/ maybe some kind of recharchable battery that would req some kind of building in settelment with lower damage and charge. Still ITS AMAZING MOD!! I vote for it.
    1. b737
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      i remake it that it will add to player inventory some item and on workbench player will be able to build 1 breeder cell using 30 of feedback capacitor or sth like that.

      ps... ok switching weapon dont work with this mod :/
    2. minngarm
      • supporter
      • 43 kudos
      Probably would need to script it to restore health to the ammo. Charge ammo counts as health for the cell not as a stack of ammo.
  7. Fangoriously
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    was thinking of setting up a system like this myself, but since there doesn't seem to be a way to make a single shot consume more than 1 point of energy, its a non starter. a maximized or overcharged receivers should be using more energy per shot, sniper barrels consuming a lot more per shot, and that depending on how many of its lights are lit up.
    its odd, i distinctly remember years ago tinkering with NV ck, and being able to change exactly that, had laser pistols use 1 energy per shot, rifles 2, plasma rifle 3, etc.
    1. b737
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      i would prefer to see fusion cell (or others) like single item and when u place it in laser sniper rifle u get 1 or 2 shots (depend on balance) and its showing in UI that u have 2 rounds in mag not like u have 30 charges but its consume 15 per shot. Or redone whole thing and add some lore based sience and give fusion cells some capacity like 3gAh (dependent on lore - how much laser rifle consume per shot)
  8. IBananaShakin
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I take it shis mod is supposwd to be installed prior to a new save being created?
    Seeing as i haven't gotten it to work on any of my already existing savefiles
    1. minngarm
      • supporter
      • 43 kudos
      It works with old or new ones, must have something overwritting the changes.
  9. Riverwind
    • premium
    • 7 kudos
    honestly this is pretty much how these aspects should have been in the first place... great work!
    1. Riverwind
      • premium
      • 7 kudos

      all ammo leveled lists have null refs is that intended? i don't understand it enough to know if that's a way of decreasing drop rates or just an error.
  10. pablington0612
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Can you make a customizable installer so you can choose your own options? I don't know if it's difficult but it would be nice.