Fallout 3
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Morwyn Kelm

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  1. Morwyn Kelm
    Morwyn Kelm
    • premium
    • 65 kudos
    *Update: Resolving two bugs that exist within the installer script and NMM. Details here.

    FO3 HDAO 2.0 is complete. What to expect:

    - NMM/FOMOD package with installer options!
    - 20 new tracks!
    - New bonus material and sources!
    - Extensive metadata included for playlists, etc.
    - New 'level up' sound (replaces vanilla with FO/2 version)
    - Some tracks re-ordered, modified.
    - Minor change to menu/exit tracks.
    - Brand new remasters, ALL tracks reworked.
    - All tracks levels adjusted/matched!
    ...and a lot more.

    Release on hold until bugs resolved. Stay tuned.
    1. mayoko
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos
      are you still alive?
    2. xaker89
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      It's possible to add my own prefere tracks into your mod? this is hard or not? I'm totally noob-y in mod making.
    3. LoneSoviet117
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      The way the music works in Fallout, there's different music folders for cities, the overworld, and certain areas like the Mall and the Brotherhood Citadel, and it chooses them from random, no matter how many there are. So you could just add the new music from this mod into those folders as long as you name the tracks properly. Public_01.mp3, etc.
  2. flippedtank
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Best Audio mod i used, even in 2024. runs flawlessly.

  3. mirage914
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Does not work i installed it with mod manager and manually ,also my radio stations no longer work ,deactivated the mod and radio stations still do not work ,you will have to go back to an older save game in order to get your radio stations working again.
    1. TrickyTrack00
      • member
      • 61 kudos
      Absolute bs, everything working perfectly in my heavy 378 plugins load-out for more than 278 hours of playtime. You really messed up something, it's not this overhaul's problem, don't mislead potential users
  4. bzink88
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Neeeeed this to work for TTW. Anybody know how to make that happen? Is it as simple as just dropping the audio files into the FNV data folder or would there be something more that is needed? Help ;)
  5. GalaxyX
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Late to the party, but the mod is freakin' awesome!!! The balance between stock FO3, select FO1 and 2 songs, and the original pieces really give the game a nice balance!

    Did you make these original songs? They are phenomenal! I particularly like the Explore 11 song.
  6. LucyTheSuccubus
    • member
    • 26 kudos
    I read quite often that people think that the Fallout 3 Inon Zur score is bland and unfitting. But is this true and a common opinion? I dont get it to be honest. In fact I like the FO3 score the most out of all the other Inon Zur Fallout scores. It fits really good in my opinion and also doesn't get repetive, unlike most of his other scores and at this point it is even nostalgic. But I love the Mark Morgan score too.
    1. cirilo3pernas
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      fallout 3 has a really good soundtrack, is just people love to b&@*$ about everything in fallout 3
    2. Xeredek
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      There are certainly some people who really can't articulate their tastes in a mature way, to say the least.
      For a lot of people, though- the kind who wont bludgeon you with their opinions- it's just... disagreement with the soundtrack's goals, I guess. I'll try to explain it if you're still curious:

      So, personally I adore Fo3's soundtrack, but it's a different flavor of atmosphere from Fallout 1 and 2- and that change didn't quite sit well with some folks. It's not just artistic difference, more like direction and intent differences. "Bland" is absolutely not a word I would use to describe Inon Zur's work here, but it is a more conventional take on how a post apocalyptic soundtrack should sound compared to the first two games, if that makes sense.
      Fallout 3 has a somber, sentimental air to it's soundtrack much of the time. It does this exceptionally well!
      However, contrastingly Fo2/1 were much more interested in fostering a hellish, alien, and twisted atmosphere, where the past is more much more an abstract threat than some lost paradise. Framing the pre-war remains as this terrible monstrous specter haunting over everything. The great war was just the violent underbelly of the world finally spilling into the forefront like some kind of lovecraftian reckoning, and the OG soundtracks were all about articulating that vibe.
      It was something very specific and unique to Fallout in the interplay days, some people really missed that.

      Hope that made sense, I'm actually sat here trying to figure out if this mod only adds tracks, or outright replaces them. I love the idea of having both in my game because if you ask me- Fallout 3's soundtrack is every bit just as much a valuable part of Fallout's lineage as the OG soundtracks, and having that full aesthetic and emotional range in the game sounds like, well, the best of both worlds!
      The pre-war was pretty damn scary, but it's passing can still be sad a sad thing that shouldn't have happened.
      why not both!
    3. GalaxyX
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Being well versed in the FO1 and FO2 music, and the stock FO3 music, here's my opinion:

      The FO1 and 2 tracks almost had this techno-horror theme to them. They perfectly fit the apocalyptic theme of those games. When it wasn't horror, it was pure desolation. There were not that many "happy" tracks, and the few usually triggered at specific places.

      The stock FO3 tracks have zero horror to them. They don't evoke the feeling of being terrified of the Wasteland. Rather, they evoke the feeling of some lost paradise. Like you are supposed to yearn for the old times, and feel sad at the state of the wasteland.

      Now as for this mod: It's roughly like this:

      1/3 left the stock FO3 music
      1/3 added select FO1 and 2 tracks
      1/3 added original music. The original music sounds very upbeat and hopeful. It's evoking the feeling of the future being bright. 

      I think that's a freakin' perfect ratio, and truly does make it feel like what I think FO3 music "should" have been. 
  7. boomdaddymaxwell
    • member
    • 8 kudos
    You could not be more incorrect about the vanilla ambient music. Once I read that I lost all interest in this mod
  8. Laris22
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    ?I love the fact this uses some of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. soundtrack cause it fits pefectly
  9. Valy1998
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Am i doing something wrong? is this supposed to be a FOMOD cuz i get no installer when i install the mod and yes i use NMM,it simply installs everything which i don't want cuz as much as i love being immersed in a videogame "nobody messes with ma F3 main menu music. . .NOBODY" so help pls
    EDIT: Nevermind DO NOT USE THIS MOD,it just breaks your game completly,you install it and the only things that change are the menu and other audio things like lvlup sound or the music for battle or stuff like that,the radio on the other hand gets totally destroyed,before installing it it worked fine but after that all i can hear is ppl talking like the president and 3Dog but no more music instead of music i hear only static and no its not cuz i haven't fixed the antenna for 3Dog or stuff like that cuz it affects the Enclave radio aswel plus i fixed the damn thing,after uninstalling it the same thing happens,after uninstalling all the mods the same thing happens,even after uninstalling everything including the game and then reinstalling them aswel as making a new goddamn save it still doesn't work,it just breaks your goddamn game beyond repair use it at your own risk
    1. KainThePheonix
      • premium
      • 52 kudos
      You should have read more and asked more questions instead of assuming it is this one mod. For instance, when you add a new mod sometimes other mods don't play together nicely. Leave your mod list under the Spoiler tags when leaving a comment and what type of mod manager you have installed as this will help anyone trying to help you to understand your current issues.

      As a modder it is YOUR option to do so but I wouldn't come online leaving a dragging mess of a comment that is kind of nasty without finding out if it was even this mod that caused your issues. You might also play just a bit and see if the mod works. The only one breaking your save is you. If you do not "back your save point" and just keep playing the mod author is not responsible for that. You are.

      If you're going to mod I suggest test the mod out first BEFORE playing more of the story and advancing your way through it. Your save point BEFORE you installed this mod is fine AND undamaged. Did you even save the number of the specific save point before you added this mod? How many save points did you go before you noticed it caused problems?

      Hopefully someone reads this and it helps them, because leaving nasty comments doesn't do anything for anyone, including you. Take your time next time and remember the basic rules before AND after installing a new mod. Copy and paste your save point elsewhere before you install a mod and remember what number your save was before you installed. You can go back to that point just fine, anything after you installed the mod would be suspect and could be deleted but you will need to replay whatever you played after installing the mod. Nothing big.
  10. DiogoLZ
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    does not have a video showing what your Mod can do, so we have an example of how the sounds are modified, how I'm going to download something that I do not even know is good.
    1. shorty5k
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      by checking posts/bugs and do what most everyone else does and install it if it looks like it doesnt have any obvious issues and if it does simply remove it 
  11. CptAnonymou5
    • premium
    • 5 kudos
    So far this is awesome, using your music mix with TTW in the DC area. and Music Addition Mojave Edition for well Mojave =P thank you for the great addition to the game =)
    1. BlennySavant
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      What did you do to get this to work with TTW? I can't seem to get any of the tracks to work in DC other than the regular Fallout 3 tracks.