Fallout 3


  1. evsm2
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    • 0 kudos
    Hey i wanted to play MERC 2 and my first quest was Founding Fathers, but i dont have a Quest Marker where to get the Robobrain fluid. And When i go to Blain, i cant talk to him. Is Founding Fathers the very first Quest and where do i find the Robobrain Fluid?
    1. javier432434t4ergre
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      its in the nukacola plant near one of the production lines thiugh you might get a bug if you also havr the evicted quest active. rn i need to talk to blain to advance those quests but cant advance either
    2. Rimland
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      I have the same problem. Assuming conflicting mods maybe.
  2. muster7777
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    How to complete 2 contracts?
    1. CHASE6
      • premium
      • 13 kudos
      Any idea on this? Got a quest stating to complete 2; have no idea how to start them.
    2. CHASE6
      • premium
      • 13 kudos
      Found it; a terminal in the HQ.
  3. fourunder
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Great mod...thanks!
  4. modgames101
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    Has anyone had any luck porting this over to TTW? Would love to try this out
  5. mikehamley666
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    So I've been playing with this mod active for a few weeks. The part I'm stuck on is when you go to the Arlington Cemetery to find LT. Barrett. Once you activate her, a squad of super mutants appears and I assume you're supposed to fight them to advance the mission. A big and frustrating bug is that when they appear on my screen, they're all T-posed, dressed in enclave armor, can't move or fight, are massive bullet sponges even when I use high damage weapons in maxed out condition, and if I do manage to kill one without running out of ammo my game crashes. I am using the latest edition of the mod (version 2.1a), and installed it correctly, following the instructions to the letter. Not sure if anyone else has a similar problem or if there's a fix. If there is a fix, let me know. I'd like to finish this quest line someday.
  6. TylentGreen
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    Okay, so I'm writing this up for anyone else trying to play this in 2022. There are a lot of issues with this mod, but I did manage to finish it, got the rewards, got the perk, and have returned to the rest of the game/my other mods (mostly) unscathed. As frustrating as this mod can be, this has been one of the more fun and memorable mods I've messed around with. As such, I'm going to try to help anybody else who's struggling with this as best I can. Here's some remedies for issues I encountered. I'm sure there were others that I can't remember now, but hopefully this still helps.

    1) The MERC HQ Entrance:
    The little manhole cover entrance for MERC HQ has TWO different instances, depending on where you click. Later along in the mod, they will have different labels (MERC HQ and MERC HQ 1). However, upon first arriving at MERC HQ, they both have the same name, which I could see leading to major confusion and thinking the mod is stuck. You're probably just in the wrong version of the HQ at that point. Exit and move your mouse around the manhole cover to see what I mean. Try the other instance and you should be good to go. One of the instances has the unlocked computer terminal necessary to trigger a response from Blaine. The other has both locked computer and door, where you'll be unable to move forward. This issue seems unintended, as it would definitely be ideal to have one single version of the entrance depending upon your stage of the questline, but the mod creators have stated that there will be no further fixes, so this is what we've got to work with. Just make sure you click the right version each time you're trying to enter the base.

    2) Deploying Troops During Contracts:
    This was confusing during my playthrough because the quest marker told me to go to Big Town, then deploy troops upon arrival. I finally discovered that you need to actually hire the troops first at MERC HQ, then engage with them as you would to trigger normal dialogue, and you'll be able to assign them to their respective contract positions. I think this assignment has to happen topside, so allow them time to exit MERC HQ and reach the surface before interacting with them. There is no need for you to travel to Big Town. You just hire them at the base, let them get topside, then assign them through dialogue. Done.

    3) Lack of Audio During NPC Conversations:
    I was unable to find a fix to this, but I just wanted to let anyone reading this know that it seems to be a known/unsolved issue. NPC's are going to talk with each other and you won't be able to hear/read what they are saying. You just have to wait until they're done. If you're interested in their dialogue for the plot (I was), you can watch a playthrough from an earlier version of the mod (which seems to have the feature working properly - not sure why the most current version does not, but oh well) here: Paladin Lord's MERC 2 Playlist

    1) Project PedigreeCaptain Miller wants chow and sleep and won't say/do anything else:
    For me, reinstalling the mod and starting from the beginning fixed this. I tried everything else, otherwise I wouldn't have bothered starting over, but it seemed to be the only thing left to try and, thankfully, it worked. Hopefully your first install/attempt at this mod is free of this bug. But if you run into it, this is likely your only option. If you do find another fix, please share.

    2) This Land Ain't Your Land: Blaine won't run to Healy, Nicole gets stuck in corner, Healy gets stuck in corner, fight w/Enclave doesn't trigger
    a) First, upon following Blaine topside, I found that he stopped right outside the MERC Entrance. He is supposed to run to Healy. There are two fixes for this, both of which seem to work consistently - 1) Physically walk into Blaine and push him in the direction of Healy until he gets close enough to run over on his own OR 2) open the console command menu with ~ then target Healy to get her ID number, then target Blaine and use the command "moveto <Healy's ID#>"

    b) Following the conversation between Blaine and Healy, Nicole talks to you then runs off. She is supposed to run along the outside perimeter of the base to trigger something. In my playthrough, she ran along the inside perimeter and got stuck in the mortar corner. In order to fix this, simply open the console command menu with ~ then target Nicole and use the command "moveto 0009057b" which will teleport Nicole to a small rock pile outside the base perimeter, where she will then follow her intended path and trigger her part of the scene.

    c) Following Nicole's moment, Healy also sets out on a path to trigger something in the scene. In my playthrough, she took the same bugged path along the inside of the base perimeter, ultimately getting stuck in the same corner Nicole did prior. This can be remedied in the same exact way we just fixed NIcole's pathing. Simply teleport Healy to the same rock pile using the same exact command and ID# and she will then follow her intended path to trigger her part of the scene.

    d) At this point, if all other previous issues were fixed, the fight should trigger properly. It did for me.

    If you're stuck on something else, please feel free to post it and I'll do my best to help you out. I think the mod creators are long gone by this point, so we're all kind of left to help each other. I will say this mod is worth playing, especially if you can bypass these issues which took me hours to figure out how to fix lol

  7. Forhenry
    • supporter
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    I am having trouble with Project pedigree. whenever i try to speak to cpt.miller he just says he want food and to sleep nothing else.Please help me also when i speak to sam all she says is get to him before he is exicuted. and i also cant use the teleporter in the enclave base
    1. drjones013
      • member
      • 7 kudos
      Version 2.1 is up, please update the mod and let us know if the problem persists.

      P.S. YAY, Version 2.1 is up!
    2. Forhenry
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      thank you for the reply
    3. Forhenry
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      thank you for the reply
    4. deleted67867556
      • account closed
      • 1 kudos
      I downloaded Version 2.1a and still have the bug
    5. TylentGreen
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Any fix for this? Stuck on "chow and sleep" as well.
  8. pafep
    • BANNED
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    Unfortunately, Cpt. Miller's "I need some chow and some serious sleep" dialogue bug in "Project:Pedigree" mission is still around. Anyone knows how to fix it?
    1. J3tAc3
      • supporter
      • 20 kudos
      I'll take a look and see what's going on there.
    2. deleted67867556
      • account closed
      • 1 kudos
      any fix?
    3. TylentGreen
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Either of you find a fix to this?
  9. TylentGreen
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    Can't seem to find a fix to the Captain Miller bug. He just repeats needing some chow and sleep. I've tried to use console commands to advance the quest, but I can't seem to make it past this point of meeting him in the lobby. Console commands give credit for the quest step, but then nothing else happens. Has anyone successfully solved this problem? Would love to see this mod through to the end.
  10. chronophan
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    I apologize that I may be missing an obvious fix to missing NPC dialog voice files. I have been playing this game for many days now without the benefit of voice files. In many cases, I can enjoy the world and quests created by its author and can figure out some of what I'm missing from the written narrative dialog. At other times, I am stuck watching a group of closed-lipped, silent NPCs.  It appears I'm missing voice files supporting a conversion that seems critical to the story and significant to understanding what is required to do next to complete the current quest. From the posts, it appears that the author took down some voice files long ago, but players may have been installing them anyway since I don't see others having the same issues I have with missing NPC dialog voice files.  Please let me know if there are steps I can take to restore the voice files missing from the complete install.