Dragon Quest XI S: Definitive Edition
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mike9k1 - based on work done by Infogram and spiritovod

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  1. mike9k1
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    • 79 kudos
  2. mike9k1
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    Update (10/21)- 

    To honor the passing of the late Koichi Sugiyama™, I have started work on completed a new update (0.1.1). This version uses the new tools we have available to greatly increase the music variety present in the game. Over 160 songs are now present combining tracks from previous versions throughout.

    The default orchestral music is also accessible at any time in-game by switching the 'Soundtrack' setting to 'Synthesized' in the 'Audio Settings' menu.

    You can see more details in the track listing here
    1. mike9k1
      • supporter
      • 79 kudos
      Update (11/22)-

      v0.1.2 is now complete and adds even more tracks (now approx 180 total) thanks to the incredible work of Demolinizer's Project IX Music Mod, as well as a number of QoL improvements and small adjustments.

      I've only been able to squeeze in a relatively small sampling of the full Project IX experience, so please go check out the full thing if you like what's been added!

      More details in the track listing here.

      Edit (11/10/22): v0.1.3 is now up and makes even more improvements. Details at the bottom of the track listing page above.
  3. dmtdave
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    Probably the most important mod I've downloaded for any game in recent memory. I've tried to play DQ11 since it came out, but always quit after 20-30hrs because the music is just so atrocious to me. Especially the overworld and combat themes. But finally I'm playing on PC and your mod has changed everything! Thanks so much for all your work. I'm a fan for life because you have saved this game! ENDORSED
  4. fuburyo
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    I hate to say that, in my opinion, the audio quality is too poor on many tracks to listen to. I've just just left Cobblestone and noticed this, I think it might have been partly from re-encoding them with poor software or settings when trying to balance the audio of the various tracks. :< A shame because I think it sounds like a great mod otherwise, but as an Audiophile it's just too painful. Of that early segment, the mid boss theme, Cobblestone theme and World map once you leave All have this issue already...
    1. mike9k1
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      • 79 kudos
      Feel free to try any of the other music mods.  I highly recommend Project IX, or Retro Music Mod Lite (which is a bit more selective when it comes to samples).
    2. fuburyo
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      I suppose I just don't see how this happened when as a fan I've found clear versions of most of the series' music, and some of the ones I heard sounded completely fine (like the DQV battle theme used when encountering the Condor, and the FFVIII battle theme). I figured you would appreciate learning some tracks were genuinely hard to listen to, which much defeats the purpose of replacing XI's iffy compositions/variety. But I'll try to just deal with it, as the variety of this mod clearly trumps all the others.
    3. mike9k1
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      • 79 kudos
      like the DQV battle theme used when encountering the Condor, and the FFVIII battle theme

      I think maybe you mean the DQ8 battle theme, as I don't use any non-DQ music in this mod. 

      I figured you would appreciate learning some tracks were genuinely hard to listen to

      The first version of this mod was published in February 2020 (for the OG version, and later ported to DE in December 2020, which is this page). From that point, i've probably spent...well over 100 hours working on this mod altogether. There are a number of different versions, and i've changed samples a few times between them.

      I appreciate all *useful feedback, but at this point, i've moved on to a lot of other projects (see my profile), so I rarely have the time.

      *If you want your feedback to be useful, please simply list some of the tracks that could use another listen and there's the chance it can be addressed. For example, there are numerous "World Map" themes and "Mid boss" themes. You need to be more specific, like "the theme in Heliodor Field" or "the theme during the fight with Tricky Devil"


      Beyond that, you might try giving some other things a shot:

      1. You can download an older version of the mod which doesn't offer quite the same variety, but you may feel has more polish. I personally was quite partial to v0.0.5 at one point.

      2. If you encounter a segment/track that you don't like, follow what's suggested in bold, large text above:
      The default orchestral music is also accessible at any time in-game by switching the 'Soundtrack' setting to 'Synthesized' in the 'Audio Settings' menu.

      3. Try the other mods I suggested (Project IX, or Retro Music Mod Lite). The reason why I suggest them is because I think both are good works on their own and I want to encourage folks to try them and support other mod creators.
    4. fuburyo
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      Yeah, my bad, FF was a typo! I thought I was specific enough about which tracks cause I was still early (the mid-boss with the fog monsters, I'll correct, and the world map theme when you first leave Cobblestone). Regardless though, I have kept using this mod and have gotten used to just dealing with it, since I definitely prefer the variety. Good luck with your other projects! I was not aware that you'd moved on generally from this mod, but that makes sense given the amount of work put in.
  5. Shinhashi
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    Just wanted to let you know this mod single-handedly saved me from hating DQ11. The default overworld theme was so awful that I put down the game the first time I played but now with this mod and Project Rebuild it truly is the Definitive Edition.
    1. mike9k1
      • supporter
      • 79 kudos
      Absolutely, man.
  6. Nightrey
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    I wish I knew how to change the music. All I wanted was just to change the normal battle music to some BGM that I really like. Too bad it doesn't have a BGM folder with the songs so I can replace them more easily.  :(
    1. mike9k1
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      There is a guide to adding your own custom music linked on the mod's description tab. It's not going to be that simple though, sorry.

      You can change among the tracks I have added by using the options described above, or find another music mod in the "Audio" category here on Nexus -- https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonquestxisdefinitiveedition/mods/categories/3
    2. Nightrey
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      Thanks for the reply man! I gave up trying to change the BGM as soon as I saw the guide. It's not worth all that time to change just 1 BGM. If only there was a folder with files to change songs quickly like in YS VIII and IX.  All I wanted was a Mana khemia 2 Battle theme song. So sad. :(   Btw this Retro music mod is amazing. Thanks for the mod man! :D
  7. Chillaxlol
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    Awesome mod. Almost gave up on the game with how insultingly bad the over world theme is. It should be mandatory to download this mod before you can launch the game
    1. mike9k1
      • supporter
      • 79 kudos
      Absolutely haha. I appreciate the enthusiasm -- enjoy!
  8. Onionpony
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Mike question, does this outright replace all the tracks in the game or can i still experience the Vanilla soundtracks along side the retro tracks
    Because the single 1 battle theme is kinda driving me crazy, its a good track but at the point i am, i faught 2 boss battles and they have the same encounter track, but i dont wanna miss the unique towns music if there is some, does it shuffle the main battle theme? or how does it work?
    1. mike9k1
      • supporter
      • 79 kudos
      The default orchestral music is also accessible at any time in-game by switching the 'Soundtrack' setting to 'Synthesized' in the 'Audio Settings' menu.

      ^Switch that setting and you'll be able to swap to the default tracks at any time.

      This mod increases the # of music (BGM) references in the game -- I recommend looking at the documentation listed in the 'Articles' tab for all the details on every track used for each place / etc.


      The quick tl;dr is that there's more flexibility when it comes to the games overworld tracks than the game's battle BGMs, as each overworld track has their own BGM entry in the table, but the battle BGMs are controlled by a single blueprint file. In many cases I modified the blueprints to allow for more music references in battle but they're typically limited to what point you're at in the game / etc since it still relies on a single table lookup. They're not going to be different for every single one as it doesn't allow for that. This is detailed at the bottom of the v0.1.3 article above:


      • Multiple Standard Battle Tracks:

      • Default: DQ8 Battle Theme --> plays anytime any of the below do not apply
      • DQ4 Meena & Maya Battle --> Early-Mid Act 1, Hotto & Gallopolis Segments
      • DQ10 Battle --> Late Act 1, Michelle to Sniflheim Segments
      • DQ6 Battle --> Early Act 2, Last Bastion to Sylvando's Parade
      • DQ7 Battle --> Mid-Late Act 2, Dundrasil to Arboria
      • DQ7 Boss --> Early-Mid Act 3, Mordegon's Defeat to Sylvando's Reunion w/ Don Rodrigo 
      & Late Act 3, Forging Super Sword of Light until Ending
  9. fluffyNimbus
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    unusable due to the choice of the dragon quest 6 battle theme in act 3. 
    1. mike9k1
      • supporter
      • 79 kudos
  10. MilkIsCruel
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    Phenomenal mod. I tried two other music mods, but this one feels the best to me.
    Only issues I've had to far in ~10h of playtime with it is:
    1) After engaging in a battle in Zwaardrust Region, walking to the Warrior's Rest Inn, and back out the gate into Zwaardrust Region, the battle theme will play in Zwaardrust Region (Daytime)
    2) The BGM in Zwaardrust Region seems to frequently just break altogether after finishing a battle, leaving the region without any music at all until you exit and re-enter it, regardless of time of day
    3) The music when Jasper summons the giant squid after boarding the Salty Stallion (Silvando's ship) for the first time when escaping Gondola is extremely quiet. This happened at nighttime for me.

    The daytime battle music also loops a bit wonkily, but the overall quality of the rest of the soundtrack outweighs that minor gripe.
    Can't thank you enough for all your mods. You work on Project Rebuild and the Steam Deck tweaks take this game back to a straight 10/10 for me.
  11. Garrold
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    Is there any way I can test if it's actually loaded and working, because I don't think it is for me. Heliodor and downtown Heliodor has been playing the same track on loop.
  12. fungicidal
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    This fucking rules, thanks so much for all the work you've done on modding this game.