Dragon Age: Inquisition


  1. siuan
    • premium
    • 91 kudos
    A few notable things

    1. If you cannot use your keyboard, disable Origin in-game.

    2. If you're having trouble getting it to open, try renaming dxgi.dll to d3d11.dll.

    3. This new bloom by prod80 is very heavy, so disable it if you're really having issues with performance. I think that is the main culprit.

    4. And lastly, please look through the comments before posting a question. A lot of them are repeated throughout. I am no longer going to answer questions that are answered here or on the front page. After all the effort I put into this, I think I can expect a little on the user side.
  2. siuan
    • premium
    • 91 kudos
    2/12/20: Prod's shaders eventually meant that my shots were no longer representative of these presets, so I have revamped the page again. Hopefully I will not need to do that again anytime soon. It was a major tour de force, took quite a few days to get all the shots. I still need more of the Hinterlands, and I need a darker skinned character in the New Bleak preset as I had not decided to make that when I took the shots of Mother Giselle. Also should do Forbidden Oasis and the one-off areas that you go to for quests. I have included Halamshiral, also. There are now two versions of every preset except War Torn, one with prod's tint remover and one without. The tint remover sometimes alters blacks and whites a bit, and also it made my Realistic, Fantasy, Cinematic, and anything based on it too green. Though honestly now even without it those all look too green to me, so it might finally be time to alter those. Anyway I'm in the process of working on a new one, not sure when I'll have it done, but these updates are more than enough for now. I'm very happy with the presets at this point. Prod's shaders have totally revitalized them.
  3. themuffledman
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    For those anyone who was frustrated with the bare af "installation instructions", here's how to install it.

    1. Download the ReShade program and click on the Inquisition .exe.

    2. Just uncheck all and proceed. Those .fx files are preconfigured settings but we're using this one's anyway.

    3. Put the contents of preset on the root folder of your Inquistion folder.

    4. Launch game and load a save. The ReShade have been installed succesfully if you see a hotbar above telling you. Press 'Home' key 'cause that's the default keybind for ReShade.

    5. Now, here's the tricky part most people don't know about. After pressing Home, you'll see a panel. You'll see between the Arrow signs and + sign is a tab. Click that. That's where your preset is, for mine it was Cinematic with CinematicForTintRemover (I was frustrated how to install this at first. Turns out you install both presets and it gives an option [prod80 RemoveTint or somthing] for it to work.)

    6. You could try clicking the .fx files or using different presets there for combinations you like.
    1. Nero9369
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Any idea what would be causing a CTD before the game even opens? I have no overlays of any kind and no recording software and I did everything as you said.

      *Nvm got that figured out however now it seems the reshades aren't doing anything. Even when i Change one in game it doesn't seem to do anything
    2. druore
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you for explanation! Do you know by any chance why after selecting my preset .ini file in step 5 and then closing and reopening the ReShade options again the original ReShade.ini is in this panel instead of the custom preset .ini file? Even after the ReShade had somehow saved the preset I chose in that panel there were no changes in game.
    3. fightoffyourdemons451
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you for taking the time to explain; unfortunately, it's all different now and since you, no one has posted any updated instructions.
    4. Deadpool00005
      • premium
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      This is still correct to this day, however if when you select your preset, the game crashes instantly, you need to change the "dxgi.dll"'s name to "d3d11.dll" - Without Quotations obviously.
    5. starpavus
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      • 0 kudos
      i could just be a dummy, but i followed these instructions and everything works fine for the most part but selecting the presets don't change anything? i tried realistic and cinematic and i don't see a difference. is there something i missed?
    6. edawn95
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I had the same issue, but I just figured it out today and posted a comment with my fix, hope it works for you!
  4. edawn95
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    Okay y'all, after many hours, I've finally figured this out. I'm writing a step by step that is hopefully beginner friendly (as I hadn't really used Reshade before this). This is probably going to be the longest Nexus comment of all time, but hopefully it's helpful

    (If you struggle with written tutorials, I've linked a Youtube video at the bottom -- not mine, but one that was massively helpful for me in figuring all this out)

    Download Erika's DAI Reshade Presets (this mod)
    Make sure you have the "All-in-one folder" downloaded and somewhere easy to access. For me, that's my desktop.

    Download Reshade
    Go to Reshade.me
    Click the one that says "Download ReShade (current version) with full add-on support" (my current version is 6.1.1)
    Click through the pop up menu about single player support, and download the file.

    Reshade Setup
    Run the setup file you downloaded from the website. It should be called something like Reshade_Setup
    Click on "Dragon Age Inquisition" (or, if it isn't showing up, hit Browse, then click your game folder)
    Once you've selected Inquisition as your game, click Next

    API Selection
    **important note** For those of you who are confused by the face that there is no "Direct 3D" option, I figured out after some digging that DirectX 10/11/12 is pretty much the same thing. For me, that is the second option. (So, not DirectX 9)
    Select Microsoft DirectX 10/11/12 as your API

    Select preset to install
    Click "Skip". Don't worry, we're going to come back to this later!
    On the next page, click "Uncheck all" in the top left corner, then Next.
    Click Finish

    sadly, we are not finished, but we are getting closer to the finish line 

    IMPORTANT: Do not delete the setup file just yet. We are going to run it again in a moment.

    Next step: go to your game folder
    There are now some new files hanging out in our game folder. Head over there, because we've got some work to do.

    First, we need to create a new folder within our game folder. We're going to call this "reshade_presets".
    Next, we're going to open that "All in one" folder from Erika's presets. For me, that's on my desktop. I highly recommend you have two explorer tabs open, that way you can look at the game folder and the "all in one" folder at the same time.

    Once the folder's open, select all the presets. A preset is anything that ends in ".ini". Do NOT copy the "reshade-shaders" folder yet! Just copy the presets.
    Move the presets to our new folder, "reshade_presets"
    Now, take a look at the game folder. Notice how there's a folder called "reshade-shaders"? That's just like the one we have in Erika's folder! Open up the game folder version, then open up Erika's version. Open Erika's "Shaders" folder, then copy everything in there into the game folder "Shaders" folder. If a window pops up asking if you want to replace files, just click "Skip these files"
    Do this again with Erika's "Textures" folder.


    Run the setup file again
    Running the Reshade_setup file again will help it update all the new information we just put in. 
    Once the file is running, repeat those beginning steps: select Dragon Age: Inquisition, then DirectX 10/11/12
    Then, click Update Reshade and its effects
    This time, hit Browse
    Click your game folder. Then click "reshade-presets"
    Select one of the presets, it doesn't matter which, we can change it later
    Hit Next
    Hit Next again
    Click Finish

    It's time to run the game, y'all
    Launch DAI
    You should see a script running at the top of the screen while the game boots. This could take a while to load, but eventually it will say to hit the Home button to start Reshade's dialogue box.

    Optional, personal preference: I have never been able to get the Home button to work when using Reshade. I have no idea why. To fix this, I changed the key overlay. 
    This fix is back in the game folder. Go to the Reshade.ini file (the configuration file) and open it in Notepad. Scroll to the [INPUT] category and find the spot where it says "KeyOverlay=36,0,0,0"
    I chose the Up Arrow as my new Home key, so I changed the 36 to 38. Now, to open Reshade within the game, I hit the Up Arrow.

    Have fun with your new presets
    Once Reshade's dialogue box is open, it will take you through a little tutorial. Reshade has a ton of settings, but thankfully we won't really need them.
    At the top, under the "home, add-ons, settings" tabs, you should see the name of whatever preset you selected. For me, it's Bleak. To change the preset, click the arrow buttons, located to the left of the preset name. (This is linked to our "reshade-presets" folder, so whatever presets you have in there, it should link to our "reshade-shaders" folder, and it should all load into the game automatically!)

    thus ends the longest Nexus comment of all time

    As promised, here's the Youtube video that saved me! It's for the Sims, but same basics apply: How to Install Reshade
  5. MakoXXXX
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Couldn't have been easier to set up. ReShade (6.1.1)  Thanks!
  6. x0evenstar0x
    • premium
    • 13 kudos
    Ok so, after reading the comments I’m still a bit confused about the installation. This is the current order I followed: Install latest Reshade -> select the first two options in the installer AND Prod’s shaders -> install your presets from the all-in-one file, but don’t install the shaders that come with it. Is that correct? Should I select Prod’s shaders in the installer or use the ones included with your file?
    1. fightoffyourdemons451
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      That's because there are 4 different "instructions" here, all saying to do different things - OP did not post ANY installation instructions, so everyone is just kind of fumbling around trying to figure it out. 
  7. fightoffyourdemons451
    • supporter
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    Impossible to use w/ current installation instructions.  I downloaded ReShade, immediately asks me what API DAI uses.  I click the link to go look for it and it says "Direct 3D."  None of the options available to me are Direct 3D.  Now what? Just pick any?  None of this is explained anywhere.

    There are many more screens that require configuration with no explanation.
    OP says to put "their file" - what file?  The folder? which folder? etc. 

    People should really spend some time to put understandable instructions on a lot of these mods.  I can't imagine putting so much time and effort into something and then just skip any explanation of how to use it.
  8. BuckWilicker
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Is there a recommended version of reshade to use with this preset? I've been trying to use the current version of reshade 5.8.0 and the game CTDs the second I select one of these profiles. I tried reverting back to reshade 4.5.4  but it didn't seem to load the profile at all.
  9. Bulawa
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Just beautiful! Outstanding...! I used some more mods to enhance graphics a bit and added your fantasy preset... This doesnt look like 9 years old game anymore. Thank you very much. Endorsed. :)
  10. Lius
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    • 44 kudos
  11. diemirin
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    Amazing presets it really transforms the way the game looks! My favorite is realistic TR however like you said in the description TR can have some issues, I only notice these issues in cutscenes like strange flickering and color changing (specifically when there is movement in the scene, doesn't seem to happen when everyone is still) is there anything I can do on my end to stop this from happening? Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance =)
  12. suspicioustapeworm
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    Those screenshots look amazing. Holy shit. Keep up the good work.