Dragon Age: Origins


  1. iLoveStimpaks
    • supporter
    • 52 kudos
    Do not use the Vortex manager for modding DAO

    If you are modding Dragon Age, most mods do not use it. Follow the instructions of every mod you use to the letter. Use Dragon Mod Manager or Dragon Age Updater.


    If you are good in editing files yourself, you can might make it work together.

    Always save before entering a new area in case an npc is not working correctly so that it's easy to reload and carry on when the issue has been fixed.

    PSA: If you are having issues with invisible npcs and are using other mods than the ones I have listed, PLEASE LIST THE MODS. It will be easier and quicker for me to figure out the issue.
  2. ilsolas
    • supporter
    • 52 kudos

    Due to real life reasons I won't be maintaining my mods or my account anymore. After my break due to work, I realised I don't have time or energy to mod, update and help users. I need to focus on myself for a while. 

    What I really want to do is delete my account but I don't wish to leave users unable to access my mods so I will be leaving everything up. 

    If this account ever gets removed, I give permission for users to host or share my mods as long as I'm credited and the original readme files are attached. 
    The only exception is the mod I host on ILS Morphs: Wynne the Flip Side by MrFlipFlops.

    I do not give permission or does the original author. 
    (Please screenshot this if you do this) 
    I might come back in the future but I want to thank everyone who left lovely comments and enjoyed my edits.


    Ilsolas (iLoveStimpaks)
  3. ilsolas
    • supporter
    • 52 kudos
    Hi everyone,

    I decided to log on for the first time in two years(?) and I'm happy to see that users are enjoying my edits. I had hoped a long break would help me back into as I had an idea to redo the whole mod. When I was maintaining this mod, I know users having issues with instalment, some edits not to their taste and also when mods get taking down would throw a spanner in the works. As Dragon Age Origins is not exactly hard to mod for npc edits, it is time consuming and also not mistake friendly.

    My new idea was to redo all NPCs in their standard vanilla clothing/armor, so pretty lore-friendly and with extra tints to add variation. I won't go into detail as I'm not sure what I had in mind would work (as I'm pretty rusty in modding now) but it would be much more user friendly and hopefully the new mod would have acted as the base for others to build upon to their liking.

    I think like most people in the last few years, my mental health still isn't great and every time I have tried to get started on the new version, I simply can't. I have actually found it hard to be on my PC which is very unlike me so I'm trying to ease back into things. I hope once DAD is properly announced, it might give me the kick in the arse but I do not want to get anyone's hopes up.

    I have fought the urge to delete everything and I still won't as I had lovely private messages thanking me and I do not see the need to. I'm also sorry that I haven't been around to help any users.
  4. Perfetto97
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Can anyone help me to set this mod most of character dont have armor or clothing and some character disappear Sorry for my bad english 
  5. PSTP5
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    Does anyone have a version of Kirkwall Chantry and Templars HD available for download? The Nexus version got deleted and I can't find any download for it...
    1. Shanamah
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    2. Ayshara
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      There is no link there? Can someone post a link please?
    3. craftybubbles89
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    4. Ayshara
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Thanks so much! 
  6. ekansbot
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    Thanks for this mod :) And for how well it's organized! It was so easy to go through and delete what I didn't want, or what was conflicting, or a few broken things.

    I am not using all parts of it (nothing for a few NPCs whose vanilla I like, or the Dalish, mages, or chantry priests, as I have other replacer mods already installed for those 3), but I am using the vast majority of it, and it's working great. I have checked this in Ostagar, Lothering, Denerim marketplace, 3 origins (dwarf commoner, human noble, dalish), Redcliffe village (not the castle tho), Orzammar, Haven, Templars throughout the entire game (i originally downloaded only that part to fix all the broken ones from Viva La Orlais), Awakening's templars, and the Blackmarsh area.

    Only issues have been a few naked background NPCs, but nobody who's in cutscenes (namely the farmers in Lothering and a few ghosts in Blackmarsh. So I just deleted those folders).

    This is A LOT more dependable than Improved Atmosphere, Viva la Orlais replacers, or Ferelden pack replacers. I have a billion mods installed, about 10 of which change UTCs, so I did have to spend some time deleting conflicting files. Which wasn't super time consuming, thanks to how organized this is.

    I do have to say the Read Me & instructions are not very clear. Example: I am not using this mod's UTC for Flemeth, but the Read Me says something about the item ID being changed for her and Eamon's robe when it comes to Ferelden pack. I am concerned it might affect the Eamon UTC I have from Ferelden pack. 

    And yes this mod has a lot of requirements, but it also affects a HUGE amount of NPCs, sooo you really can't get around that... And as with any giant mod, I think you have to accept a little imperfection (random naked background NPCs) and also be willing to diligently save before you enter each area, in case there's a major issue. 

    So far I can say I recommend this :)! Thank you for not deleting it!!
  7. gingerscoundrel
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    Guys, this or Thedas Redone?
    1. Bokstavsbarn
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      Thedas Redone is for face morphs, this mod is for outfits. They are compatible (Thedas Redone has a patch for this mod).

      Both mods have an absolute MOUNTAIN of requirements, so be warned about that. I haven't tried getting this one to work yet, but setting up Thedas Redone took a couple of hours probably.
    2. gingerscoundrel
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Thank you, kind stranger
  8. l498
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    So, if you're on the fence about this and are not ready to dive into a very THICK mod installation process, I'd like to caution you / not recommend downloading this mod. It took me over an hour to "install" this one mod, with it's huge number of required mods and optional recommended mods, along with the requirements from each of those... Which at one point even involved direct file editing with two new mod tools you have to download. (For Flemeth and Isabela's DA2 appearances)

    And then, getting in game I started as a Dalish Elf. One of the generic hunters and the Elf named Maren were both naked, for the torso at least, the hunter did have her boots and gloves on. So I had to root around in the files until I found by chance that hunter_f4.utc was the problem file. Each time that meant deleting a file at random, reloading a save from before I even got to the camp so it could load / reload everyone there properly... very tedious work indeed, for two little problems.

    Getting to Ostagar I couldn't help but notice, that about 12 soldiers in the first area were all identical. And sure, there's lot of clones in DA if you think about it, but usually that's easy to ignore, because they wear full covering helmets or generic looking armor... not these guys. They all had no helmets and very unique armor from the Loincloth Fashion mod, making it very distracting.

    I decided to restart as a Dwarf commoner, which showed me that my sister Rica's hair was all fucked up. It was half glowing white in the front, but fine in the back, which meant reading into Ren's hair mod which she was using, which told me to delete the LOD23 folder to fix THAT problem. I walk outside my home and see Leske's face is a different color than his body. And I give up. I don't even know which mod was doing that, because deleting his file from this mod didn't fix it.

    TLDR: Big overhaul mods like this are a nightmare, for you and for their creator. I had the exact same experience pulling my hair out trying to get IA to work right. Don't use big mods for DAO, use small mods, in a lightweight list, if you value your sanity.
  9. ScrierOne
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    Nevermind, I'm dumb.
  10. pantanplan
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    God, this fucking rule about redistributing mods... this is a nightmare to install. I'll wait until it's added to a Nexus collection or Wabbajack modlist.
  11. Angelchii
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    • 0 kudos
    Can someone please tell me if this Mod is compatible with Dragon Age Redesigned?Dragon Age RedesignedDragon Age Redesigned
    1. NoxStellans
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Late, but it is, yes.
  12. anarchy4ever987
    • premium
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    How do you make Improved Atmosphere compatible?
  13. ruan2br
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    i put all wynne's files but she is naked in ostagar.