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Alistair's Oath v1.0


Ever wonder, even though both the description of the Warden's Oath and Alistair's
speech after the Joining states that every Warden gets one, why Alistair doesn't
have a Warden's Oath amulet of his own?

I did, and this is the answer to that. This little mod both arranges for Alistair
to be wearing his own Warden's Oath amulet, restricted to him, when you get him at
Ostagar and includes a script to put it in your inventory if you've already reached

This mod has four files:

Alistairs Oath - Vanilla -- This file contains a vanilla version of the Warden's
Oath, exactly the same as with the game new out of the box, except restricted to
Alistair rather then the main character. Alistair will have it equipped when he
joins the party at Ostagar, provided you installed this prior to arriving at Ostagar.
See Install instructions for more details.

Alistair Wardens Oath - IWO -- This file contains a slightly altered copy of the
Improved Warden Oath mod by danscott84 (used with permission), credit for the idea
and execution go to him. All I did was alter the restriction from the main character
to Alistair (and create a new utc file so Alistair will have it equipped at Ostagar).
The IWO version adds Weakens nearby Darkspawn, +1 to all attributes, 0.5 increase to
combat health regeneration, and 4% spell resistance to the original's +2 constitution
(gaining a +3 to constitution overall). If you wish to have this improved Warden's
Oath for your main character, danscott84's mod can be found here:

Alistairs Oath - IA Compatibility -- This contains a compatibility file for the
Improved Atmosphere mod by SpaceAlex which can be found here:

Alistairs Oath - GWoF Compatibility -- This file contains a compatibility file for
the Grey Wardens of Ferelden mod by TommyIrianto which can be found here:

Installation instructions

Extract either the 'Alistairs Oath - Vanilla' file or the 'Alistairs Oath - IWO' file
to "~\Documents\Bioware\Dragon Age\packages\core\override". Provided you have not
yet reached Ostagar then when you do, you will find Alistair with his own version of
the vanilla or improved Warden's Oath amulet equipped (depending on which version of
the file you used).

Please note, a character's equipment is loaded as soon as you enter the area where
they are located. So even if you have not yet added Alistair to your party, if you
have reached Ostagar prior to installing this mod, then Alistair will not have the
amulet. The solution to this is to either reload a save prior to arriving at Ostagar,
or use the console to run the included script placing the item in your inventory.
The console command is: runscript alistairs_oath

To enable the console look here:

The Make CONSOLE commands visible mod by Angel is extremely useful when using the
console, you can find it here:

To use the console, within the game, press the back tick (the button over the Tab),
then type the command and press enter.

Regarding the compatibility files:

If you have the Improved Atmosphere mod installed, delete the gen00fl_alistair.utc
file from the 'Alistairs Oath - Vanilla' or 'Alistairs Oath - IWO' folder (whichever
version you used), and replace the gen00fl_alistair.utc in
"~\Documents\Bioware\Dragon Age\packages\core\override\Improved Atmosphere\4. Companions\4.2. Gear Changes\Alistair"
with the one in the 'Alistairs Oath - IA Compatibility' file.

If you have the Grey Wardens of Ferelden mod installed, delete the
gen00fl_alistair.utc file from the 'Alistairs Oath - Vanilla' or 'Alistairs Oath -
IWO' folder (whichever version you used), and replace the gen00fl_alistair.utc in
"~\Documents\Bioware\Dragon Age\packages\core\override\Grey Wardens of Ferelden"
with the one in 'Alistairs Oath - GWoF Compatibility' file.

If you are using both Improved Atmosphere and Grey Wardens of Ferelden then delete
the gen00fl_alistair.utc file from the 'Alistairs Oath - Vanilla' or 'Alistairs Oath
- IWO' folder (whichever version you used), and replace the gen00fl_alistair.utc in
"~\Documents\Bioware\Dragon Age\packages\core\override\Improved Atmosphere\4. Companions\4.2. Gear Changes\Alistair"
with the one in the 'Alistairs Oath - GWoF Compatibility' file.


This mod will not be compatible with any mod that alters gen00fl_alistair.utc with
the exception of the above mentioned mods, unless you delete the gen00fl_alistair.utc
file from the mod. In which case the only way to get the item will be the console
command. Other then that it is completely standalone and thus should work with any
other mod not using that one file.


Inspiration for this mod goes to danscott84, author of the Improved Warden Oath mod.
Admiring his mod is what brought me to thinking about why Alistair didn't have his
own Warden's Oath. danscott84's mod can be found here:

Future Plans

None, though I'd welcome suggestions.

I tried to make this as straightforward as possible but if you have any questions
please post them in the comments section and I'll try to clear them up.
